[openrtm-commit:00709] r669 - branches/work/LoggerService/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2012年 2月 13日 (月) 17:41:57 JST

Author: fsi-katami
Date: 2012-02-13 17:41:57 +0900 (Mon, 13 Feb 2012)
New Revision: 669

Implemented  LoggerConsumer.

Modified: branches/work/LoggerService/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/LoggerConsumer.java
--- branches/work/LoggerService/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/LoggerConsumer.java	2012-02-13 08:28:41 UTC (rev 668)
+++ branches/work/LoggerService/jp.go.aist.rtm.RTC/src/jp/go/aist/rtm/RTC/LoggerConsumer.java	2012-02-13 08:41:57 UTC (rev 669)
@@ -82,639 +82,16 @@
     public void finalize(){
-    /**
-     * {@.ja リモートオブジェクトコール}
-     * {@.en Calling remote object}
-     */
-    protected void updateStatus(StatusKind statuskind, final String msg) {
-        try {
-            m_observer._ptr().update_status(statuskind, msg);
-        }
-        catch (Exception e) {
-            m_rtobj.removeSdoServiceConsumer(m_profile.id);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@.ja Kindを文字列へ変換する}
-     * {@.en Converting kind to string}
-     */
-    protected final String toString(StatusKind kind) {
-        StatusKindHolder holder = new StatusKindHolder(kind); 
-        try {
-            String ret = holder._type().member_name(kind.value()); 
-            return ret;
-        }
-        catch(Exception e){
-            return "";
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@.ja RTObjectへのリスナ接続処理}
-     * {@.en Connectiong listeners to RTObject}
-     */
-    protected void setListeners(Properties prop) {
-        if (prop.getProperty("observed_status").length()<1) {
-            prop.setProperty("observed_status", "ALL");
-        }
-        String[] observed = prop.getProperty("observed_status").split(",");
-        boolean[] flags = new boolean[StatusKind._STATUS_KIND_NUM];
-        StatusKindHolder holder = new StatusKindHolder(); 
-        for (int ic=0; ic < StatusKind._STATUS_KIND_NUM; ++ic) {
-            flags[ic] = false;
-        }
-        for (int ic=0; ic < observed.length; ++ic) {
-            observed[ic] = observed[ic].toUpperCase();
-            for(int jc=0; jc < StatusKind._STATUS_KIND_NUM; ++jc){
-                try { 
-                    if (observed[ic].equals(holder._type().member_name(jc))) {
-                        flags[jc] = true;
-                    }
-                }
-                catch(Exception e){
-                }
-            }
-            if (observed[ic].equals("ALL")) {
-                for (int jcc=0; jcc < StatusKind._STATUS_KIND_NUM; ++jcc) {
-                    flags[jcc] = true;
-                 }
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        DataRef<Boolean> bflag = new DataRef<Boolean>(new Boolean(true));
-        bflag.v = new Boolean(m_observed[StatusKind._COMPONENT_PROFILE]);
-        switchListeners(flags[StatusKind._COMPONENT_PROFILE],
-                    bflag,
-                    this,
-                    "setComponentProfileListeners",
-                    "unsetComponentProfileListeners");
-        m_observed[StatusKind._COMPONENT_PROFILE] = bflag.v.booleanValue();
-        bflag.v = new Boolean(m_observed[StatusKind._RTC_STATUS]);
-        switchListeners(flags[StatusKind._RTC_STATUS],
-                    bflag,
-                    this,
-                    "setComponentStatusListeners",
-                    "unsetComponentStatusListeners");
-        m_observed[StatusKind._RTC_STATUS] = bflag.v.booleanValue();
-        bflag.v = new Boolean(m_observed[StatusKind._EC_STATUS]);
-        switchListeners(flags[StatusKind._EC_STATUS],
-                    bflag,
-                    this,
-                    "setExecutionContextListeners",
-                    "unsetExecutionContextListeners");
-        m_observed[StatusKind._EC_STATUS] = bflag.v.booleanValue();
-        bflag.v = new Boolean(m_observed[StatusKind._PORT_PROFILE]);
-        switchListeners(flags[StatusKind._PORT_PROFILE],
-                    bflag,
-                    this,
-                    "setPortProfileListeners",
-                    "unsetPortProfileListeners");
-        m_observed[StatusKind._PORT_PROFILE] = bflag.v.booleanValue();
-        bflag.v = new Boolean(m_observed[StatusKind._CONFIGURATION]);
-        switchListeners(flags[StatusKind._CONFIGURATION],
-                    bflag,
-                    this,
-                    "setConfigurationListeners",
-                    "unsetConfigurationListeners");
-        m_observed[StatusKind._CONFIGURATION] = bflag.v.booleanValue();
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@.ja リスナ接続・切断スイッチング処理}
-     * {@.en Switching listeners connecting/disconnecting}
-     */
-    protected <DataType> 
-    void switchListeners(boolean next, DataRef<Boolean> pre,
-                         DataType obj,
-                         String setfunc, 
-                         String unsetfunc) {
-        if (!pre.v.booleanValue()  && next) {
-            try {
-                Class clazz = obj.getClass();
-                Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(setfunc,null);
-                method.invoke(obj, null);
-            }
-            catch(Exception e){
-//                rtcout.println(Logbuf.WARN, 
-//                        "Exception caught."+e.toString());
-            }
-            pre.v = new Boolean(true);
-        }
-        else if (pre.v.booleanValue() && !next) {
-            try {
-                Class clazz = obj.getClass();
-                Method method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(unsetfunc,null);
-                method.invoke(obj, null);
-            }
-            catch(Exception e){
-//                rtcout.println(Logbuf.WARN, 
-//                        "Exception caught."+e.toString());
-            }
-            pre.v = new Boolean(false);
-        }
-    }
     // Heartbeat related functions
-     * {@.ja ハートビートをオブザーバに伝える}
-     * {@.en Sending a heartbeart signal to observer}
+     * {@.ja }
+     * {@.en }
     public void doOperate(){
-//        updateStatus(StatusKind.from_int(StatusKind._HEARTBEAT), "");
-    /**
-     * {@.ja ハートビートを設定する}
-     * {@.en Setting heartbeat}
-     */
-    protected void setHeartbeat(Properties prop) {
-        if (StringUtil.toBool(prop.getProperty("heartbeat.enable"), "YES", "NO", false)) {
-            String interval = prop.getProperty("heartbeat.interval");
-            if (interval.length()<1) {
-                m_interval.convert(1.0);
-            }
-            else {
-                m_interval.convert(Double.parseDouble(interval));
-            }
-            TimeValue tm;
-            tm = m_interval;
-            m_hblistenerid = m_timer.
-              //registerListenerObj(ComponentObserverConsumer.heartbeat, tm);
-              registerListenerObj(this, tm);
-            m_timer.start();
-        }
-        else {
-            if (m_heartbeat == true && m_hblistenerid != null) {
-                unsetHeartbeat();
-                m_timer.stop();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@.ja ハートビートを解除する}
-     * {@.en Unsetting heartbeat}
-     */
-    protected void unsetHeartbeat(){
-        m_timer.unregisterListener(m_hblistenerid);
-        m_heartbeat = false;
-        m_hblistenerid = null;
-        m_timer.stop();
-    }
-    //============================================================
-    // Component status related functions
-    /**
-     * {@.ja RTC状態変化リスナの設定処理}
-     * {@.en Setting RTC status listeners}
-     */
-    protected void setComponentStatusListeners() {
-        if (m_compstat.activatedListener == null) {
-            m_compstat.activatedListener = 
-              m_rtobj.addPostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_ACTIVATED, m_compstat, "onActivated");
-        }
-        if (m_compstat.deactivatedListener == null) {
-            m_compstat.deactivatedListener = 
-              m_rtobj.addPostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_DEACTIVATED, m_compstat, "onDeactivated");
-        }
-        if (m_compstat.resetListener == null) {
-            m_compstat.resetListener = 
-              m_rtobj.addPostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_RESET, m_compstat, "onReset");
-        }
-        if (m_compstat.abortingListener == null) {
-            m_compstat.abortingListener = 
-              m_rtobj.addPostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_ABORTING, m_compstat, "onAborting");
-        }
-        if (m_compstat.finalizeListener == null) {
-            m_compstat.finalizeListener = 
-              m_rtobj.addPostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_FINALIZE, m_compstat, "onFinalize");
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@.ja RTC状態変化リスナの解除処理}
-     * {@.en Unsetting RTC status listeners}
-     */
-    protected void unsetComponentStatusListeners(){
-        if (m_compstat.activatedListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_ACTIVATED, m_compstat.activatedListener);
-            m_compstat.activatedListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_compstat.deactivatedListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_DEACTIVATED, m_compstat.deactivatedListener);
-            m_compstat.deactivatedListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_compstat.resetListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_RESET, m_compstat.resetListener);
-            m_compstat.resetListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_compstat.abortingListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_ABORTING, m_compstat.abortingListener);
-            m_compstat.abortingListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_compstat.finalizeListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_FINALIZE, m_compstat.finalizeListener);
-            m_compstat.finalizeListener = null;
-        }
-    }
-    //============================================================
-    // Port profile related functions
-    /**
-     * {@.ja Portプロファイル変化リスナの設定処理}
-     * {@.en Setting port profile listener}
-     */
-    protected void setPortProfileListeners(){
-        if (m_portaction.portAddListener == null) {
-            m_portaction.portAddListener =
-              m_rtobj.addPortActionListener(PortActionListenerType.ADD_PORT, m_portaction, "onAddPort");
-        }
-        if (m_portaction.portRemoveListener == null) {
-            m_portaction.portRemoveListener =
-              m_rtobj.addPortActionListener(PortActionListenerType.REMOVE_PORT, m_portaction, "onRemovePort");
-        }
-        if (m_portaction.portConnectListener == null) {
-            m_portaction.portConnectListener =
-              m_rtobj.addPortConnectRetListener(PortConnectRetListenerType.ON_CONNECTED, m_portaction, "onConnect");
-        }
-        if (m_portaction.portDisconnectListener == null) {
-            m_portaction.portDisconnectListener =
-              m_rtobj.addPortConnectRetListener(PortConnectRetListenerType.ON_DISCONNECTED, m_portaction, "onDisconnect");
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@.ja Portプロファイル変化リスナの解除処理}
-     * {@.en Unsetting port profile listener}
-     */
-    protected void unsetPortProfileListeners() {
-        if (m_portaction.portAddListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePortActionListener(PortActionListenerType.ADD_PORT, m_portaction.portAddListener);
-            m_portaction.portAddListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_portaction.portRemoveListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePortActionListener(PortActionListenerType.REMOVE_PORT, m_portaction.portRemoveListener);
-            m_portaction.portRemoveListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_portaction.portConnectListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj. removePortConnectRetListener(PortConnectRetListenerType.ON_CONNECTED, m_portaction.portConnectListener);
-            m_portaction.portConnectListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_portaction.portDisconnectListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePortConnectRetListener(PortConnectRetListenerType.ON_DISCONNECTED, m_portaction.portDisconnectListener);
-            m_portaction.portDisconnectListener = null;
-        }
-    }
-    //============================================================
-    // EC profile related functions
-     * {@.ja ECの状態変化リスナの設定}
-     * {@.en Setting EC status listener}
-     */
-    protected void setExecutionContextListeners(){
-        if (m_ecaction.ecAttached == null) {
-            m_ecaction.ecAttached =
-              m_rtobj.addExecutionContextActionListener(ExecutionContextActionListenerType.EC_ATTACHED, m_ecaction, "onAttached");
-        }
-        if (m_ecaction.ecDetached == null) {
-            m_ecaction.ecDetached = 
-              m_rtobj.addExecutionContextActionListener(ExecutionContextActionListenerType.EC_DETACHED, m_ecaction, "onDetached");
-        }
-        if (m_ecaction.ecRatechanged == null) {
-            m_ecaction.ecRatechanged = 
-              m_rtobj.addPostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_RATE_CHANGED, m_ecaction, "onRateChanged");
-        }
-        if (m_ecaction.ecStartup == null) {
-            m_ecaction.ecStartup = 
-              m_rtobj.addPostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_STARTUP, m_ecaction, "onStartup");
-        }
-        if (m_ecaction.ecShutdown == null) {
-            m_ecaction.ecShutdown = 
-              m_rtobj.addPostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_SHUTDOWN, m_ecaction, "onShutdown");
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@.ja ECの状態変化リスナの解除}
-     * {@.en Unsetting EC status listener}
-     */
-    protected void unsetExecutionContextListeners() {
-        if (m_ecaction.ecAttached != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removeExecutionContextActionListener(ExecutionContextActionListenerType.EC_ATTACHED, m_ecaction.ecAttached);
-        }
-        if (m_ecaction.ecDetached != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removeExecutionContextActionListener(ExecutionContextActionListenerType.EC_ATTACHED, m_ecaction.ecDetached);
-        }
-        if (m_ecaction.ecRatechanged != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_RATE_CHANGED, m_ecaction.ecRatechanged);
-        }
-        if (m_ecaction.ecStartup != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_STARTUP, m_ecaction.ecStartup);
-        }
-        if (m_ecaction.ecShutdown != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removePostComponentActionListener(PostComponentActionListenerType.POST_ON_SHUTDOWN, m_ecaction.ecShutdown);
-        }
-    }
-    //============================================================
-    // ComponentProfile related functions
-    /**
-     * {@.ja ComponentProfile状態変化リスナの設定}
-     * {@.en Setting ComponentProfile listener}
-     */
-    protected void setComponentProfileListeners() {
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@.ja ComponentProfile状態変化リスナの解除}
-     * {@.en Unsetting ComponentProfile listener}
-     */
-    protected void unsetComponentProfileListeners() {
-    }
-    //============================================================
-    // Configuration related functions
-    /**
-     * {@.ja Configuration状態変化リスナの設定}
-     * {@.en Setting Configuration listener}
-     */
-    protected void setConfigurationListeners() {
-        m_configMsg.updateConfigParamListener = 
-          m_rtobj.addConfigurationParamListener(ConfigurationParamListenerType.ON_UPDATE_CONFIG_PARAM, m_configMsg, "updateConfigParam");
-        m_configMsg.setConfigSetListener = 
-          m_rtobj.addConfigurationSetListener(ConfigurationSetListenerType.ON_SET_CONFIG_SET, m_configMsg, "setConfigSet");
-        m_configMsg.addConfigSetListener = 
-          m_rtobj.addConfigurationSetListener(ConfigurationSetListenerType.ON_ADD_CONFIG_SET, m_configMsg, "addConfigSet");
-        m_configMsg.updateConfigSetListener = 
-          m_rtobj.addConfigurationSetNameListener(ConfigurationSetNameListenerType.ON_UPDATE_CONFIG_SET, m_configMsg, "updateConfigSet");
-        m_configMsg.removeConfigSetListener = 
-          m_rtobj.addConfigurationSetNameListener(ConfigurationSetNameListenerType.ON_REMOVE_CONFIG_SET, m_configMsg, "removeConfigSet");
-        m_configMsg.activateConfigSetListener = 
-          m_rtobj.addConfigurationSetNameListener(ConfigurationSetNameListenerType.ON_ACTIVATE_CONFIG_SET, m_configMsg, "activateConfigSet");
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@.ja Configuration状態変化リスナの解除}
-     * {@.en Unsetting Configurationlistener}
-     */
-    protected void unsetConfigurationListeners() {
-        if (m_configMsg.updateConfigParamListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.
-              removeConfigurationParamListener(ConfigurationParamListenerType.ON_UPDATE_CONFIG_PARAM, m_configMsg.updateConfigParamListener);
-            m_configMsg.updateConfigParamListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_configMsg.setConfigSetListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removeConfigurationSetListener(ConfigurationSetListenerType.ON_SET_CONFIG_SET, m_configMsg.setConfigSetListener);
-            m_configMsg.setConfigSetListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_configMsg.addConfigSetListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removeConfigurationSetListener(ConfigurationSetListenerType.ON_ADD_CONFIG_SET, m_configMsg.addConfigSetListener);
-            m_configMsg.addConfigSetListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_configMsg.updateConfigSetListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removeConfigurationSetNameListener(ConfigurationSetNameListenerType.ON_UPDATE_CONFIG_SET, m_configMsg.updateConfigSetListener);
-            m_configMsg.updateConfigSetListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_configMsg.removeConfigSetListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removeConfigurationSetNameListener(ConfigurationSetNameListenerType.ON_REMOVE_CONFIG_SET, m_configMsg.removeConfigSetListener);
-            m_configMsg.removeConfigSetListener = null;
-        }
-        if (m_configMsg.activateConfigSetListener != null) {
-            m_rtobj.removeConfigurationSetNameListener(ConfigurationSetNameListenerType.ON_ACTIVATE_CONFIG_SET, m_configMsg.activateConfigSetListener);
-            m_configMsg.activateConfigSetListener = null;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * {@.ja PostComponentActionListener class}
-     * {@.en PostComponentActionListener class}
-     */
-    private class CompStatMsg {
-        public CompStatMsg(ComponentObserverConsumer coc) {
-            activatedListener = null;
-            deactivatedListener = null;
-            resetListener = null;
-            abortingListener = null;
-            finalizeListener = null;
-            m_coc = coc;
-        }
-        public void onGeneric(final String msgprefix, int ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            if (ret == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
-                String  msg =  msgprefix;
-                msg += ec_id;
-                m_coc.updateStatus(StatusKind.from_int(StatusKind._RTC_STATUS), msg);
-            }
-        }
-        public void onActivated(int ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            onGeneric("ACTIVE:", ec_id, ret);
-        }
-        public void onDeactivated(int ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            onGeneric("INACTIVE:", ec_id, ret);
-        }
-        public void onReset(int ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            onGeneric("INACTIVE:", ec_id, ret);
-        }
-        public void onAborting(int ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            onGeneric("ERROR:", ec_id, ret);
-        }
-        public void onFinalize(int ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            onGeneric("FINALIZE:", ec_id, ret);
-        }
-        public PostComponentActionListener activatedListener;
-        public PostComponentActionListener deactivatedListener;
-        public PostComponentActionListener resetListener;
-        public PostComponentActionListener abortingListener;
-        public PostComponentActionListener finalizeListener;
-        private ComponentObserverConsumer m_coc;
-    };
-    /**
-     * {@.ja PortActionListener}
-     * {@.en PortActionListener}
-     */
-    private class PortAction {
-        public PortAction(ComponentObserverConsumer coc) {
-            portAddListener = null;
-            portRemoveListener = null;
-            portConnectListener = null;
-            portDisconnectListener = null;
-            m_coc = coc;
-        }
-        public void onGeneric(final String _msg, final String portname) {
-            String msg = _msg;
-            msg += portname;
-            m_coc.updateStatus(StatusKind.from_int(StatusKind._PORT_PROFILE), msg);
-        }
-        public void onAddPort(final RTC.PortProfile pprof) {
-            onGeneric("ADD:", pprof.name);
-        }
-        public void onRemovePort(final RTC.PortProfile pprof) {
-            onGeneric("REMOVE:", pprof.name);
-        }
-        public void onConnect(final String portname,
-                     RTC.ConnectorProfile pprof, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            if (ret == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
-                onGeneric("CONNECT:", portname);
-            }
-        }
-        public void onDisconnect(final String portname, RTC.ConnectorProfile pprof, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            if (ret == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
-                onGeneric("DISCONNECT:", portname);
-            }
-        }
-        public PortActionListener portAddListener;
-        public PortActionListener portRemoveListener;
-        public PortConnectRetListener portConnectListener;
-        public PortConnectRetListener portDisconnectListener;
-        private ComponentObserverConsumer m_coc;
-    };
-    /**
-     * {@.ja ExecutionContextActionListener}
-     * {@.en ExecutionContextActionListener}
-     */
-    private class ECAction {
-        public ECAction(ComponentObserverConsumer coc) {
-            ecAttached = null;
-            ecDetached = null;
-            ecRatechanged = null;
-            ecStartup = null;
-            ecShutdown = null;
-            m_coc = coc;
-        }
-        public void onGeneric(final String _msg, int ec_id) {
-            String msg = _msg + ec_id;
-            m_coc.updateStatus(StatusKind.from_int(StatusKind._EC_STATUS), msg);
-        }
-        public void onAttached(int ec_id) {
-            onGeneric("ATTACHED:", ec_id);
-        }
-        public void onDetached(int ec_id) {
-            onGeneric("DETACHED:", ec_id);
-        }
-        public void onRateChanged(int ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            if (ret == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
-                onGeneric("RATE_CHANGED:", ec_id);
-            }
-        }
-        public void onStartup(int ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            if (ret == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
-                onGeneric("STARTUP:", ec_id);
-            }
-        }
-        public void onShutdown(int ec_id, ReturnCode_t ret) {
-            if (ret == ReturnCode_t.RTC_OK) {
-                onGeneric("SHUTDOWN:", ec_id);
-            }
-        }
-        public ExecutionContextActionListener ecAttached;
-        public ExecutionContextActionListener ecDetached;
-        public PostComponentActionListener ecRatechanged;
-        public PostComponentActionListener ecStartup;
-        public PostComponentActionListener ecShutdown;
-        private ComponentObserverConsumer m_coc;
-    };
-    /**
-     * {@.ja ConfigActionListener}
-     * {@.en ConfigActionListener}
-     */
-    private class ConfigAction {
-        public ConfigAction(ComponentObserverConsumer coc) {
-            updateConfigParamListener = null;
-            setConfigSetListener = null;
-            addConfigSetListener = null;
-            updateConfigSetListener = null;
-            removeConfigSetListener = null;
-            activateConfigSetListener = null;
-            m_coc = coc;
-        }
-        public void updateConfigParam(final String configsetname,
-                             final  String configparamname) {
-            String msg = "UPDATE_CONFIG_PARAM: ";
-            msg += configsetname;
-            msg += ".";
-            msg += configparamname;
-            m_coc.updateStatus(StatusKind.from_int(StatusKind._CONFIGURATION), msg);
-        }
-        public void setConfigSet(final Properties config_set) {
-            String msg = "SET_CONFIG_SET: ";
-            msg += config_set.getName();
-            m_coc.updateStatus(StatusKind.from_int(StatusKind._CONFIGURATION), msg);
-        }
-        public void addConfigSet(final Properties config_set) {
-            String msg = "ADD_CONFIG_SET: ";
-            msg += config_set.getName();
-            m_coc.updateStatus(StatusKind.from_int(StatusKind._CONFIGURATION), msg);
-        }
-        public void updateConfigSet(final String config_set_name) {
-            String msg = "UPDATE_CONFIG_SET: ";
-            msg += config_set_name;
-            m_coc.updateStatus(StatusKind.from_int(StatusKind._CONFIGURATION), msg);
-        }
-        public void removeConfigSet(final String config_set_name) {
-            String msg = "REMOVE_CONFIG_SET: ";
-            msg += config_set_name;
-            m_coc.updateStatus(StatusKind.from_int(StatusKind._CONFIGURATION), msg);
-        }
-        public void activateConfigSet(final String config_set_name) {
-            String msg="ACTIVATE_CONFIG_SET: ";
-            msg += config_set_name;
-            m_coc.updateStatus(StatusKind.from_int(StatusKind._CONFIGURATION), msg);
-        }
-        // Listener object's pointer holder
-        public ConfigurationParamListener   updateConfigParamListener;
-        public ConfigurationSetListener     setConfigSetListener;
-        public ConfigurationSetListener     addConfigSetListener;
-        public ConfigurationSetNameListener updateConfigSetListener;
-        public ConfigurationSetNameListener removeConfigSetListener;
-        public ConfigurationSetNameListener activateConfigSetListener;
-        private ComponentObserverConsumer m_coc;
-    };
-    /**
      * <p> creator_ </p>
      * @return Object Created instances
@@ -732,41 +109,10 @@
     public void destructor_(Object obj) {
         obj = null;
-    /**
-     * <p> ComponentObserverConsumerInit </p>
-     *
-     */
-    public static void ComponentObserverConsumerInit() {
-        final SdoServiceConsumerFactory<SdoServiceConsumerBase,String> factory 
-            = SdoServiceConsumerFactory.instance();
-        factory.addFactory(ComponentObserverHelper.id(),
-                    new ComponentObserverConsumer(),
-                    new ComponentObserverConsumer());
-    }
     private RTObject_impl m_rtobj;
     private _SDOPackage.ServiceProfile m_profile;
     private CorbaConsumer<OpenRTM.Logger> m_observer =
             new CorbaConsumer<OpenRTM.Logger>(OpenRTM.Logger.class);
-    private boolean[] m_observed = new boolean[StatusKind._STATUS_KIND_NUM];
-    private CompStatMsg m_compstat;
-    private PortAction m_portaction;
-    private ECAction m_ecaction;
-    private ConfigAction m_configMsg;
-    private TimeValue m_interval;
-    private boolean m_heartbeat;
-    private ListenerBase m_hblistenerid;
-    // このタイマーはいずれグローバルなタイマにおきかえる
-    private Timer m_timer;

openrtm-commit メーリングリストの案内