Installation on Fedora

An RPM package for installing the Python edition of OpenRTM-aist on Fedora Linux is available. The supported Fedora Linux versions are listed on the download page. The Fedora Linux versions may change without notice.

There are two methods available for installing:

  • Use the installer script provided by
  • Use the yum package manager.

Fedora installer script

Download the install script provided on the download page of and execute it with root permissions. This script will install the necessary dependencies using apt-get.

Installing all the packages needed for development with OpenRTM-aist takes some work. For new users, using the install script is recommended. However, this will install all packages used by OpenRTM-aist, even though you may not need them. Expert users should consider installing manually using yum.

Follow these steps to use the install script.

 > wget [ download URL]
 > su
 # sh
 // Answer "y" or "Y" to the questions to proceed.

Using yum

Create /etc/yum.repos.d/openrtm.repo provides a package repository for use with apt-get. This is not included in the default package repository, so it must be added to the apt-get settings by hand. Create a file called /etc/yum.repos.d/openrtm.repo (root permissions will be required), and add the following lines to it.

 name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch
 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY


After making the file above, execute these commands to install with yum. Answer y to the questions to proceed.

 > su
 # yum install python
 # yum install omniORB-servers omniORBpy omniORBpy-devel omniORBpy-standard
 # yum install OpenRTM-aist-Python OpenRTM-aist-Python-example

Confirm installation

Check the install was successful using the following command.

 # rpm -qa | grep  OpenRTM-aist-Python

Package details

The packages contain the following files.


OpenRTM-aist-Python includes the Python modules and several commands.

  • Commands
  • Sample settings files
  • OpenRTM-aist Python modules
  • OpenRTM-aist utility modules


OpenRTM-aist-Python-example contains sample components.

  • Samples

When installation is finished, proceed to operation check.