[openrtm-users 02374] How to connect and activate rt-components dynamically?

shanshan1370 @ sina.com shanshan1370 @ sina.com
2011年 12月 30日 (金) 15:49:24 JST

Hello, everyone: I'm designing a network robot system with openRTM-AIST. It's
very important to have the rt-components connect/discnnect and
activate/inactivate dynamically in our own program. It can be easily realized
by RtsystemEditor, however, we would like to realize it in our own control
program, say, a java or c++ program without graphical user interface. I have
searched for days but didn't get any documentation or example on this feild.
Would you please give me some advice on this, or some links to docs and
examples? Thank you very much! Wenshan

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