[openrtm-commit:00779] r540 - in branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist: . test

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2012年 3月 14日 (水) 17:39:40 JST

Author: kurihara
Date: 2012-03-14 17:39:40 +0900 (Wed, 14 Mar 2012)
New Revision: 540

ExtTrigExecutionContext and OpenHRPExecutionContext have been updated. refs #2323

Modified: branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/ExtTrigExecutionContext.py
--- branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/ExtTrigExecutionContext.py	2012-03-14 08:33:13 UTC (rev 539)
+++ branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/ExtTrigExecutionContext.py	2012-03-14 08:39:40 UTC (rev 540)
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
 import time
 import OpenRTM_aist
+import OpenRTM, OpenRTM__POA, RTC, RTC__POA
 # @if jp
 # @class ExtTrigExecutionContext
@@ -37,11 +37,12 @@
 # @else
 # @class ExtTrigExecutionContext
 # @endif
-class ExtTrigExecutionContext(OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicExecutionContext):
+class ExtTrigExecutionContext(OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase,
+                              OpenRTM__POA.ExtTrigExecutionContextService,
+                              OpenRTM_aist.Task):
   # @if jp
   # @brief コンストラクタ
@@ -54,62 +55,407 @@
   # @brief Constructor
   # @endif
   def __init__(self):
-    OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicExecutionContext.__init__(self)
-    self._worker = self.Worker()
-    self._rtcout = OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance().getLogbuf("rtobject.exttrig_ec")
+    self._rtcout = OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance().getLogbuf("rtobject.exttrig_async_ec")
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("ExtTrigExecutionContext.__init__()")
+    OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.__init__(self,"exttrig_async_ec")
+    OpenRTM_aist.Task.__init__(self)
+    # getting my reference
+    self.setObjRef(self._this())
+    # profile initialization
+    self.setKind(RTC.PERIODIC)
+    self.setRate(OpenRTM_aist.DEFAULT_EXECUTION_RATE)
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("Actual period: %d [sec], %d [usec]",
+                           (self._profile.getPeriod().sec(), self._profile.getPeriod().usec()))
+    self._svc = False
+    self._workerthread = self.Worker()
+    self._svcmutex = threading.RLock()
+    return
+  def __del__(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("ExtTrigExecutionContext.__del__()")
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._svcmutex)
+    self._svc = False
+    del guard
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._workerthread._mutex)
+    self._workerthread._cond.acquire()
+    self._workerthread._ticked = True
+    self._workerthread._cond.notify()
+    self._workerthread._cond.release()
+    del guard
+    self.wait()
+    Task.__del__(self)
+    return
+  # Start activity
+  # ACE_Task class method over ride.
+  # ------------------------------------------------------------
+  ##
   # @if jp
-  # @brief 処理を1ステップ進める
-  #
-  # ExecutionContextの処理を1周期分進める。
-  #
-  # @param self
-  #
+  # @brief ExecutionContext用アクティビティスレッドを生成する
   # @else
-  #
+  # @brief Generate internal activity thread for ExecutionContext
   # @endif
+  # int ExtTrigExecutionContext::open(void *args)
+  def open(self, *args):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("open()")
+    self.activate()
+    return 0
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief 各 Component の処理を呼び出す。
+  # @else
+  # @brief Invoke each component's operation
+  # @endif
+  # int ExtTrigExecutionContext::svc(void)
+  def svc(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("svc()")
+    toSTR_ = lambda x: "True" if x else "False"
+    while self.threadRunning():
+      guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._workerthread._mutex)
+      self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("Start of worker invocation. ticked = %s",
+                             toSTR_(self._workerthread._ticked))
+      while not self._workerthread._ticked:
+        self._workerthread._cond.wait() # wait for tick
+        self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("Thread was woken up.")
+      if not self._workerthread._ticked:
+        continue
+      del guard
+      t0_ = OpenRTM_aist.Time()
+      OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.invokeWorkerPreDo(self)
+      OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.invokeWorkerDo(self)
+      OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.invokeWorkerPostDo(self)
+      t1_ = OpenRTM_aist.Time()
+      guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._workerthread._mutex)
+      self._workerthread._ticked = False
+      del guard
+      period_ = self.getPeriod()
+      exctm_ = (t1_ - t0_).getTime().toDouble()
+      slptm_ = period_.toDouble() - exctm_
+      self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("Period:    %f [s]", period_.toDouble())
+      self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("Execution: %f [s]", exctm_)
+      self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("Sleep:     %f [s]", slptm_)
+      t2_ = OpenRTM_aist.Time()
+      if period_.toDouble() > ((t1_ - t0_).getTime().toDouble()):
+        self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("sleeping...")
+        slptm_ = period_.toDouble() - (t1_ - t0_).getTime().toDouble()
+        time.sleep(slptm_)
+      t3_ = OpenRTM_aist.Time()
+      self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("Slept:     %f [s]", (t3_ - t2_).getTime().toDouble())
+    return 0
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext 用のスレッド実行関数
+  # @else
+  # @brief Thread execution function for ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  # int ExtTrigExecutionContext::close(unsigned long flags)
+  def close(self, flags):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("close()")
+    # At this point, this component have to be finished.
+    # Current state and Next state should be RTC_EXITING.
+    return 0
+  #============================================================
+  # ExtTrigExecutionContextService
+  #============================================================
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief 処理を1ステップ進める
+  # @else
+  # @brief Move forward one step of ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  # void ExtTrigExecutionContext::tick()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
   def tick(self):
-    if not self._worker._cond.acquire():
+    if not self.isRunning():
+      self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("EC is not running. do nothing.")
-    self._worker._called = True
-    self._worker._cond.notify()
-    self._worker._cond.release()
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._workerthread._mutex)
+    self._workerthread._ticked = True
+    self._workerthread._cond.acquire()
+    self._workerthread._cond.notify()
+    self._workerthread._cond.release()
+    self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("EC was ticked. Signal was sent to worker thread.")
+    del guard
+  #============================================================
+  # ExecutionContextService
+  #============================================================
   # @if jp
-  # @brief 各 Component の処理を呼び出す。
-  # 
-  # ExecutionContext に attach されている各 Component の処理を呼び出す。
-  # 全 Component の処理を呼び出した後、次の呼出が発生するまで休止する。
-  # 
-  # @param self
-  # 
+  # @brief ExecutionContext 実行状態確認関数
   # @else
-  # 
+  # @brief Check for ExecutionContext running state
   # @endif
-  # 
-  def svc(self):
-    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("svc()")
-    flag = True
+  # CORBA::Boolean ExtTrigExecutionContext::is_running()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def is_running(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.isRunning(self)
-    while flag:
-      sec_ = float(self._period.usec())/1000000.0
-      self._worker._cond.acquire()
-      while not self._worker._called and self._running:
-        self._worker._cond.wait()
-      if self._worker._called:
-        self._worker._called = False
-        for comp in self._comps:
-          comp._sm.worker()
-      self._worker._cond.release()
-      flag = self._running
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行を開始
+  # @else
+  # @brief Start the ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::start()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def start(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.start(self)
   # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行を停止
+  # @else
+  # @brief Stop the ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::stop()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def stop(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.stop(self)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行周期(Hz)を取得する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Get execution rate(Hz) of ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  # CORBA::Double ExtTrigExecutionContext::get_rate()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def get_rate(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.getRate(self)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行周期(Hz)を設定する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Set execution rate(Hz) of ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::set_rate(CORBA::Double rate)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def set_rate(self, rate):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.setRate(self, rate)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントを追加する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Add an RT-Component
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t
+  # ExtTrigExecutionContext::add_component(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def add_component(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.addComponent(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief コンポーネントをコンポーネントリストから削除する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Remove the RT-Component from participant list
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::
+  # remove_component(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def remove_component(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.removeComponent(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントをアクティブ化する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Activate an RT-Component
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::
+  # activate_component(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def activate_component(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.activateComponent(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントを非アクティブ化する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Deactivate an RT-Component
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::
+  # deactivate_component(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def deactivate_component(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.deactivateComponent(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントをリセットする
+  # @else
+  # @brief Reset the RT-Component
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::
+  # reset_component(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def reset_component(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.resetComponent(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントの状態を取得する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Get RT-Component's state
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::LifeCycleState ExtTrigExecutionContext::
+  # get_component_state(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def get_component_state(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.getComponentState(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionKind を取得する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Get the ExecutionKind
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ExecutionKind ExtTrigExecutionContext::get_kind()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def get_kind(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.getKind(self)
+  #------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ExecutionContextService interfaces
+  #------------------------------------------------------------
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContextProfile を取得する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Get the ExecutionContextProfile
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ExecutionContextProfile* ExtTrigExecutionContext::get_profile()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def get_profile(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.getProfile(self)
+  #============================================================
+  # protected functions
+  #============================================================
+  ##
+  # @brief onStarted() template function
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::onStarted()
+  def onStarted(self):
+    # change EC thread state
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._svcmutex)
+    if not self._svc:
+      # If start() is called first time, start the worker thread.
+      self._svc = True
+      self.open(0)
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @brief onWaitingActivated() template function
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::
+  # onWaitingActivated(RTC_impl::RTObjectStateMachine* comp, long int count)
+  def onWaitingActivated(self, comp, count):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("onWaitingActivated(count = %d)", count)
+    self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("curr: %s, next: %s",
+                              (self.getStateString(comp.getStates().curr),
+                               self.getStateString(comp.getStates().next)))
+    # Now comp's next state must be ACTIVE state
+    # If worker thread is stopped, restart worker thread.
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._workerthread._mutex)
+    self._workerthread._ticked = True
+    self._workerthread._cond.acquire()
+    self._workerthread._cond.notify()
+    self._workerthread._cond.release()
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @brief onWaitingDeactivated() template function
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::
+  # onWaitingDeactivated(RTC_impl::RTObjectStateMachine* comp, long int count)
+  def onWaitingDeactivated(self, comp, count):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("onWaitingDeactivated(count = %d)", count)
+    self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("curr: %s, next: %s",
+                              (self.getStateString(comp.getStates().curr),
+                               self.getStateString(comp.getStates().next)))
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._workerthread._mutex)
+    self._workerthread._ticked = True
+    self._workerthread._cond.acquire()
+    self._workerthread._cond.notify()
+    self._workerthread._cond.release()
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  ##
+  # @brief onWaitingReset() template function
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t ExtTrigExecutionContext::
+  # onWaitingReset(RTC_impl::RTObjectStateMachine* comp, long int count)
+  def onWaitingReset(self, comp, count):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("onWaitingReset(count = %d)", count)
+    self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("curr: %s, next: %s",
+                              (self.getStateString(comp.getStates().curr),
+                               self.getStateString(comp.getStates().next)))
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._workerthread._mutex)
+    self._workerthread._ticked = True
+    self._workerthread._cond.acquire()
+    self._workerthread._cond.notify()
+    self._workerthread._cond.release()
+    return RTC.RTC_OK
+  # bool threadRunning()
+  def threadRunning(self):
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._svcmutex)
+    return self._svc
+  ##
+  # @if jp
   # @class Worker
   # @brief ExecutionContext 駆動クラス
@@ -138,7 +484,7 @@
     def __init__(self):
       self._mutex = threading.RLock()
       self._cond = threading.Condition(self._mutex)
-      self._called = False
+      self._ticked = False
@@ -153,6 +499,6 @@
 # @endif
 def ExtTrigExecutionContextInit(manager):
-  manager.registerECFactory("ExtTrigExecutionContext",
-                            OpenRTM_aist.ExtTrigExecutionContext,
-                            OpenRTM_aist.ECDelete)
+  OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextFactory.instance().addFactory("ExtTrigExecutionContext",
+                                                             OpenRTM_aist.ExtTrigExecutionContext,
+                                                             OpenRTM_aist.ECDelete)

Modified: branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/OpenHRPExecutionContext.py
--- branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/OpenHRPExecutionContext.py	2012-03-14 08:33:13 UTC (rev 539)
+++ branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/OpenHRPExecutionContext.py	2012-03-14 08:39:40 UTC (rev 540)
@@ -14,25 +14,260 @@
 #         Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
 #     All rights reserved.
+import threading
+import time
 import OpenRTM_aist
+import OpenRTM, OpenRTM__POA, RTC, RTC__POA
-class OpenHRPExecutionContext(OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicExecutionContext):
-    def __init__(self):
-        OpenRTM_aist.PeriodicExecutionContext.__init__(self)
-        return
+class OpenHRPExecutionContext(OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase,
+                              OpenRTM__POA.ExtTrigExecutionContextService):
+  """
+  """
+  def __init__(self):
+    self._rtcout = OpenRTM_aist.Manager.instance().getLogbuf("rtobject.exttrig_sync_ec")
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("OpenHRPExecutionContext.__init__()")
+    OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.__init__(self, "exttrig_sync_ec")
-    def tick(self):
-        for comp in self._comps:
-            comp._sm.worker()
+    self.setObjRef(self._this())
+    self.setKind(RTC.PERIODIC)
+    self.setRate(OpenRTM_aist.DEFAULT_EXECUTION_RATE)
+    self._rtcout.RTC_DEBUG("Actual rate: %d [sec], %d [usec]",
+                           (self._profile.getPeriod().sec(), self._profile.getPeriod().usec()))    
+    self._tickmutex = threading.RLock()
+    self._count = 0
+    return
-    def svc(self):
-        return 0
+  def __del__(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("OpenHRPExecutionContext().__del__()")
+    return
+  #============================================================
+  # OpenHRPExecutionContextService
+  #============================================================
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief 処理を1ステップ進める
+  # @else
+  # @brief Move forward one step of ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  def tick(self):
+    self._rtcout.RTC_TRACE("tick()")
+    if not self.isRunning():
+      return
+    guard = OpenRTM_aist.ScopedLock(self._tickmutex)
+    OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.invokeWorkerPreDo(self) # update state
+    t0 = OpenRTM_aist.Time()
+    OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.invokeWorkerDo(self)
+    t1 = OpenRTM_aist.Time()
+    OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.invokeWorkerPostDo(self)
+    t2 = OpenRTM_aist.Time()
+    period = self.getPeriod()
+    if self._count > 1000:
+      excdotm = (t1 - t0).getTime().toDouble()
+      excpdotm = (t2 - t1).getTime().toDouble()
+      slptm = period.toDouble() - (t2 - t0).getTime().toDouble()
+      self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("Period:      %f [s]", period.toDouble())
+      self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("Exec-Do:     %f [s]", excdotm)
+      self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("Exec-PostDo: %f [s]", excpdotm)
+      self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("Sleep:       %f [s]", slptm)
+    t3 = OpenRTM_aist.Time()
+    if period.toDouble() > (t2 - t0).getTime().toDouble():
+      if self._count > 1000:
+        self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("sleeping...")
+        slptm = period.toDouble() - (t2 - t0).getTime().toDouble()
+        time.sleep(slptm)
+    if self._count > 1000:
+      t4 = OpenRTM_aist.Time()
+      self._rtcout.RTC_PARANOID("Slept:       %f [s]", (t4 - t3).getTime().toDouble())
+      self._count = 0
+    self._count += 1
+    return
+  #============================================================
+  # ExecutionContextService
+  #============================================================
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext 実行状態確認関数
+  # @else
+  # @brief Check for ExecutionContext running state
+  # @endif
+  # CORBA::Boolean OpenHRPExecutionContext::is_running()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def is_running(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.isRunning(self)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行を開始
+  # @else
+  # @brief Start the ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t OpenHRPExecutionContext::start()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def start(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.start(self)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行を停止
+  # @else
+  # @brief Stop the ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t OpenHRPExecutionContext::stop()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def stop(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.stop(self)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行周期(Hz)を取得する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Get execution rate(Hz) of ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  # CORBA::Double OpenHRPExecutionContext::get_rate()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def get_rate(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.getRate(self)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContext の実行周期(Hz)を設定する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Set execution rate(Hz) of ExecutionContext
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t OpenHRPExecutionContext::set_rate(CORBA::Double rate)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def set_rate(self, rate):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.setRate(self, rate)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントを追加する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Add an RT-Component
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t
+  # OpenHRPExecutionContext::add_component(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def add_component(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.addComponent(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief コンポーネントをコンポーネントリストから削除する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Remove the RT-Component from participant list
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t OpenHRPExecutionContext::
+  # remove_component(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def remove_component(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.removeComponent(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントをアクティブ化する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Activate an RT-Component
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t OpenHRPExecutionContext::
+  # activate_component(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def activate_component(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.activateComponent(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントを非アクティブ化する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Deactivate an RT-Component
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t OpenHRPExecutionContext::
+  # deactivate_component(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def deactivate_component(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.deactivateComponent(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントをリセットする
+  # @else
+  # @brief Reset the RT-Component
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ReturnCode_t OpenHRPExecutionContext::
+  # reset_component(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def reset_component(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.resetComponent(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief RTコンポーネントの状態を取得する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Get RT-Component's state
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::LifeCycleState OpenHRPExecutionContext::
+  # get_component_state(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  # get_component_state(RTC::LightweightRTObject_ptr comp)
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def get_component_state(self, comp):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.getComponentState(self, comp)
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionKind を取得する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Get the ExecutionKind
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ExecutionKind OpenHRPExecutionContext::get_kind()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def get_kind(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.getKind(self)
+  #------------------------------------------------------------
+  # ExecutionContextService interfaces
+  #------------------------------------------------------------
+  ##
+  # @if jp
+  # @brief ExecutionContextProfile を取得する
+  # @else
+  # @brief Get the ExecutionContextProfile
+  # @endif
+  # RTC::ExecutionContextProfile* OpenHRPExecutionContext::get_profile()
+  #   throw (CORBA::SystemException)
+  def get_profile(self):
+    return OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextBase.getProfile(self)
 def OpenHRPExecutionContextInit(manager):
-  manager.registerECFactory("OpenHRPExecutionContext",
-                            OpenRTM_aist.OpenHRPExecutionContext,
-                            OpenRTM_aist.ECDelete)
+  OpenRTM_aist.ExecutionContextFactory.instance().addFactory("OpenHRPExecutionContext",
+                                                             OpenRTM_aist.OpenHRPExecutionContext,
+                                                             OpenRTM_aist.ECDelete)
+  return

Modified: branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/test/test_ExtTrigExecutionContext.py
--- branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/test/test_ExtTrigExecutionContext.py	2012-03-14 08:33:13 UTC (rev 539)
+++ branches/work/OpenRTM-aist-Python/OpenRTM_aist/test/test_ExtTrigExecutionContext.py	2012-03-14 08:39:40 UTC (rev 540)
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
     self.etec = ExtTrigExecutionContext()
     #self.etec = ExtTrigExecutionContext(self._dfp._ref)
+    return
   def tearDown(self):
@@ -56,6 +57,8 @@
   def test_run(self):
+    self.etec.start()
+    self.etec.invokeWorker()
     import time
@@ -72,9 +75,12 @@
+    self.etec.stop()
+    return
   def stop(self):
+    return
 ############### test #################
 if __name__ == '__main__':

openrtm-commit メーリングリストの案内