[openrtm-users 01415] Regarding connecting OpenRTM components in windows on computer with 2 interfaces

Tony Kuo ikuo005 @ aucklanduni.ac.nz
2010年 9月 28日 (火) 06:14:27 JST

Hi all,
I am developing and testing my OpenRTM components on two computers each with
2 interfaces (one LAN and one wireless )
I am using windows on both these two machines, therefore configuring
components through rtc.conf described here
http://www.openrtm.org/openrtm/en/content/troubleshooting don't really

I tried set OMNIORB_USEHOSTNAME environment variable to the interface I am
but I still get "NameServer connection failed: corba/localhost" error.

Does anyone know how to configure component properly on windows?
so it's connected to its nameserver
 and when I launch system editor on one of the machines,
I can see components on both computers.

Any help is appreciated!
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