[openrtm-users 01177] Re: Howto install RT System Editor under Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)

Steffen Wittmeier steffen.wittmeier @ in.tum.de
2010年 3月 23日 (火) 21:24:34 JST


ok, that worked for me. The difference was that I always downloaded the 
C++ version of eclipse 

Apparently, this version seems to miss some plugins that are required 
for the SystemEditor to run.

But thanks a lot for your quick help and the detailed instructions. I am 
glad that its working now.

Steffen Wittmeier

On 03/23/2010 07:27 AM, kurihara shinji wrote:
> Hi,
> I have tried to install Eclipse 3.5.2.
> A similar error was output to the log file, but worked without a problem.
> The environment is as follows.
>   OS: Ubuntu 9.10 (on VMware, host OS is Windows XP.)
>   Java: sun-java-sdk (version 1.6.0_15)
>   Eclipse: version 3.5.2
> The installation procedure is as follows.
>   1. Install Java
>     $ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-sdk
>   2. Download Eclipse package.
>     URL: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.5.2-201002111343/eclipse-SDK-3.5.2-linux-gtk.tar.gz
>   3. Install plugins(EMF,XSD,GEF)
>     (1) Run Eclipse.
>     (2) Help>  Install New Software
>         -Select Galileo -http://download.... in "Work with">
>           Check "EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework SDK" and "XSD - XML Schema Definition SDK">
>           Finish installation.
>         -Click "Add" in "Work with">
>           Input it as follows.
>                Name: GEF
>                Location: http://download.eclipse.org/tools/gef/updates/releases/
>           Select "GEF - http://download..." in "Work with">
>           Check "GEF SDK 3.5.2">
>           Finish installation.
>   4. Install plugins(RTSystemEditor・RTCBuilder)
>      (1) Download package of new plugins.
>          URL: http://www.openrtm.org/pub/OpenRTM-aist/dailybuild/tools/1.0.0/
>      (2) Decompress a rtmtools-r105-1002031600.zip.
>          and put openrtp_1.0.0/jp.go.aist.rtm.* in eclipse/plugins/ .
>   5. Open perspective
>      (1) Restart Eclipse
>      (2) Window>  Open Perspective>  Other...>  RT System Editor.
> Shinji Kurihara
> On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 17:00:26 +0100
> Steffen Wittmeier<steffen.wittmeier @ in.tum.de>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using Java 6 (java.version=1.6.0_16).
>> I also have tried the -clean option and a new workspace before without
>> success, unfortunately.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks
>> Steffen Wittmeier
>> On 03/22/2010 02:22 PM, kurihara shinji wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> What is version of Jave using ?
>>> The version 6 of Java is needed by RTSystemEditor and RTCBuilder.
>>> Please try the following, if you are using the version 6 of Java.
>>>    1. Run Eclipse with the "-clean" option.
>>>      $ eclipse -clean
>>>    2. Select new "workspace" in the selection dialog of workspace.
>>> Regards,
>>> Shinji Kurihara
>>> On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 15:30:47 +0100
>>> Steffen Wittmeier<wittmeis @ in.tum.de>   wrote:
>>>> Using Eclipse 3.4 did also not work. I installed GEF, EMF, SDO and XSD
>>>> runtimes but the System Editor did not show up. I then tried to install
>>>> RTCLink which worked perfectly.
>>>> Is there any package that the System Editor requires in addition to the
>>>> RTCLink?
>>>> Steffen
>>>> On 03/21/2010 12:59 PM, Steffen Wittmeier wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have tried the command line arguments before but I did not know about
>>>>> the workspace log. Below is an extract (including my system details).
>>>>> Can you tell me what the error message "is missing the filename
>>>>> property" means? I searched the web and apparently a lot of
>>>>> plugins/people have this problem which has to do with an update of
>>>>> Equinox in Eclipse Galileo. Is there a fix? I am trying Eclipse 3.4 now
>>>>> for the time being.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Steffen
>>>>> eclipse.buildId=I20090611-1540
>>>>> java.version=1.6.0_16
>>>>> java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
>>>>> BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86, WS=gtk, NL=en_US
>>>>> Framework arguments: -product org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product
>>>>> Command-line arguments: -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86 -product
>>>>> org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product
>>>>> !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.directorywatcher 4 0 2010-03-20 18:56:08.737
>>>>> !MESSAGE The installable unit
>>>>> jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.nl1.translated_host_properties is missing the
>>>>> filename property.
>>>>> !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.directorywatcher 4 0 2010-03-20 18:56:08.737
>>>>> !MESSAGE The installable unit
>>>>> jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.profiles.nl1.translated_host_properties is
>>>>> missing the filename property.
>>>>> !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.directorywatcher 4 0 2010-03-20 18:56:08.847
>>>>> !MESSAGE The installable unit
>>>>> jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.nl1.translated_host_properties is missing the
>>>>> filename property.
>>>>> !ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.directorywatcher 4 0 2010-03-20 18:56:08.847
>>>>> !MESSAGE The installable unit
>>>>> jp.go.aist.rtm.toolscommon.profiles.nl1.translated_host_properties is
>>>>> missing the filename property.
>>>>> On 03/21/2010 12:24 AM, Geoffrey Biggs wrote:
>>>>>> As I recall, the currently supported version of Eclipse for
>>>>>> RTSystemEditor is 3.4. This doesn't mean that it won't work in more
>>>>>> recent versions, though.
>>>>>> The best place to start looking is to run Eclipse in a console and check
>>>>>> the error messages it prints out. It also puts a log file in your
>>>>>> workspace directory you can check.
>>>>>> What are the details of your environment? OS, Java virtual machine, etc.
>>>>>> Geoff
>>>>>> On 21/03/10 07:47, Steffen Wittmeier wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I want to install the latest version of the RT System Editor as I
>>>>>>> updated from OpenRTM 0.42 to OpenRTM 1.0.
>>>>>>> However, I did not manage to get it working with my existing Eclipse 3.5
>>>>>>> (Galileo) installation so I set up a fresh install of Eclipse 3.5 and
>>>>>>> installed the following packages (see attached file for a detailed list
>>>>>>> of the installed packages and versions):
>>>>>>> - EMF (from here:
>>>>>>> http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/emf/downloads/?project=emf).
>>>>>>> Tried version 2.4 as 2.5 no longer includes SDO.
>>>>>>> - GEF (http://www.eclipse.org/gef/)
>>>>>>> Tried the version 3.5.2.
>>>>>>> - RT System Editor&   RTC Builder
>>>>>>> Versions 1.0 from the web page.
>>>>>>> After an Eclipse restart, the plugins do not appear as a new
>>>>>>> perspective. What am I missing?
>>>>>>> Any help is appreciated.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Steffen Wittmeier
>> --
>> Steffen Wittmeier
>> Lehrstuhl für Informatik VI
>> Technische Universität München
>> Boltzmannstraße 3, 85748 Garching
>> Telefon : +89 289-18100
>> Telefax : +89 289-18107
>> E-Mail  : steffen.wittmeier @ in.tum.de
>> Internet: http://www6.in.tum.de/

Steffen Wittmeier
Lehrstuhl für Informatik VI
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstraße 3, 85748 Garching

Telefon : +89 289-18100
Telefax : +89 289-18107
E-Mail  : steffen.wittmeier @ in.tum.de
Internet: http://www6.in.tum.de/

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