[openrtm-users 03035] Re: multiple provider one consumer

Geoffrey Biggs geoffrey.biggs @ aist.go.jp
2014年 5月 8日 (木) 08:34:46 JST

Hi György,

Could you give some more details about how your components are implemented
and connected? Details such as what port types you are using to connect
them, what the connector profiles are, and so on will make it easier to
answer your question. If possible, could you provide your code?


On 7 May 2014 18:50, György Persa <persa @ sztaki.hu> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Recently I made an experimental setup in our system, and it seems to me,
> that if I connect multiple provider to one consumer I can call function
> only one of the providers/implementations.
> In attached image I displayed the function call counts in console window.
> In the relation of one provider to multiple consumer function was called
> twice as much as in opposite direction. Thus I suggest, that when I connect
> multiple provider to one consumer only one of the providers is taking
> action.
> My questions are:
>    - Is it really the case? If I connect multiple provider to one
>    consumer only one of them will answer?
>    - Is it possible to declare which provider's function should be called
>    if a consumer has many of them (thus choose between implementations)?
>    - Or can I access all the providers and call function on them somehow?
> Thanks in advance!
> Best regards,
> György Persa
> György Persa
> *Software engineer*
> Institute for Computer Science and Control
> Hungarian Academy of Sciences
> 3D Internet-based Control and Communications Research Laboratory / 3DICC
> *Project VirCA* (www.virca.hu)
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