[openrtm-commit:02636] r3002 - trunk/OpenRTM-aist/build

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2017年 6月 13日 (火) 15:45:31 JST

Author: kawauchi
Date: 2017-06-13 15:45:30 +0900 (Tue, 13 Jun 2017)
New Revision: 3002

[compat,->RELENG_1_2] With OpenRTM-aist version 1.2.0 or later, you can install OpenRTM-aist, OpenRTM-aist-Python, OpenRTM-aist-Java, OpenRTP, RTShell with this script. refs #3829

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/build/pkg_install_debian.sh
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/build/pkg_install_debian.sh	2017-06-12 08:27:23 UTC (rev 3001)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/build/pkg_install_debian.sh	2017-06-13 06:45:30 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -1,32 +1,192 @@
 # @file pkg_install_debian.sh
-# @brief OpenRTM-aist dependent packages install script for Debian-sarge
+# @brief OpenRTM-aist dependent packages install script for Debian
 # @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
 #         Shinji Kurihara
 #         Tetsuo Ando
 #         Harumi Miyamoto
-#         Nobu Kawauchi
+#         Nobu   Kawauchi
+# usage
+  cat <<EOF
+  Usage: 
+    $(basename ${0}) [-l all/c++] [-r/-d/-s/-c] [-u]
+    $(basename ${0}) [-l python/java] [-d/-c] [-u]
+    $(basename ${0}) [-l openrtp/rtshell] [-d] [-u]                           
+  Example:
+    $(basename ${0})  [= $(basename ${0}) -l c++ -d]
+    $(basename ${0}) -l all -d  [= -l c++ -l python -l java -l openrtp -l rtshell -d]
+    $(basename ${0}) -l c++ -l python -c --yes
+  Options:
+    -l <argument>  language or tool [c++/python/java/openrtp/rtshell]
+    -r             install robot component runtime
+    -d             install robot component developer [default]
+    -s             install tool_packages for build source packages
+    -c             install tool_packages for core developer
+    -u             uninstall
+    --yes          force yes
+    --help, -h     print this
 # パッケージリスト
-omni="libomniorb4-dev omniidl"
 ace="libace libace-dev"
-openrtm="openrtm-aist openrtm-aist-doc openrtm-aist-dev openrtm-aist-example"
-openrtm04="openrtm-aist=0.4.2-1 openrtm-aist-doc=0.4.2-1 openrtm-aist-dev=0.4.2-1 openrtm-aist-example=0.4.2-1"
-pyyaml="python-support python-yaml"
-devel="gcc g++ make uuid-dev"
-packages="$devel $omni $pyyaml $openrtm"
-u_packages="$omni $ace $openrtm "
+openrtm04="openrtm-aist=0.4.2-1 openrtm-aist-doc=0.4.2-1 openrtm-aist-dev=0.4.2-1 openrtm-aist-example=0.4.2-1 python-yaml"
-reposervers="www.openrtm.org www.openrtm.de"
+#--------------------------------------- C++
+autotools="autoconf libtool libtool-bin"
+base_tools="bc iputils-ping net-tools"
+cxx_devel="gcc g++ make python-yaml"
+cmake_tools="cmake doxygen"
+deb_pkg="uuid-dev libboost-filesystem-dev"
+pkg_tools="build-essential debhelper devscripts"
+omni_devel="libomniorb4-dev omniidl"
+openrtm_devel="openrtm-aist-doc openrtm-aist-dev"
+openrtm_runtime="openrtm-aist openrtm-aist-example"
+runtime_pkgs="$omni_runtime $openrtm_runtime"
+src_pkgs="$cxx_devel $cmake_tools $deb_pkg $omni_runtime $omni_devel"
+u_src_pkgs="$omni_runtime $omni_devel"
+dev_pkgs="$runtime_pkgs $src_pkgs $openrtm_devel"
+u_dev_pkgs="$u_runtime_pkgs $omni_devel $openrtm_devel"
+core_pkgs="$src_pkgs $autotools $base_tools $build_tools $pkg_tools"
+#--------------------------------------- Python
+python_devel="python python-pip python-pyorbit-omg"
+openrtm_py_runtime="openrtm-aist-python openrtm-aist-python-example"
+python_base="$python_devel $cmake_tools"
+python_omni="$omni_runtime $omnipy"
+python_dev_pkgs="$python_base $python_omni $openrtm_py_runtime $openrtm_py_devel"
+u_python_dev_pkgs="$python_omni $openrtm_py_runtime $openrtm_py_devel"
+python_core_pkgs="$python_base $python_omni $build_tools"
+#--------------------------------------- Java
+openrtm_java_runtime="openrtm-aist-java openrtm-aist-java-example"
+java_dev_pkgs="$java_devel $omni_runtime $cmake_tools $openrtm_java_runtime $openrtm_java_devel"
+u_java_dev_pkgs="$omni_runtime $openrtm_java_runtime $openrtm_java_devel"
+java_core_pkgs="$java_devel $omni_runtime $cmake_tools $build_tools"
+#--------------------------------------- OpenRTP
+# Script options, argument analysis
+  local arg=$1
+  arg_err=0
+  case "$arg" in
+    all ) arg_all=true ;;
+    c++ ) arg_cxx=true ;;
+    python ) arg_python=true ;;
+    java ) arg_java=true ;;
+    openrtp ) arg_openrtp=true ;;
+    rtshell ) arg_rtshell=true ;;
+    *) arg_err=-1 ;;
+  esac
+  # オプション指定が無い場合のデフォルト設定
+  if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
+    arg_cxx=true
+    OPT_DEV=true
+  fi
+  arg_num=$#
+  OPT=`getopt -o l:rcsdhu -l help,yes -- $@` > /dev/null 2>&1
+  # return code check
+  if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+    echo "[ERROR] Invalid option '$1'"
+    usage
+    exit
+  fi
+  eval set -- $OPT
+  while true
+  do
+    case "$1" in
+        -h|--help ) usage ; exit ;;
+        --yes ) FORCE_YES=true ;;
+        -l )  if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
+                echo "$1 option requires an argument." 1>&2
+                exit
+              fi
+              check_arg $2
+              if [ "$arg_err" = "-1" ]; then
+                echo "[ERROR] Invalid argument '$2'"
+                usage
+                exit
+              fi
+              shift ;;
+        -r )  OPT_RT=true ;;
+        -d )  OPT_DEV=true ;;
+        -s )  OPT_SRC=true ;;
+        -c )  OPT_CORE=true ;;
+        -u )  OPT_FLG=false ;;
+        -- ) shift ; break ;;                 
+        * )
+          echo "Internal Error" 1>&2
+          exit ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+  done
+  # オプション指定が -u のみの場合
+  if [ $arg_num -eq 1 ] ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xfalse" ; then 
+      arg_cxx=true
+    fi
+  fi
 # ロケールの言語確認
@@ -37,30 +197,29 @@
 locale | grep ja_JP > /dev/null && lang="jp"
 if test "$lang" = "jp" ;then
-    msg1="ディストリビューションを確認してください。\nDebian以外のOSの可能性があります。"
-    msg2="コードネーム : "
-    msg3="このOSはサポートされておりません。"
-    msg4=" OpenRTM-aistのリポジトリが登録されていません。"
-    msg5="Source.listにOpenrRTM-aistのリポジトリ:"
+    msg1="ディストリビューションを確認してください。\nDebianかUbuntu以外のOSの可能性があります。"
+    msg2="コードネーム :"
+    msg3="このOSはサポートしておりません。"
+    msg4="OpenRTM-aist のリポジトリが登録されていません。"
+    msg5="Source.list に OpenRTM-aist のリポジトリ: "
     msg6="を追加します。よろしいですか?(y/n)[y] "
-    msg11="アンインストール中です"
+    msg11="アンインストール中です."
     msg1="This distribution may not be debian/ubuntu."
     msg2="The code name is : "
     msg3="This OS is not supported."
     msg4="No repository entry for OpenRTM-aist is configured in your system."
-    msg5="repository entry for OpenrRTM-aist: "
-    msg6="Do you want to add the repository entry for OpenrRTM-aist in source.list?(y/n)[y] "
+    msg5="repository entry for OpenRTM-aist: "
+    msg6="Do you want to add new repository entry for OpenRTM-aist in source.list? (y/n) [y] "
     msg8="This script should be run as root."
     msg9="Now installing: "
     msg11="Now uninstalling: "
@@ -69,24 +228,24 @@
 # コードネーム取得
 check_codename () {
-    cnames="sarge etch lenny squeeze wheezy jessie"
-    for c in $cnames; do
-	if test -f "/etc/apt/sources.list"; then
-	    res=`grep $c /etc/apt/sources.list`
-	else
-	    echo $msg1
-	    exit
-	fi
-	if test ! "x$res" = "x" ; then
-	    code_name=$c
-	fi
-    done
-    if test ! "x$code_name" = "x"; then
-	echo $msg2 $code_name
+  cnames="sarge etch lenny squeeze wheezy jessie"
+  for c in $cnames; do
+    if test -f "/etc/apt/sources.list"; then
+      res=`grep $c /etc/apt/sources.list`
-	echo $msg3
-	exit
+      echo $msg1
+      exit
+    if test ! "x$res" = "x" ; then
+      code_name=$c
+    fi
+  done
+  if test ! "x$code_name" = "x"; then
+    echo $msg2 $code_name
+  else
+    echo $msg3
+    exit
+  fi
@@ -94,31 +253,31 @@
-    minrtt=65535
-    nearhost=''
-    for host in $reposervers; do
-	rtt=`ping -c 1 $host | grep 'time=' | sed -e 's/^.*time=\([0-9\.]*\) ms.*/\1/' 2> /dev/null`
-	if test "x$rtt" = "x"; then
-	    rtt=65535
-	fi
-	if test `echo "scale=2 ; $rtt < $minrtt" | bc` -gt 0; then
-	    minrtt=$rtt
-	    nearhost=$host
-	fi
-    done
-    if test "x$nearhost" = "x"; then
-	echo "Repository servers unreachable.", $hosts
-	exit 1
+  minrtt=65535
+  nearhost=''
+  for host in $reposervers; do
+    rtt=`ping -c 1 $host | grep 'time=' | sed -e 's/^.*time=\([0-9\.]*\) ms.*/\1/' 2> /dev/null`
+    if test "x$rtt" = "x"; then
+      rtt=65535
-    reposerver=$nearhost
+    if test `echo "scale=2 ; $rtt < $minrtt" | bc` -gt 0; then
+      minrtt=$rtt
+      nearhost=$host
+    fi
+  done
+  if test "x$nearhost" = "x"; then
+    echo "Repository servers unreachable.", $hosts
+    echo "Check your internet connection. (or are you using proxy?)"
+    nearhost=$default_reposerver
+  fi
+  reposerver=$nearhost
 # リポジトリサーバ
 create_srclist () {
-    openrtm_repo="deb http://$reposerver/pub/Linux/debian/ $code_name main"
+  openrtm_repo="deb http://$reposerver/pub/Linux/debian/ $code_name main"
@@ -125,20 +284,22 @@
 # ソースリスト更新関数の定義
 update_source_list () {
-    rtmsite=`grep $reposerver /etc/apt/sources.list`
-    if test "x$rtmsite" = "x" ; then
-	echo $msg4
-	echo $msg5
-	echo "  " $openrtm_repo
-	read -p "$msg6" kick_shell
+  rtmsite=`grep "$openrtm_repo" /etc/apt/sources.list`
+  if test "x$rtmsite" = "x" ; then
+    echo $msg4
+    echo $msg5
+    echo "  " $openrtm_repo
+    read -p "$msg6" kick_shell
-	if test "x$kick_shell" = "xn" ; then
-	    echo $msg7
-	    exit 0
-	else
-	    echo $openrtm_repo >> /etc/apt/sources.list
-	fi
+    if test "x$kick_shell" = "xn" ; then
+      echo $msg7
+      exit 0
+    else
+      echo $openrtm_repo >> /etc/apt/sources.list
+   # 公開鍵登録
+      #apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 4BCE106E087AFAC0
+  fi
@@ -145,13 +306,13 @@
 # root かどうかをチェック
 check_root () {
-    if test ! `id -u` = 0 ; then
-	echo ""
-	echo $msg8
-	echo $msg7
-	echo ""
-	exit 1
-    fi
+  if test ! `id -u` = 0 ; then
+    echo ""
+    echo $msg8
+    echo $msg7
+    echo ""
+    exit 1
+  fi
@@ -158,12 +319,26 @@
 # パッケージインストール関数
 install_packages () {
-    for p in $*; do
-	echo $msg9 $p 
-	apt-get install $p
-	echo $msg10
-	echo ""
-    done
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $msg9 $p
+    dpkg -l | grep $p > /dev/null 2>&1
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+      tmp_pkg="$install_pkgs $p"
+      install_pkgs=$tmp_pkg
+    fi
+    if test "x$FORCE_YES" = "xtrue" ; then
+      apt-get install --assume-yes --allow-unauthenticated $p
+    else
+      apt-get install $p
+    fi
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+      echo $msg7
+      exit
+    fi
+    echo $msg10
+    echo ""
+  done
@@ -170,9 +345,9 @@
 # リストを逆順にする
 reverse () {
-    for i in $*; do
-	echo $i
-    done | sed '1!G;h;$!d'
+  for i in $*; do
+    echo $i
+  done | sed '1!G;h;$!d'
@@ -179,38 +354,243 @@
 # パッケージをアンインストールする
 uninstall_packages () {
-    for p in $*; do
-        echo $msg11 $p
-        aptitude remove $p
-        if test "$?" != 0; then
-            apt-get purge $p
-        fi
-        echo $msg10
-        echo ""
-    done
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $msg11 $p
+    tmp_pkg="$uninstall_pkgs $p"
+    uninstall_pkgs=$tmp_pkg
+    apt-get --purge remove $p
+    if test "$?" != 0; then
+      apt-get purge $p
+    fi
+    echo $msg10
+    echo ""
+  done
+# install_branch
+  if test "x$arg_cxx" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install tool_packages for core developer"
+      install_packages $core_pkgs
+    elif test "x$OPT_SRC" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install tool_packages for source packages"
+      install_packages $src_pkgs
+    elif test "x$OPT_RT" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install robot component runtime"
+      install_packages $runtime_pkgs
+    else
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install robot component developer"
+      install_packages $dev_pkgs
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_python" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_p="[python] install tool_packages for core developer"
+      install_packages $python_core_pkgs
+    else
+      select_opt_p="[python] install robot component developer"
+      install_packages $python_dev_pkgs
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_java" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_j="[java] install tool_packages for core developer"
+      install_packages $java_core_pkgs
+    else
+      select_opt_j="[java] install robot component developer"
+      install_packages $java_dev_pkgs
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_openrtp" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_rtp="[openrtp] install"
+    install_packages $openrtp_pkgs
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_shl="[rtshell] install"
+    install_packages $python_devel
+    rtshell_ret=`pip install rtshell`
+  fi
+# uninstall_branch
+  if test "x$arg_cxx" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall tool_packages for core developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_core_pkgs`
+    elif test "x$OPT_SRC" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall tool_packages for source packages"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_src_pkgs`
+    elif test "x$OPT_RT" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall robot component runtime"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_runtime_pkgs`
+    else
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall robot component developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_dev_pkgs`
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_python" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_p="[python] uninstall tool_packages for core developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_python_core_pkgs`
+    else
+      select_opt_p="[python] uninstall robot component developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_python_dev_pkgs`
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_java" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_j="[java] uninstall tool_packages for core developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_java_core_pkgs`
+    else
+      select_opt_j="[java] uninstall robot component developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_java_dev_pkgs`
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_openrtp" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_rtp="[openrtp] uninstall"
+    uninstall_packages $openrtp_pkgs
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_shl="[rtshell] uninstall"
+    rtshell_ret=`pip uninstall -y rtshell`
+  fi
+# print_option
+  cat <<EOF
+ Selected options is ...
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_c" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_c
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_p" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_p
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_j" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_j
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_rtp" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_rtp
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_shl" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_shl
+  fi
+# install_result
+  print_option
+  cat <<EOF
+ Install package is ...
+  if [ $# -eq 0 ] && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xfalse"; then
+    echo "There is no installation package."
+    return
+  fi
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $p
+  done
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xtrue"; then
+    if test "x$rtshell_ret" != "x"; then
+      echo "rtshell" 
+    fi
+  fi
+# uninstall_result
+  cat <<EOF
+ Uninstall package is ...
+  if [ $# -eq 0 ] && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xtrue"; then
+    echo "There is no installation package."
+    return
+  fi
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $p
+  done
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xfalse"; then
+    if test "x$rtshell_ret" != "x"; then
+      echo "rtshell" 
+    fi
+  fi
 # メイン
+get_opt $@
+apt-get autoclean
+apt-get update
-if test "x$1" = "x0.4.2" || test "x$1" = "x0.4" ; then
-    openrtm=$openrtm04
-    packages="$devel $omni $ace $pyyaml $openrtm"
+if test "x$arg_all" = "xtrue" ; then
+  arg_cxx=true
+  arg_python=true
+  arg_java=true
+  arg_openrtp=true
+  arg_rtshell=true
+  if test "x$OPT_RT" != "xtrue" && 
+     test "x$OPT_DEV" != "xtrue" &&
+     test "x$OPT_SRC" != "xtrue" && 
+     test "x$OPT_CORE" != "xtrue" ; then
+    # set default option
+    OPT_DEV=true
+  fi
-if test "x$1" = "x-u" ; then
-    uninstall_packages `reverse $u_packages`
+if test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xtrue" ; then
+  install_branch
-    check_reposerver
-    create_srclist
-    update_source_list
-    apt-get autoclean
-    apt-get update
-    uninstall_packages `reverse $openrtm`
-    install_packages $packages
+  uninstall_branch
+install_result $install_pkgs
+uninstall_result $uninstall_pkgs

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/build/pkg_install_fedora.sh
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/build/pkg_install_fedora.sh	2017-06-12 08:27:23 UTC (rev 3001)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/build/pkg_install_fedora.sh	2017-06-13 06:45:30 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -5,28 +5,102 @@
 # @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
 #         Shinji Kurihara
 #         Tetsuo Ando
-#         Nobu Kawauchi
+#         Nobu   Kawauchi
-# このシェルスクリプトは、aceおよびomniORBのパッケージをインストールし、
-# fedoraの開発環境を構築します。
-# $Id$
+# usage
+  cat <<EOF
+  Usage: 
+    $(basename ${0}) [-l all/c++] [-r/-d/-s/-c] [-u]
+    $(basename ${0}) [-l python/java] [-d/-c] [-u]
+    $(basename ${0}) [-l openrtp] [-d] [-u]                           
+  Example:
+    $(basename ${0})  [= $(basename ${0}) -l c++ -d]
+    $(basename ${0}) -l all -d  [= -l c++ -l python -l java -l openrtp -d]
+    $(basename ${0}) -l c++ -l python -c --yes
+  Options:
+    -l <argument>  language or tool [c++/python/java/openrtp]
+    -r             install robot component runtime
+    -d             install robot component developer [default]
+    -s             install tool_packages for build source packages
+    -c             install tool_packages for core developer
+    -u             uninstall
+    --yes          force yes
+    --help, -h     print this
 # パッケージリスト
 version_num=`cat /etc/fedora-release | awk '/Fedora/{print $3}' -`
-omni="omniORB omniORB-devel omniORB-doc omniORB-servers omniORB-utils"
 ace="ace ace-devel"
-openrtm="OpenRTM-aist OpenRTM-aist-devel OpenRTM-aist-doc OpenRTM-aist-example PyYAML"
 openrtm04="OpenRTM-aist-0.4.2 OpenRTM-aist-devel-0.4.2 OpenRTM-aist-doc-0.4.2 OpenRTM-aist-example-0.4.2 PyYAML"
-devel="gcc-c++ uuid-devel libuuid-devel"
-packages="$devel $omni $openrtm"
+#--------------------------------------- C++
+autotools="autoconf automake libtool"
+cxx_devel="gcc-c++ make PyYAML"
+cmake_tools="cmake doxygen"
+rpm_pkg="uuid-devel libuuid-devel boost boost-devel"
+rpm_tools="createrepo rpm-build"
+omni_devel="omniORB-devel omniORB-doc  omniORB-utils"
+omni_runtime="omniORB omniORB-servers"
+openrtm_devel="OpenRTM-aist-doc OpenRTM-aist-devel"
+openrtm_runtime="OpenRTM-aist OpenRTM-aist-example"
+runtime_pkgs="$omni_runtime $openrtm_runtime"
+src_pkgs="$cxx_devel $cmake_tools $rpm_pkg $omni_runtime $omni_devel"
+u_src_pkgs="$omni_runtime $omni_devel"
+dev_pkgs="$runtime_pkgs $src_pkgs $openrtm_devel"
+u_dev_pkgs="$u_runtime_pkgs $omni_devel $openrtm_devel"
+core_pkgs="$src_pkgs $autotools $build_tools $rpm_tools"
+#--------------------------------------- Python
+python_devel="python python-omniORB"
+openrtm_py_runtime="OpenRTM-aist-Python OpenRTM-aist-Python-example"
+python_base="$python_devel $cmake_tools"
+python_omni="$omni_runtime $omnipy"
+python_dev_pkgs="$python_base $python_omni $openrtm_py_runtime $openrtm_py_devel"
+u_python_dev_pkgs="$python_omni $openrtm_py_runtime $openrtm_py_devel"
+python_core_pkgs="$python_base $python_omni $build_tools"
+#--------------------------------------- Java
+openrtm_java_runtime="OpenRTM-aist-Java OpenRTM-aist-Java-example"
+java_dev_pkgs="$java_devel $omni_runtime $cmake_tools $openrtm_java_runtime $openrtm_java_devel"
+u_java_dev_pkgs="$omni_runtime $openrtm_java_runtime $openrtm_java_devel"
+java_core_pkgs="$java_devel $omni_runtime $cmake_tools $build_tools"
+#--------------------------------------- OpenRTP
 # yum / dnf コマンド切替え
@@ -36,29 +110,128 @@
-# root かどうかをチェック
-check_root () {
-    if test ! `id -u` = 0 ; then
-	echo ""
-	echo "This script should be run by root user."
-	echo "Abort."
-	echo ""
-	exit 1
+# Script options, argument analysis
+  local arg=$1
+  arg_err=0
+  case "$arg" in
+    all ) arg_all=true ;;
+    c++ ) arg_cxx=true ;;
+    python ) arg_python=true ;;
+    java ) arg_java=true ;;
+    openrtp ) arg_openrtp=true ;;
+#    rtshell ) arg_rtshell=true ;;
+    *) arg_err=-1 ;;
+  esac
+  # オプション指定が無い場合のデフォルト設定
+  if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
+    arg_cxx=true
+    OPT_DEV=true
+  fi
+  arg_num=$#
+  OPT=`getopt -o l:rcsdhu -l help,yes -- $@` > /dev/null 2>&1
+  # return code check
+  if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+    echo "[ERROR] Invalid option '$1'"
+    usage
+    exit
+  fi
+  eval set -- $OPT
+  while true
+  do
+    case "$1" in
+        -h|--help ) usage ; exit ;;
+        --yes ) FORCE_YES=true ;;
+        -l )  if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
+                echo "$1 option requires an argument." 1>&2
+                exit
+              fi
+              check_arg $2
+              if [ "$arg_err" = "-1" ]; then
+                echo "[ERROR] Invalid argument '$2'"
+                usage
+                exit
+              fi
+              shift ;;
+        -r )  OPT_RT=true ;;
+        -d )  OPT_DEV=true ;;
+        -s )  OPT_SRC=true ;;
+        -c )  OPT_CORE=true ;;
+        -u )  OPT_FLG=false ;;
+        -- ) shift ; break ;;                 
+        * )
+          echo "Internal Error" 1>&2
+          exit ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+  done
+  # オプション指定が -u のみの場合
+  if [ $arg_num -eq 1 ] ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xfalse" ; then 
+      arg_cxx=true
+  fi
-# インストール済パッケージリスト
+# ロケールの言語確認
-get_pkg_list () {
-    rpm -qa > $rpm_qa
+locale | grep ja_JP > /dev/null && lang="jp"
+if test "$lang" = "jp" ;then
+    msg1="ディストリビューションを確認してください。\nDebianかUbuntu以外のOSの可能性があります。"
+    msg2="コードネーム :"
+    msg3="このOSはサポートしておりません。"
+    msg4="OpenRTM-aist のリポジトリが登録されていません。"
+    msg5="Source.list に OpenRTM-aist のリポジトリ: "
+    msg6="を追加します。よろしいですか?(y/n)[y] "
+    msg7="中断します。"
+    msg8="ルートユーザーで実行してください。"
+    msg9="インストール中です..."
+    msg10="完了"
+    msg11="アンインストール中です."
+    msg1="This distribution may not be debian/ubuntu."
+    msg2="The code name is : "
+    msg3="This OS is not supported."
+    msg4="No repository entry for OpenRTM-aist is configured in your system."
+    msg5="repository entry for OpenRTM-aist: "
+    msg6="Do you want to add new repository entry for OpenRTM-aist in source.list? (y/n) [y] "
+    msg7="Abort."
+    msg8="This script should be run as root."
+    msg9="Now installing: "
+    msg10="done."
+    msg11="Now uninstalling: "
-clean_pkg_list () {
-    rm -f $rpm_qa
 # 近いリポジトリサーバを探す
@@ -65,24 +238,24 @@
-    minrtt=65535
-    nearhost=''
-    for host in $reposervers; do
-	rtt=`ping -c 1 $host | grep 'time=' | sed -e 's/^.*time=\([0-9\.]*\) ms.*/\1/' 2> /dev/null`
-	if test "x$rtt" = "x"; then
-	    rtt=65535
-	fi
-	if test `echo "scale=2 ; $rtt < $minrtt" | bc` -gt 0; then
-	    minrtt=$rtt
-	    nearhost=$host
-	fi
-    done
-    if test "x$nearhost" = "x"; then
-	echo "Repository servers unreachable.", $hosts
+  minrtt=65535
+  nearhost=''
+  for host in $reposervers; do
+    rtt=`ping -c 1 $host | grep 'time=' | sed -e 's/^.*time=\([0-9\.]*\) ms.*/\1/' 2> /dev/null`
+    if test "x$rtt" = "x"; then
+      rtt=65535
+    fi
+    if test `echo "scale=2 ; $rtt < $minrtt" | bc` -gt 0; then
+      minrtt=$rtt
+      nearhost=$host
+    fi
+  done
+  if test "x$nearhost" = "x"; then
+    echo "Repository servers unreachable.", $hosts
     echo "Check your internet connection. (or are you using proxy?)"
-    fi
-    reposerver=$nearhost
+  fi
+  reposerver=$nearhost
@@ -102,38 +275,59 @@
 create_repo() {
-    repo="/etc/yum.repos.d/openrtm.repo"
-    if test ! -f $repo ; then
-	echo "OpenRTM-aist のリポジトリが登録されていません。"
-	echo "OpenRTM-aist のリポジトリ: "
-	echo "  http://www.openrtm.org/pub/Linux/Fedora/"
-	read -p "を追加します。よろしいですか? (y/n) [y] " kick_shell
+  repo="/etc/yum.repos.d/openrtm.repo"
+  if test ! -f $repo ; then
+    echo $msg4
+    echo "OpenRTM-aist のリポジトリ: "
+    echo "  http://$reposerver/pub/Linux/Fedora/"
+    read -p "$msg6" kick_shell
-	if test "x$kick_shell" = "xn" ; then
-	    echo "中断します。"
-	    exit 0
-	else
-	    openrtm_repo > /etc/yum.repos.d/openrtm.repo
-	fi
+    if test "x$kick_shell" = "xn" ; then
+      echo $msg7
+      exit 0
+      else
+      openrtm_repo > /etc/yum.repos.d/openrtm.repo
+  fi
+# root かどうかをチェック
+check_root () {
+  if test ! `id -u` = 0 ; then
+    echo ""
+    echo $msg8
+    echo $msg7
+    echo ""
+    exit 1
+  fi
 # パッケージインストール関数
 install_packages () {
-    for p in $*; do
-	ins=`rpm -qa $p`
-	if test "x$ins" = "x"; then
-	    echo "Now installing: " $p
-	    $COMMAND install $p
-	    echo "done."
-	    echo ""
-	else
-	    echo $p "is already installed."
-	    echo ""
-	fi
-    done
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $msg9 $p
+    ins=`rpm -qa $p`
+    if test "x$ins" = "x"; then      
+      tmp_pkg="$install_pkgs $p"
+      install_pkgs=$tmp_pkg
+    fi
+    if test "x$FORCE_YES" = "xtrue" ; then
+      $COMMAND -y install $p
+    else
+      $COMMAND install $p
+    fi
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+      echo $msg7
+      exit
+    fi
+#    echo $msg10
+    echo ""
+  done
@@ -140,9 +334,9 @@
 # リストを逆順にする
 reverse () {
-    for i in $*; do
-	echo $i
-    done | sed '1!G;h;$!d'
+  for i in $*; do
+    echo $i
+  done | sed '1!G;h;$!d'
@@ -149,28 +343,236 @@
 # パッケージをアンインストールする
 uninstall_packages () {
-    for p in $*; do
-	echo "Now uninstalling: " $p
-	$COMMAND erase $p
-	echo "done."
-	echo ""
-    done
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $msg11 $p
+    tmp_pkg="$uninstall_pkgs $p"
+    uninstall_pkgs=$tmp_pkg
+    $COMMAND erase $p
+    echo $msg10
+    echo ""
+  done
+# install_branch
+  if test "x$arg_cxx" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install tool_packages for core developer"
+      install_packages $core_pkgs
+    elif test "x$OPT_SRC" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install tool_packages for source packages"
+      install_packages $src_pkgs
+    elif test "x$OPT_RT" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install robot component runtime"
+      install_packages $runtime_pkgs
+    else
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install robot component developer"
+      install_packages $dev_pkgs
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_python" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_p="[python] install tool_packages for core developer"
+      install_packages $python_core_pkgs
+    else
+      select_opt_p="[python] install robot component developer"
+      install_packages $python_dev_pkgs
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_java" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_j="[java] install tool_packages for core developer"
+      install_packages $java_core_pkgs
+    else
+      select_opt_j="[java] install robot component developer"
+      install_packages $java_dev_pkgs
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_openrtp" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_rtp="[openrtp] install"
+    install_packages $openrtp_pkgs
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_shl="[rtshell] install"
+    install_packages $python_devel
+    rtshell_ret=`pip install rtshell`
+  fi
+# uninstall_branch
+  if test "x$arg_cxx" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall tool_packages for core developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_core_pkgs`
+    elif test "x$OPT_SRC" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall tool_packages for source packages"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_src_pkgs`
+    elif test "x$OPT_RT" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall robot component runtime"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_runtime_pkgs`
+    else
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall robot component developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_dev_pkgs`
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_python" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_p="[python] uninstall tool_packages for core developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_python_core_pkgs`
+    else
+      select_opt_p="[python] uninstall robot component developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_python_dev_pkgs`
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_java" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_j="[java] uninstall tool_packages for core developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_java_core_pkgs`
+    else
+      select_opt_j="[java] uninstall robot component developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_java_dev_pkgs`
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_openrtp" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_rtp="[openrtp] uninstall"
+    uninstall_packages $openrtp_pkgs
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_shl="[rtshell] uninstall"
+    rtshell_ret=`pip uninstall -y rtshell`
+  fi
+# print_option
+  cat <<EOF
+ Selected options is ...
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_c" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_c
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_p" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_p
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_j" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_j
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_rtp" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_rtp
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_shl" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_shl
+  fi
+# install_result
+  print_option
+  cat <<EOF
+ Install package is ...
+  if [ $# -eq 0 ] && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xfalse"; then
+    echo "There is no installation package."
+    return
+  fi
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $p
+  done
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xtrue"; then
+    if test "x$rtshell_ret" != "x"; then
+      echo "rtshell" 
+    fi
+  fi
+# uninstall_result
+  cat <<EOF
+ Uninstall package is ...
+  if [ $# -eq 0 ] && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xtrue"; then
+    echo "There is no installation package."
+    return
+  fi
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $p
+  done
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xfalse"; then
+    if test "x$rtshell_ret" != "x"; then
+      echo "rtshell" 
+    fi
+  fi
 # メイン
+get_opt $@
-if test "x$1" = "x0.4.2" || test "x$1" = "x0.4" ; then
-    openrtm=$openrtm04
-    packages="$devel $omni $ace $openrtm"
+if test "x$arg_all" = "xtrue" ; then
+  arg_cxx=true
+  arg_python=true
+  arg_java=true
+  arg_openrtp=true
+#  arg_rtshell=true
+  if test "x$OPT_RT" != "xtrue" && 
+     test "x$OPT_DEV" != "xtrue" &&
+     test "x$OPT_SRC" != "xtrue" && 
+     test "x$OPT_CORE" != "xtrue" ; then
+    # set default option
+    OPT_DEV=true
+  fi
-if test "x$1" = "x-u" ; then
-    uninstall_packages `reverse $packages`
+if test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xtrue" ; then
+  install_branch
-    check_reposerver
-    create_repo
-    install_packages $packages
+  uninstall_branch
+install_result $install_pkgs
+uninstall_result $uninstall_pkgs

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist/build/pkg_install_ubuntu.sh
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist/build/pkg_install_ubuntu.sh	2017-06-12 08:27:23 UTC (rev 3001)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist/build/pkg_install_ubuntu.sh	2017-06-13 06:45:30 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -1,68 +1,194 @@
 # @file pkg_install_ubuntu.sh
-# @brief OpenRTM-aist dependent packages install script for Debian-sarge
+# @brief OpenRTM-aist dependent packages install script for Ubuntu
 # @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
 #         Shinji Kurihara
 #         Tetsuo Ando
 #         Harumi Miyamoto
 #         Seisho Irie
+#         Nobu   Kawauchi
-# sudo sh pkg_install_ubuntu.sh [-s/-us/-d/-ud/-c/-uc/-r/-ur]
-# option -s            : install tool_packages for build Source packages 
-# option -us           : Uninstall tool_packages for build Source packages 
-# option -d            : install tool_packages for build Distribution
-# option -ud           : Uninstall tool_packages for build Distribution
-# option -c            : install robot Component developer tool_packages
-# option -uc           : Uninstall robot Component developer tool_packages
-# option -r            : install robot component Runtime tool_packages
-# option -ur           : Uninstall robot component Runtime tool_packages
-# chmod 775
+# usage
+  cat <<EOF
+  Usage: 
+    $(basename ${0}) [-l all/c++] [-r/-d/-s/-c] [-u]
+    $(basename ${0}) [-l python/java] [-d/-c] [-u]
+    $(basename ${0}) [-l openrtp/rtshell] [-d] [-u]                           
+  Example:
+    $(basename ${0})  [= $(basename ${0}) -l c++ -d]
+    $(basename ${0}) -l all -d  [= -l c++ -l python -l java -l openrtp -l rtshell -d]
+    $(basename ${0}) -l c++ -l python -c --yes
+  Options:
+    -l <argument>  language or tool [c++/python/java/openrtp/rtshell]
+    -r             install robot component runtime
+    -d             install robot component developer [default]
+    -s             install tool_packages for build source packages
+    -c             install tool_packages for core developer
+    -u             uninstall
+    --yes          force yes
+    --help, -h     print this
 # パッケージリスト
-omni="libomniorb4-dev omniidl"
 ace="libace libace-dev"
-openrtm="openrtm-aist openrtm-aist-doc openrtm-aist-dev openrtm-aist-example python-yaml"
 openrtm04="openrtm-aist=0.4.2-1 openrtm-aist-doc=0.4.2-1 openrtm-aist-dev=0.4.2-1 openrtm-aist-example=0.4.2-1 python-yaml"
-devel="gcc g++ make uuid-dev libboost-filesystem-dev"
-packages="$devel $omni $openrtm"
-u_packages="$omni $ace $openrtm "
+#--------------------------------------- C++
 autotools="autoconf libtool libtool-bin"
-build_tools="gcc g++ make"
-dep_pkg="uuid-dev doxygen"
-deb_tools="build-essential debhelper devscripts"
-omni_devel="libomniorb4-dev omniidl omniorb-nameserver"
+base_tools="bc iputils-ping net-tools"
+cxx_devel="gcc g++ make python-yaml"
+cmake_tools="cmake doxygen"
+deb_pkg="uuid-dev libboost-filesystem-dev"
+pkg_tools="build-essential debhelper devscripts"
+omni_devel="libomniorb4-dev omniidl"
-openrtm_devel="openrtm-aist-doc openrtm-aist-dev python-yaml"
+openrtm_devel="openrtm-aist-doc openrtm-aist-dev"
 openrtm_runtime="openrtm-aist openrtm-aist-example"
-source_tools="subversion texlive texlive-lang-cjk xdvik-ja python-yaml"
+runtime_pkgs="$omni_runtime $openrtm_runtime"
-source_pkgs="$autotools $build_tools $dep_pkg $source_tools $omni_devel"
-u_source_pkgs="$autotools $build_tools $dep_pkg $source_tools $omni_devel"
+src_pkgs="$cxx_devel $cmake_tools $deb_pkg $omni_runtime $omni_devel"
+u_src_pkgs="$omni_runtime $omni_devel"
-distribution_pkgs="$build_tools $dep_pkg $deb_tools $omni_devel"
-u_distribution_pkgs="$build_tools $dep_pkg $deb_tools $omni_devel"
+dev_pkgs="$runtime_pkgs $src_pkgs $openrtm_devel"
+u_dev_pkgs="$u_runtime_pkgs $omni_devel $openrtm_devel"
-component_pkgs="$build_tools $dep_pkg $omni_devel $openrtm_devel $openrtm_runtime"
-u_component_pkgs="$build_tools $dep_pkg $omni_devel $openrtm_devel $openrtm_runtime"
+core_pkgs="$src_pkgs $autotools $base_tools $build_tools $pkg_tools"
-runtime_pkgs="$omni_runtime $openrtm_runtime"
-u_runtime_pkgs="$omni_runtime $openrtm_runtime"
+#--------------------------------------- Python
+python_devel="python python-pip python-pyorbit-omg"
+openrtm_py_runtime="openrtm-aist-python openrtm-aist-python-example"
+python_base="$python_devel $cmake_tools"
+python_omni="$omni_runtime $omnipy"
+python_dev_pkgs="$python_base $python_omni $openrtm_py_runtime $openrtm_py_devel"
+u_python_dev_pkgs="$python_omni $openrtm_py_runtime $openrtm_py_devel"
+python_core_pkgs="$python_base $python_omni $build_tools"
+#--------------------------------------- Java
+openrtm_java_runtime="openrtm-aist-java openrtm-aist-java-example"
+java_dev_pkgs="$java_devel $omni_runtime $cmake_tools $openrtm_java_runtime $openrtm_java_devel"
+u_java_dev_pkgs="$omni_runtime $openrtm_java_runtime $openrtm_java_devel"
+java_core_pkgs="$java_devel $omni_runtime $cmake_tools $build_tools"
+#--------------------------------------- OpenRTP
+# Script options, argument analysis
+  local arg=$1
+  arg_err=0
+  case "$arg" in
+    all ) arg_all=true ;;
+    c++ ) arg_cxx=true ;;
+    python ) arg_python=true ;;
+    java ) arg_java=true ;;
+    openrtp ) arg_openrtp=true ;;
+    rtshell ) arg_rtshell=true ;;
+    *) arg_err=-1 ;;
+  esac
+  # オプション指定が無い場合のデフォルト設定
+  if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
+    arg_cxx=true
+    OPT_DEV=true
+  fi
+  arg_num=$#
+  OPT=`getopt -o l:rcsdhu -l help,yes -- $@` > /dev/null 2>&1
+  # return code check
+  if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+    echo "[ERROR] Invalid option '$1'"
+    usage
+    exit
+  fi
+  eval set -- $OPT
+  while true
+  do
+    case "$1" in
+        -h|--help ) usage ; exit ;;
+        --yes ) FORCE_YES=true ;;
+        -l )  if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
+                echo "$1 option requires an argument." 1>&2
+                exit
+              fi
+              check_arg $2
+              if [ "$arg_err" = "-1" ]; then
+                echo "[ERROR] Invalid argument '$2'"
+                usage
+                exit
+              fi
+              shift ;;
+        -r )  OPT_RT=true ;;
+        -d )  OPT_DEV=true ;;
+        -s )  OPT_SRC=true ;;
+        -c )  OPT_CORE=true ;;
+        -u )  OPT_FLG=false ;;
+        -- ) shift ; break ;;                 
+        * )
+          echo "Internal Error" 1>&2
+          exit ;;
+    esac
+    shift
+  done
+  # オプション指定が -u のみの場合
+  if [ $arg_num -eq 1 ] ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xfalse" ; then 
+      arg_cxx=true
+    fi
+  fi
 # ロケールの言語確認
@@ -104,52 +230,50 @@
-    minrtt=65535
-    nearhost=''
-    for host in $reposervers; do
-	rtt=`ping -c 1 $host | grep 'time=' | sed -e 's/^.*time=\([0-9\.]*\) ms.*/\1/' 2> /dev/null`
-	if test "x$rtt" = "x"; then
-	    rtt=65535
-	fi
-	if test `echo "scale=2 ; $rtt < $minrtt" | bc` -gt 0; then
-	    minrtt=$rtt
-	    nearhost=$host
-	fi
-    done
-    if test "x$nearhost" = "x"; then
-	echo "Repository servers unreachable.", $hosts
-	echo "Check your internet connection. (or are you using proxy?)"
-	nearhost=$default_reposerver
+  minrtt=65535
+  nearhost=''
+  for host in $reposervers; do
+    rtt=`ping -c 1 $host | grep 'time=' | sed -e 's/^.*time=\([0-9\.]*\) ms.*/\1/' 2> /dev/null`
+    if test "x$rtt" = "x"; then
+      rtt=65535
-    reposerver=$nearhost
+    if test `echo "scale=2 ; $rtt < $minrtt" | bc` -gt 0; then
+      minrtt=$rtt
+      nearhost=$host
+    fi
+  done
+  if test "x$nearhost" = "x"; then
+    echo "Repository servers unreachable.", $hosts
+    echo "Check your internet connection. (or are you using proxy?)"
+    nearhost=$default_reposerver
+  fi
+  reposerver=$nearhost
 # リポジトリサーバ
 create_srclist () {
-    codename=`sed -n /DISTRIB_CODENAME=/p /etc/lsb-release`
-    cnames=`echo "$codename" | sed 's/DISTRIB_CODENAME=//'`
-    #cnames="sarge edgy feisty gutsy hardy intrepid"
-    for c in $cnames; do
-	if test -f "/etc/apt/sources.list"; then
-	    res=`grep $c /etc/apt/sources.list`
-	else
-	    echo $msg1
-	    exit
-	fi
-	if test ! "x$res" = "x" ; then
-	    code_name=$c
-	fi
-    done
-    if test ! "x$code_name" = "x"; then
-	echo $msg2 $code_name
+  codename=`sed -n /DISTRIB_CODENAME=/p /etc/lsb-release`
+  cnames=`echo "$codename" | sed 's/DISTRIB_CODENAME=//'`
+  for c in $cnames; do
+    if test -f "/etc/apt/sources.list"; then
+      res=`grep $c /etc/apt/sources.list`
-	echo $msg3
-	exit
+      echo $msg1
+      exit
-    openrtm_repo="deb http://$reposerver/pub/Linux/ubuntu/ $code_name main"
+    if test ! "x$res" = "x" ; then
+      code_name=$c
+    fi
+  done
+  if test ! "x$code_name" = "x"; then
+    echo $msg2 $code_name
+  else
+    echo $msg3
+    exit
+  fi
+  openrtm_repo="deb http://$reposerver/pub/Linux/ubuntu/ $code_name main"
@@ -156,20 +280,22 @@
 # ソースリスト更新関数の定義
 update_source_list () {
-    rtmsite=`grep "$openrtm_repo" /etc/apt/sources.list`
-    if test "x$rtmsite" = "x" ; then
-	echo $msg4
-	echo $msg5
-	echo "  " $openrtm_repo
-	read -p "$msg6" kick_shell
+  rtmsite=`grep "$openrtm_repo" /etc/apt/sources.list`
+  if test "x$rtmsite" = "x" ; then
+    echo $msg4
+    echo $msg5
+    echo "  " $openrtm_repo
+    read -p "$msg6" kick_shell
-	if test "x$kick_shell" = "xn" ; then
-	    echo $msg7
-	    exit 0
-	else
-	    echo $openrtm_repo >> /etc/apt/sources.list
-	fi
+    if test "x$kick_shell" = "xn" ; then
+      echo $msg7
+      exit 0
+    else
+      echo $openrtm_repo >> /etc/apt/sources.list
+   # 公開鍵登録
+      apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 4BCE106E087AFAC0
+  fi
@@ -176,13 +302,13 @@
 # root かどうかをチェック
 check_root () {
-    if test ! `id -u` = 0 ; then
-	echo ""
-	echo $msg8
-	echo $msg7
-	echo ""
-	exit 1
-    fi
+  if test ! `id -u` = 0 ; then
+    echo ""
+    echo $msg8
+    echo $msg7
+    echo ""
+    exit 1
+  fi
@@ -189,12 +315,26 @@
 # パッケージインストール関数
 install_packages () {
-    for p in $*; do
-	echo $msg9 $p
-	apt-get install --force-yes -y $p
-	echo $msg10
-	echo ""
-    done
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $msg9 $p
+    dpkg -l | grep $p > /dev/null 2>&1
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+      tmp_pkg="$install_pkgs $p"
+      install_pkgs=$tmp_pkg
+    fi
+    if test "x$FORCE_YES" = "xtrue" ; then
+      apt-get install --assume-yes --allow-unauthenticated $p
+    else
+      apt-get install $p
+    fi
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+      echo $msg7
+      exit
+    fi
+    echo $msg10
+    echo ""
+  done
@@ -201,9 +341,9 @@
 # リストを逆順にする
 reverse () {
-    for i in $*; do
-	echo $i
-    done | sed '1!G;h;$!d'
+  for i in $*; do
+    echo $i
+  done | sed '1!G;h;$!d'
@@ -210,91 +350,213 @@
 # パッケージをアンインストールする
 uninstall_packages () {
-    for p in $*; do
-	echo $msg11 $p
-	aptitude remove $p
-	if test "$?" != 0; then
-            apt-get purge $p
-	fi
-	echo $msg10
-	echo ""
-    done
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $msg11 $p
+    tmp_pkg="$uninstall_pkgs $p"
+    uninstall_pkgs=$tmp_pkg
+    apt-get --purge remove $p
+    if test "$?" != 0; then
+      apt-get purge $p
+    fi
+    echo $msg10
+    echo ""
+  done
-# install tool_packages for build Source packages 
+# install_branch
-    echo "--------install $source_pkgs"
-    install_packages $source_pkgs
+  if test "x$arg_cxx" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install tool_packages for core developer"
+      install_packages $core_pkgs
+    elif test "x$OPT_SRC" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install tool_packages for source packages"
+      install_packages $src_pkgs
+    elif test "x$OPT_RT" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install robot component runtime"
+      install_packages $runtime_pkgs
+    else
+      select_opt_c="[c++] install robot component developer"
+      install_packages $dev_pkgs
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_python" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_p="[python] install tool_packages for core developer"
+      install_packages $python_core_pkgs
+    else
+      select_opt_p="[python] install robot component developer"
+      install_packages $python_dev_pkgs
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_java" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_j="[java] install tool_packages for core developer"
+      install_packages $java_core_pkgs
+    else
+      select_opt_j="[java] install robot component developer"
+      install_packages $java_dev_pkgs
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_openrtp" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_rtp="[openrtp] install"
+    install_packages $openrtp_pkgs
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_shl="[rtshell] install"
+    install_packages $python_devel
+    rtshell_ret=`pip install rtshell`
+  fi
-# Uninstall tool_packages for build Source packages 
+# uninstall_branch
-    echo "--------uninstall $u_source_pkgs"
-    uninstall_packages `reverse $u_source_pkgs`
+  if test "x$arg_cxx" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall tool_packages for core developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_core_pkgs`
+    elif test "x$OPT_SRC" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall tool_packages for source packages"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_src_pkgs`
+    elif test "x$OPT_RT" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall robot component runtime"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_runtime_pkgs`
+    else
+      select_opt_c="[c++] uninstall robot component developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_dev_pkgs`
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_python" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_p="[python] uninstall tool_packages for core developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_python_core_pkgs`
+    else
+      select_opt_p="[python] uninstall robot component developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_python_dev_pkgs`
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_java" = "xtrue" ; then
+    if test "x$OPT_CORE" = "xtrue" ; then
+      select_opt_j="[java] uninstall tool_packages for core developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_java_core_pkgs`
+    else
+      select_opt_j="[java] uninstall robot component developer"
+      uninstall_packages `reverse $u_java_dev_pkgs`
+    fi
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_openrtp" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_rtp="[openrtp] uninstall"
+    uninstall_packages $openrtp_pkgs
+  fi
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" ; then
+    select_opt_shl="[rtshell] uninstall"
+    rtshell_ret=`pip uninstall -y rtshell`
+  fi
-# install tool_packages for build Distribution
+# print_option
-    echo "--------install $distribution_pkgs"
-    install_packages $distribution_pkgs
+  cat <<EOF
+ Selected options is ...
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_c" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_c
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_p" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_p
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_j" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_j
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_rtp" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_rtp
+  fi
+  if test ! "x$select_opt_shl" = "x" ; then
+    echo $select_opt_shl
+  fi
-# Uninstall tool_packages for build Distribution
+# install_result
-    echo "--------uninstall $u_distribution_pkgs"
-    uninstall_packages `reverse $u_distribution_pkgs`
+  print_option
+  cat <<EOF
+ Install package is ...
+  if [ $# -eq 0 ] && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xfalse"; then
+    echo "There is no installation package."
+    return
+  fi
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $p
+  done
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xtrue"; then
+    if test "x$rtshell_ret" != "x"; then
+      echo "rtshell" 
+    fi
+  fi
-# install robot Component developer tool_packages
+# uninstall_result
-    echo "--------install $component_pkgs()"
-    install_packages $component_pkgs
+  cat <<EOF
+ Uninstall package is ...
+  if [ $# -eq 0 ] && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xtrue"; then
+    echo "There is no installation package."
+    return
+  fi
+  for p in $*; do
+    echo $p
+  done
+  if test "x$arg_rtshell" = "xtrue" && test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xfalse"; then
+    if test "x$rtshell_ret" != "x"; then
+      echo "rtshell" 
+    fi
+  fi
-# Uninstall robot Component developer tool_packages
-    echo "--------uninstall $u_component_pkgs"
-    uninstall_packages `reverse $u_component_pkgs`
-# install robot component Runtime tool_packages
-    echo "--------install $runtime_pkgs"
-    install_packages $runtime_pkgs
-# Uninstall robot component Runtime tool_packages
-    echo "--------uninstall $u_runtime_pkgs"
-    uninstall_packages `reverse $u_runtime_pkgs`
-    echo "Usage: sudo sh pkg_install_ubuntu.sh [-s/-us/-d/-ud/-c/-uc/-r/-ur]"
-    echo "       option -s            : install tool_packages for build Source packages"
-    echo "       option -us           : Uninstall tool_packages for build Source packages"
-    echo "       option -d            : install tool_packages for build Distribution"
-    echo "       option -ud           : Uninstall tool_packages for build Distribution"
-    echo "       option -c            : install robot Component developer tool_packages"
-    echo "       option -uc           : Uninstall robot Component developer tool_packages"
-    echo "       option -r            : install robot component Runtime tool_packages"
-    echo "       option -ur           : Uninstall robot component Runtime tool_packages"
 # メイン
+get_opt $@
@@ -303,37 +565,27 @@
 apt-get autoclean
 apt-get update
-if test "x$1" = "x-s" ; then
-    install_source_packages
-    exit 0
+if test "x$arg_all" = "xtrue" ; then
+  arg_cxx=true
+  arg_python=true
+  arg_java=true
+  arg_openrtp=true
+  arg_rtshell=true
+  if test "x$OPT_RT" != "xtrue" && 
+     test "x$OPT_DEV" != "xtrue" &&
+     test "x$OPT_SRC" != "xtrue" && 
+     test "x$OPT_CORE" != "xtrue" ; then
+    # set default option
+    OPT_DEV=true
+  fi
-if test "x$1" = "x-us" ; then
-    uninstall_source_packages
-    exit 0
+if test "x$OPT_FLG" = "xtrue" ; then
+  install_branch
+  uninstall_branch
-if test "x$1" = "x-d" ; then
-    install_distribution
-    exit 0
-if test "x$1" = "x-ud" ; then
-    uninstall_distribution
-    exit 0
-if test "x$1" = "x-c" ; then
-    install_componet_developer
-    exit 0
-if test "x$1" = "x-uc" ; then
-    uninstall_componet_developer
-    exit 0
-if test "x$1" = "x-r" ; then
-    install_runtime
-    exit 0
-if test "x$1" = "x-ur" ; then
-    uninstall_runtime
-    exit 0
+install_result $install_pkgs
+uninstall_result $uninstall_pkgs

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