[openrtm-users 01027] composite component bug report

Ian Chen iche033 @ aucklanduni.ac.nz
2009年 12月 2日 (水) 16:50:15 JST


This a bug report regarding the use of RT System Editor to create a
composite component from multiple child components with the same instance
When one of the ports of the child component is chosen to be public, the
same port on all the other child components (with the same instance name)
also becomes public.

For example:
 2 instances of a component called Test , with 1 port called port01. Each
instance uses its own naming format.
After loading the component into system editor, both will be called Test0
since they run on 2 different processes.
Create a composite component from the 2 Test0 components, and choose the
first port01 as the public port.
The composite component now has 2 public ports (wrong) instead of 1.

I'm using RTSystemEditor 1.0.0 Windows

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