[openrtm-commit:01260] r2455 - in branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests: . DataFlowComponentActionProxy

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2014年 2月 12日 (水) 15:18:35 JST

Author: win-ei
Date: 2014-02-12 15:18:35 +0900 (Wed, 12 Feb 2014)
New Revision: 2455

Added the test code of Proxy. 

Added: branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests/DataFlowComponentActionProxy/DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests.cpp
--- branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests/DataFlowComponentActionProxy/DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests/DataFlowComponentActionProxy/DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests.cpp	2014-02-12 06:18:35 UTC (rev 2455)
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+ * @file   DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests.cpp
+ * @brief  DataFlowComponentActionProxy test class
+ * @date   $Date$ 
+ * @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+ *
+ * $Id$ 
+ *
+ */
+ * $Log$
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef DataFlowComponentActionProxy_cpp
+#define DataFlowComponentActionProxy_cpp
+#include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
+#include <cppunit/TextOutputter.h>
+#include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
+#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
+#include <cppunit/TestAssert.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <idl/SDOPackageSkel.h>
+#include <idl/RTCSkel.h>
+#include <DataFlowComponentActionProxy.h>
+#include <rtm/NVUtil.h>
+#include <ISDOService.h>
+#include <ISDOSystemElement.h>
+#include <IOrganization.h>
+#include <doil/corba/CORBAManager.h>
+ * @class DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests class
+ * @brief DataFlowComponentActionProxy test
+ */
+namespace DataFlowComponentActionProxy
+  class Logger
+  {
+  public:
+    void log(const std::string& msg)
+    {
+      m_log.push_back(msg);
+    }
+    int countLog(const std::string& msg)
+    {
+      int count = 0;
+      for (int i = 0; i < (int) m_log.size(); ++i)
+        {
+          if (m_log[i] == msg) ++count;
+        }
+     return count;
+    }
+  private:
+    std::vector<std::string> m_log;
+  };
+  /*!
+   * 
+   * 
+   *
+   */
+  class OrganizationServantMock
+   : public virtual ::POA_SDOPackage::Organization,
+     public virtual ::doil::CORBA::CORBAServantBase
+  {
+  public:
+    OrganizationServantMock(doil::ImplBase* impl)
+    : ::doil::CORBA::CORBAServantBase(impl), m_impl(NULL) 
+    {
+      m_impl = dynamic_cast< ::SDOPackage::Local::IOrganization* >(impl);
+    }
+    virtual ~OrganizationServantMock(){}
+    virtual char* get_organization_id(){return "OrganizationServantMock";}
+    virtual ::SDOPackage::OrganizationProperty* get_organization_property()
+    {
+      ::SDOPackage::OrganizationProperty_var ret 
+                            = new ::SDOPackage::OrganizationProperty ();
+      return ret._retn();
+    }
+    virtual ::CORBA::Any* get_organization_property_value(const char* name)
+    {
+	CORBA::Any_var value;
+	value = new CORBA::Any();
+	return value._retn();
+//      return new ::CORBA::Any();
+    }
+    virtual ::CORBA::Boolean add_organization_property(
+          const ::SDOPackage::OrganizationProperty& organization_property)
+    {
+	return true;
+    }
+    virtual ::CORBA::Boolean set_organization_property(
+          const ::SDOPackage::OrganizationProperty& organization_property)
+    {
+	return true;
+    }
+    virtual ::CORBA::Boolean set_organization_property_value(
+          const char* name, const CORBA::Any& value)
+    {
+	return true;
+    }
+    virtual ::CORBA::Boolean remove_organization_property(const char* name)
+    {
+	return true;
+    }
+    virtual ::SDOPackage::SDOSystemElement_ptr get_owner()
+    {
+        return m_varOwner._retn();
+    }
+    virtual ::CORBA::Boolean set_owner(
+          ::SDOPackage::SDOSystemElement_ptr sdo)
+    { 
+        return true; 
+    }
+    virtual ::SDOPackage::SDOList* get_members()
+    {
+//        ::SDOPackage::SDOList* ret = new ::SDOPackage::SDOList ();
+//	return ret;
+	::SDOPackage::SDOList_var sdos;
+	sdos = new ::SDOPackage::SDOList(m_memberList);
+	return sdos._retn();
+    }
+    virtual CORBA::Boolean set_members(
+          const ::SDOPackage::SDOList& sdos)
+    {
+	m_memberList = sdos;
+	return true;
+    }
+    virtual CORBA::Boolean add_members(
+          const ::SDOPackage::SDOList& sdo_list)
+    {
+        return true; 
+    }
+    virtual CORBA::Boolean remove_member(const char* id){return true;}
+    virtual ::SDOPackage::DependencyType get_dependency()
+    {
+        return m_dependency;
+    }
+    virtual CORBA::Boolean set_dependency(
+          ::SDOPackage::DependencyType dependency) 
+    { 
+	m_dependency = dependency;
+        return true; 
+    }
+  private:
+    ::SDOPackage::Local::IOrganization* m_impl;
+    ::SDOPackage::SDOSystemElement_var m_varOwner;
+    ::SDOPackage::DependencyType m_dependency;
+    ::SDOPackage::SDOList m_memberList;
+  };
+  /*!
+   * 
+   * 
+   *
+   */
+  class ISDOServiceServantMock
+   : public virtual ::POA_SDOPackage::SDOService,
+     public virtual ::doil::CORBA::CORBAServantBase
+  {
+  public:
+    ISDOServiceServantMock(doil::ImplBase* impl)
+    : ::doil::CORBA::CORBAServantBase(impl)
+    {
+      m_impl = dynamic_cast< ::SDOPackage::Local::ISDOService* >(impl);
+    }
+    virtual ~ISDOServiceServantMock(){}
+  private:
+    ::SDOPackage::Local::ISDOService* m_impl;
+  };
+  /*!
+   * 
+   * 
+   *
+   */
+  class ISDOServiceMock
+    : public virtual ::SDOPackage::Local::ISDOService
+  {
+  public:
+    ISDOServiceMock()
+      : m_refcount(0)
+    {}
+    virtual ~ISDOServiceMock(){}
+    const char* id() {return "ISDOServiceMock";}
+    const char* name() {return "ISDOServiceMock";}
+    void incRef()
+    {
+      ++m_refcount;
+    }
+    void decRef()
+    {
+      --m_refcount;
+      if (m_refcount == 0)
+        delete this;
+    }
+  private:
+    std::string m_name;
+    int m_refcount;
+  };
+  /*!
+   * 
+   * 
+   *
+   */
+  class IOrganizationMock
+    : public virtual ::SDOPackage::Local::IOrganization
+  {
+  public:
+    IOrganizationMock()
+      : m_refcount(0)
+    {}
+    virtual ~IOrganizationMock(){}
+    virtual ::std::string get_organization_id()
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::InvalidParameter,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return "IOrganizationMock";
+    }
+    virtual ::SDOPackage::Local::OrganizationProperty get_organization_property()
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+       ::SDOPackage::Local::OrganizationProperty ret;
+       return ret;
+    }
+    virtual ::std::string get_organization_property_value(const ::std::string& name)
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::InvalidParameter,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return "IOrganizationMock";
+    }
+    virtual bool add_organization_property(const ::SDOPackage::Local::OrganizationProperty& organization_property)
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::InvalidParameter,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return true;       
+    }
+    virtual bool set_organization_property(const ::SDOPackage::Local::OrganizationProperty& organization_property)
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::InvalidParameter,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return true;       
+    }
+    virtual bool set_organization_property_value(const ::std::string&name, const ::std::string& value)
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::InvalidParameter,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return true;       
+    }
+    virtual bool remove_organization_property(const ::std::string& name)
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::InvalidParameter,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return true;       
+    }
+    virtual ::SDOPackage::Local::ISDOSystemElement* get_owner()
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    virtual bool set_owner(const ::SDOPackage::Local::ISDOSystemElement* sdo)
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::InvalidParameter,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    virtual ::SDOPackage::Local::SDOList get_members()
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        ::SDOPackage::Local::SDOList ret; 
+        return ret;
+    }
+    virtual bool set_members(const ::SDOPackage::Local::SDOList& sdos)
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::InvalidParameter,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    virtual bool add_members(const ::SDOPackage::Local::SDOList& sdo_list)
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::InvalidParameter,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    virtual bool remove_member(const ::std::string& id)
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::InvalidParameter,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    virtual ::SDOPackage::Local::DependencyType get_dependency()
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        return m_dependency;
+    }
+    virtual bool set_dependency(::SDOPackage::Local::DependencyType dependency)
+      throw (::SDOPackage::Local::NotAvailable,
+             ::SDOPackage::Local::InternalError)
+    {
+        m_dependency = dependency;
+        return true;
+    }
+    const char* id() {return "IOrganizationMock";}
+    const char* name() {return "IOrganizationMock";}
+    void incRef()
+    {
+      ++m_refcount;
+    }
+    void decRef()
+    {
+      --m_refcount;
+      if (m_refcount == 0)
+        delete this;
+    }
+  private:
+    std::string m_name;
+    int m_refcount;
+    ::SDOPackage::Local::DependencyType m_dependency;
+   };
+  /*!
+   * 
+   * 
+   *
+   */
+  class DataFlowComponentActionMock
+    : public virtual ::POA_RTC::DataFlowComponentAction
+  {
+  protected:
+      ::std::vector<std::string> m_log;
+  private:
+    Logger* m_logger;
+  public :
+      DataFlowComponentActionMock(){}
+      virtual ~DataFlowComponentActionMock()
+      {
+      }
+      void setLogger(Logger* logger)
+      {
+        m_logger = logger;
+      }
+    /*! 
+     *
+     */
+    ::RTC::ReturnCode_t on_execute(::RTC::ExecutionContextHandle_t exec_handle)
+    {
+        if (m_logger != NULL) 
+        {
+            m_logger->log("on_execute");
+        }
+    }
+    /*! 
+     *
+     */
+    ::RTC::ReturnCode_t on_state_update(::RTC::ExecutionContextHandle_t exec_handle)
+    {
+        if (m_logger != NULL) 
+        {
+            m_logger->log("on_state_update");
+        }
+    }
+    /*! 
+     *
+     */
+    ::RTC::ReturnCode_t on_rate_changed(::RTC::ExecutionContextHandle_t exec_handle)
+    {
+        if (m_logger != NULL) 
+        {
+            m_logger->log("on_rate_changed");
+        }
+    }
+  };
+  class DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests
+   : public CppUnit::TestFixture
+  {
+    CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests);
+    CPPUNIT_TEST(test_on_execute);
+    CPPUNIT_TEST(test_on_state_update);
+    CPPUNIT_TEST(test_on_rate_changed);
+  private:
+    CORBA::ORB_ptr m_pORB;
+    PortableServer::POA_ptr m_pPOA;
+  public:
+    /*!
+     * @brief Constructor
+     */
+    DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests()
+    {
+      int argc = 0;
+      char** argv = NULL;
+      m_pORB = CORBA::ORB_init(argc, argv);
+      m_pPOA = PortableServer::POA::_narrow(
+                       m_pORB->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA"));
+      m_pPOA->the_POAManager()->activate();
+    }
+    /*!
+     * @brief Destructor
+     */
+    ~DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests()
+    {
+    }
+    /*!
+     * @brief Test initialization
+     */
+    virtual void setUp()
+    {
+    }
+    /*!
+     * @brief Test finalization
+     */
+    virtual void tearDown()
+    { 
+    }
+    /*! 
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    void test_on_execute()
+    {
+      DataFlowComponentActionMock* obj = new DataFlowComponentActionMock();
+      ::CORBA::Object_ptr ref = obj->_this();
+      if(::CORBA::is_nil(ref))
+      {
+         std::cout<<"ref is nil.Abort test."<<std::endl;
+         return;
+      }
+      ::RTC::CORBA::DataFlowComponentActionProxy* ap 
+                 = new ::RTC::CORBA::DataFlowComponentActionProxy(ref);
+      Logger logger;
+      obj->setLogger(&logger);
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, logger.countLog("on_execute"));
+      ::RTC::Local::ExecutionContextHandle_t exec_handle;
+      ap->on_execute(exec_handle);
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, logger.countLog("on_execute"));
+      delete ap;
+      CORBA::release(ref);
+    }
+    /*! 
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    void test_on_state_update()
+    {
+      DataFlowComponentActionMock* obj = new DataFlowComponentActionMock();
+      ::CORBA::Object_ptr ref = obj->_this();
+      if(::CORBA::is_nil(ref))
+      {
+         std::cout<<"ref is nil.Abort test."<<std::endl;
+         return;
+      }
+      ::RTC::CORBA::DataFlowComponentActionProxy* ap 
+                 = new ::RTC::CORBA::DataFlowComponentActionProxy(ref);
+      Logger logger;
+      obj->setLogger(&logger);
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, logger.countLog("on_state_update"));
+      ::RTC::Local::ExecutionContextHandle_t exec_handle;
+      ap->on_state_update(exec_handle);
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, logger.countLog("on_state_update"));
+      delete ap;
+      CORBA::release(ref);
+    }
+    /*! 
+     *
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    void test_on_rate_changed()
+    {
+      DataFlowComponentActionMock* obj = new DataFlowComponentActionMock();
+      ::CORBA::Object_ptr ref = obj->_this();
+      if(::CORBA::is_nil(ref))
+      {
+         std::cout<<"ref is nil.Abort test."<<std::endl;
+         return;
+      }
+      ::RTC::CORBA::DataFlowComponentActionProxy* ap 
+                 = new ::RTC::CORBA::DataFlowComponentActionProxy(ref);
+      Logger logger;
+      obj->setLogger(&logger);
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, logger.countLog("on_rate_change"));
+      ::RTC::Local::ExecutionContextHandle_t exec_handle;
+      ap->on_rate_changed(exec_handle);
+      CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, logger.countLog("on_rate_change"));
+      delete ap;
+      CORBA::release(ref);
+    }
+    /* test case */
+    void test_case0()
+    {
+    }
+  };
+}; // namespace DataFlowComponentActionProxy
+ * Register test suite
+ */
+#ifdef LOCAL_MAIN
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner;
+    runner.addTest(CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest());
+    CppUnit::Outputter* outputter = 
+      new CppUnit::TextOutputter(&runner.result(), std::cout);
+    runner.setOutputter(outputter);
+    bool retcode = runner.run();
+    return !retcode;
+#endif // MAIN
+#endif // DataFlowComponentActionProxy_cpp

Added: branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests/DataFlowComponentActionProxy/Makefile.am
--- branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests/DataFlowComponentActionProxy/Makefile.am	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/work_ForDoil/OpenRTM-aist/src/lib/doil/utils/omniidl_be/tests/DataFlowComponentActionProxy/Makefile.am	2014-02-12 06:18:35 UTC (rev 2455)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# -*- Makefile -*-
+# @file   Makefile.am
+# @brief  Makefile.am for DataFlowComponentActionProxy unit test
+# @date   $Date$
+# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# $Id$
+# $Log$
+AM_CPPFLAGS= -I.                                    \
+	-I$(includedir)                             \
+	-I$(top_builddir)                           \
+	-I.                                         \
+	-I../                                       \
+        -I$(top_builddir)/../../../../              \
+        -I../../../../           \
+        -I../../../../../           \
+        -I../../../../../rtm           \
+        -I../../../../../coil/include  \
+        -I../../../../../rtc/corba/idl \
+        -I../../../../../rtc/corba     \
+        -I/usr/include/                             \
+        -I/usr/include/omniORB4/
+AM_LDFLAGS= -L.                   \
+	-L$(top_builddir)         \
+        -L$(top_builddir)/../../../../coil/lib
+        ../../../../../rtc/corba/idl/SDOPackage.idl \
+        ../../../../../rtc/corba/idl/RTC.idl        \
+        ../../../../../rtc/corba/idl/OpenRTM.idl 
+#        $(top_builddir)/../../../../rtc/corba/idl/SDOPackage.idl \
+#        $(top_builddir)/../../../../rtc/corba/idl/RTC.idl        \
+#        $(top_builddir)/../../../../rtc/corba/idl/OpenRTM.idl 
+noinst_PROGRAMS = DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests
+DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests_SOURCES = \
+        ../TestRunner.cpp                                       \
+	$(IDL_SOURCES:.idl=Skel.cpp)                            \
+        ../../../../../doil/corba/CORBAManager.cpp \
+        ../../../../../doil/ORBManager.cpp         \
+        ../../../../../rtm/NVUtil.cpp              \
+        ../RTCTypeConversion.cpp                   \
+        ../SDOPackageTypeConversion.cpp            \
+        ../DataFlowComponentActionProxy.cpp \
+        DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests.cpp
+#        $(top_builddir)/../../../../doil/corba/CORBAManager.cpp \
+#        $(top_builddir)/../../../../doil/ORBManager.cpp         \
+#        $(top_builddir)/../../../../rtm/NVUtil.cpp              \
+#        $(top_builddir)/RTCTypeConversion.cpp                   \
+#        $(top_builddir)/SDOPackageTypeConversion.cpp            \
+#        $(top_builddir)/DataFlowComponentActionProxy.cpp \
+DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests_LDFLAGS = -L$(libdir)
+DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests_LDADD   = \
+         -lcppunit                                 \
+         -lomniORB4                                \
+         -lomnithread                              \
+         -lomniDynamic4                            \
+         -lcoil 
+TEST_SRC = $(DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests_SOURCES)
+TEST_H   = 
+# all
+all: do-test
+# do tests
+	./DataFlowComponentActionProxyTests
+# clean-up
+	rm -f *.o *.Po *.gch *.la
+	rm -f *~ *core
+	rm -f *.xml
+	rm -f Makefile.old
+	rm -f *.vcproj
+	rm -rf Release Debug
+# vcproj file build rules
+win32_builddir = .
+vcproj: DataFlowComponentActionProxy_vc8.vcproj DataFlowComponentActionProxy_vc9.vcproj  DataFlowComponentActionProxy_vc10.vcproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcprojtool.py vcproj \
+		--projectname DataFlowComponentActionProxyTest \
+		--type EXE \
+		--vcversion "8.00" \
+		--version $(COIL_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/DataFlowComponentActionProxy_vc8.vcproj \
+		--yaml ../coil_test.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(TEST_SRC)
+#		--header $(TEST_H)
+	qkc -sm $(win32_builddir)/DataFlowComponentActionProxy_vc8.vcproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcprojtool.py vcproj \
+		--projectname DataFlowComponentActionProxyTest \
+		--type EXE \
+		--vcversion "9.00" \
+		--version $(COIL_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/DataFlowComponentActionProxy_vc9.vcproj \
+		--yaml ../coil_test.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(TEST_SRC)
+#		--header $(TEST_H)
+	qkc -sm $(win32_builddir)/DataFlowComponentActionProxy_vc9.vcproj
+	$(top_builddir)/build/vcprojtool.py vcproj \
+		--projectname DataFlowComponentActionProxyTest \
+		--type EXE \
+		--vcversion "10.00" \
+		--version $(COIL_VERSION) \
+		--out $(win32_builddir)/DataFlowComponentActionProxy_vc10.vcproj \
+		--yaml ../coil_test.vcproj.yaml \
+		--source $(TEST_SRC)
+	qkc -sm $(win32_builddir)/DataFlowComponentActionProxy_vc10.vcproj

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