VMware Image_en

VMware Image

Try it on VMware Player

VMware is a PC virtualization software that is released from VMware, Inc. VMware Player is free version of VMware product that can run VMware image file created by other VMware. You can try easily OpenRTM-aist on the VMware without preparing Linux box.

Donwloading VMware Player

VMware Player is available from the following VMware Inc.'s web page.

After download VMware-player-x.y.z-?????.exe, run it on your Windows PC. If you already have installed VMware (Workstation, Player, Server), this process is not necessary

VMware Image

Download OpenRTM-ready VMware image file from the following.

After downloading this file, extract the zip file on your PC. Total size of the extracted VMware image file is about 2GB. Be careful of your available disk size.

Spec. of the Virtual PC

Main memory 256MB
Network setting Bridge
CD-ROM Auto detect
FDD Connected
USB Connected
Linux Configuration
Districution Fedora Core 6
Installed packages OpenRTM and X runnable packages + samba, apache
Service samba (pre-configured)
httpd(pre configured)
Default user id/password openrtm/openrtm
Root's password openrtm
Network setting DHCP

Boot the Virtual PC

After extracting ziped VMware image, the folder OpenRTM-aist-FC6 will appear. Double click Other Linux 2.6.x kernel.vmx and launch VMware.

Try OpenRTM-aist

After booting Fedora Core 6 , please login as openrtm with password openrtm. You can find the directory OpenRTM-aist-0.4.0 on your home directory. Entering the OpenRTM-aist-0.4.0 directory, you can find examples directory with some example components. For example, entering SimpleIO directory and run run.sh, you will find that two RT-Components ConsoleInComp and ConsoelOutComp are running on each terminal. (If you cannot run run.sh'', see FAQ_en)

Before try some example RT-Components, please install Eclipse and RtcLink on your Windows host PC.


latest Releases : 2.0.0-RELESE

2.0.0-RELESE Download page

Number of Projects


Motion editor/Dynamics simulator


Dynamics simulator


Integrated Development Platform

AIST RTC collection

RT-Components collection by AIST


Tokyo Opensource Robotics Association


Middleware for DAQ (Data Aquisition) by KEK