[openrtm-users 01454] Re: RTコンポーネントリリース | New RT-Component release: RTC:HokuyoAist

Tony Kuo ikuo005 @ aucklanduni.ac.nz
2010年 11月 8日 (月) 18:32:01 JST

Dear Geoffrey and OpenRTM ML:

Actually I just started using the hokuyo_aist OpenRTM component in the
Gearbox project.

I quickly looked through the new RTC:HokuyoAist component,
it's very different to the one in Gearbox.

I wonder what was the reason behind this major change??

The link to download on the webpage (
is not correctly formated. Please check.

Another thing not so related is that,
I actually have been trying to write a component with a consumer service
port to link with the control port (provider service)
on the old hokuyo_aist component in Gearbox for the whole day today. But
have not had any success.

It should be quite straight forward, but I couldn't find out why it's not
I have code like this.
RTC::CorbaPort m_hokuyo_aistPort;
RTC::CorbaConsumer<hokuyo_aist_control> m_hokuyoPort;
m_hokuyo_aistPort.registerConsumer("hokuyoPort", "hokuyo_aist_control",

but whenever I call a function like below.
double tmp = m_hokuyoPort->GetStartAngle();

It throws an error complaining
omniORB: ERROR -- the application attempted to invoke an operation on a nil
Error in service port.

Do you know Is there anyway I can check the connection between service ports
after they are initialise ?
or what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

2010/11/8 Geoffrey Biggs <geoffrey.biggs @ aist.go.jp>

> (English announcement follows Japanese.)
> OpenRTM-aistメーリングリストの皆様
> 北洋電機株式会社製のレーザーセンサー用のRTコンポーネント
> 「RTC:HokuyoAist」をリリースしました。URG-04LX(Classic-URG)、UGH-
> 08LX(Hi-URG)、UTM-30LX(Top-URG)、UXM-30LX(Tough-URG)及びUXM-30LX-E
> を含むレーザーセンサーの、すべての現在のモデルで機能します。Windows、
> Linux及びMacOS Xで使うことができます。
> ■ 参照
> http://www.openrtm.org/openrtm/ja/content/rtchokuyoaist
> ■ ダウンロード:
> http://www.openrtm.org/openrtm/ja/content/rtchokuyoaist-0
> ---
> An RT-Component for laser range sensors from Hokuyo Automatic Co., Ltd.
> has been released. It functions with all current models of laser
> scanner, including the URG-04LX (Classic-URG), UHG-08LX (Hi-URG),
> UTM-30LX (Top-URG) and UXM-30LX/UXM-30LX-E (Tough-URG). It can be used
> in  Windows, Linux and MacOS X.
> - Further information:
> http://www.openrtm.org/openrtm/ja/content/rtchokuyoaist
> - Download:
> http://www.openrtm.org/openrtm/ja/content/rtchokuyoaist-0
> 独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所
> 知能システム研究部門 統合知能研究グループ
> 〒305-8568 茨城県つくば市梅園1-1-1 中央第2
> Geoffrey Biggs
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