[openrtm-users 01256] Re: RTCBuilder・RTSystemEditor 1.0.0-RELEASE リリース

Geoffrey Biggs geoffrey.biggs @ aist.go.jp
2010年 6月 2日 (水) 09:43:42 JST

This is a translation of an announcement posted to the list on 1/6/2010.

To all members of the OpenRTM-users mailing list.

        RTCBuilder, RTSystemEditor 1.0.0 released

Version 1.0.0 of the RTCBuilder and RTSystemEditor tools have been released.

RTCBuilder and RTSystemEditor are the tools for constructing software
based on the Open RT Platform (OpenRTP) software platform, using the
OpenRTM software. They are currently being developed under the NEDO
Developing Intelligent Technology for Next-Generation Robots Project.

The tools can be downloaded from the OpenRTM-aist website.

 OpenRTM-aist Official Website

- Requirements:
 - Eclipse 3.4.2 (later versions may also work)
 - Java Development Kit 6

For developing with OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0, please use RTSystemEditor-1.0.0
or later. RTSystemEditor-0.4.2 is not guaranteed to function correctly.

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