RT Profile Editor

RTC Profile Editor

The RTC Profile Editor is made up of several tabs.

RTC Profile Editor tabs

Tab Explanation
Basic profile Enter the RT Component's profile information, such as name and author.
Data ports Configure the data ports provided by the component.
Service ports Configure the service ports provided and interfaces used by the component.
Configuration parameters Configure the user-settable parameters of the component and configuration sets.
Language and environment Choose the programming language and operating systems that the component will be generated for.
RTC Profile XML editor View and edit the XML that is created based on the information entered in the other tabs.
Document settings Enter any extra documentation and information that should be included with the generated component.

Basic profile tab

Basic profile tab

Basic profile items

Item Default value Explanation
RT-Component Basic Profile
Module name ModuleName A name to differentiate this component. Required. This name will be used in source code.
Module description ModuleDescription Brief description of the component.
Module version 1.0.0 Version of the component. Ideally, an x.y.z format should be used.
Module vender VenderName Name of the component vendor.
Module category Category Category of the component. Required.
Component type DataFlowComponent Type of the component. Choose from DataFlowComponent, STATIC, UNIQUE or COMMUTATIVE.
Component’s activity type PERIODIC Choose from PERIODIC, SPORADIC or EVENT_DRIVEN.
Number of maximum instance 1 Number of simultaneous instances this component can have.
Execution type PeriodicExecutionContext Type of execution context this component will use. Choose from PeriodicExecutionContext or ExtTrigExecutionContext.
Execution Rate 1.0 The ExecutionContext's rate in Hertz. Entered as a floating-point number.
Output Project
None Project name for the generated code. If the project does not exist, it will be created. Required.

Activity profile tab

Activity profile tab

Activity profile tab items

Item Explanation fundamental
Activity Profile
onInitialize Initialization processing. Only once called at the time of the start of a component life cycle. -
onFinalize End processing. Only once called at the time of the end of a component life cycle. -
onStartup When ExecutionContext starts execution, it is called only once. -
onShutdown When ExecutionContext stops execution, it is called only once. -
onActivated When becoming active from an inactive state, it is called only once. -
onDeactivated When becoming inactive from an active state, it is called only once. -
onAborting Before going into an ERROR state, it is called only once. -
onError It continues being called during ERROR state. -
onReset When it is reset from an ERROR state and shifts to an inactive state, it is called only once. -
onExecute It is periodically called in an active state. -
onStateUpdate It is called after on_execute each time. -
onRateChanged It is called when rate of ExecutionContext is changed. -
onAction It is called in order to perform operation according to the state of corresponding. -
onModeChanged It is called when the mode is changed. -

Data ports tab

Data ports tab

To add a port of the desired type (Inport/Output), click the Add button beside that type. The Delete button can be used to remove the selected port. The Documentation section allows you to enter documentation for the selected port.

Data port items

Item Default value Explanation
RT-Component Data InPort Profile
Port name dp_name Data InPort name. Required. Cannot conflict with any OutPort names.
Data Type dp_type Data InPort data type. Timed[ Short / Long / UShort / ULong / Float / Double / Char / Boolean / Octet / String ], as well as their Seq variants, are available. Required.
Var Name dp_vname Variable name for interaction with the port.
Disp. Position left Where this port will be displayed in the Build View.
RT-Component Data OutPort Profile
Port name dp_name Data OutPort name. Required. Cannot conflict with any InPort names.
Data Type dp_type Data OutPort data type. Timed[ Short / Long / UShort / ULong / Float / Double / Char / Boolean / Octet / String ], as well as their Seq variants, are available. Required.
Var Name dp_vname Variable name for interaction with the port.
Disp. Position right Where this port will be displayed in the Build View.
Outline None Brief description of the port.
Data type None Description of the data type used.
Data count None For sequence types, the expected number of items.
Meaning None Meaning of the data.
Units None Any units used by the data.
Frequency None Frequency at which data will be produced.
Processing speed None Processing speed/period for the data.

Service ports tab

Service ports tab (service port entry)

Service ports tab (service interface entry)

New service ports can be added by clicking the Add Port button in the left half of the screen. Select a port under RT-Component Service Ports and click Add Interface to add a new interface to that port. The Delete buuton can be used to remove selected interfaces and ports.

Service port items (service port)

Item Default value Explanation
RT-Component Service Port Profile
Name sv_name Service port name. Required. Must be unique.
Position left Position to display this port in the Build View.
Outline None Brief description of the service port.
I/F Outline None Brief description of the interfaces attached to the service port.

Service port items (service interface)

Item Default value Explanation
RT-Component Service Port Interface Profile
Interface Name if_name Interface name. Required. Must be unique.
Direction Provided Type of service interface.
・Provided:Offered interface (Service Provider)
・Required:Used interface (Service Consumer)
Instance Name if_instance Instance name used by the service interface. Required.
Var Name if_varname Variable to use for the interface. If ommitted, the instance name will be used.
IDL file None File name of the IDL file that defines the interface. Use the Browse button to find it if necessary.
Interface Type None Type of interface used by the service interface. Required.
IDL Path None IDL search path. Use the Browse button to search for and select directories.
Outline None Brief description of the service interface.
Arguments None Description of the interface arguments.
Return value None Description of the interface's return value.
Exceptions None Description of any exceptions used by the interface.
Preconditions None Preconditions that should be satisfied before using the interface.
Postconditions None Postconditions that should be satisfied after using the interface.

Configuration parameters tab

Configuration parameters tab

User-settable configuration parameters and other system configuration parameters can be added and removed using this tab. The documentation section allows documentation for the selected setting to be provided.

Configuration parameter items

Item Default value Explanation
RT-Component Configuration Parameter Definitions
Name conf_name Configuration parameter name. Required. Must be unique.
Type conf_type Data type of the parameter.
Var Name conf_vname Variable used to store the parameter's value.
Default Value conf_default Default value of the parameter.
RT-Component Configuration Parameter
Configuration manager.name Name of the configuration.
Default Value None Default value of the settings for this configuration. For settings with defaults already defined, the default will be set when the name is selected.
Data name None Description of the data name.
Default value None Description of the default value.
Outline None Description of the parameter.
Units None Units used.
Data range None Range of allowable values.
Constraints None Description of constraints on the parameter.

Language and environment tab

Language and environment tab

The available languages that templates can be generated for are displayed, and one should be selected. The details for the selected language will be opened.

Language and environment items

Item Default value Explanation
OS None Select the OS this component will be generated for.
Dependency None Enter any extra libraries this component will depend on.
--- --- ---
Jar File None Enter any extra jar files this component will depend on.

In the Java section, jar files can be added and removed using the Add and Delete buttons.

Ruby and C# are not currently supported.

RTC Profile XML Editor tab

The XML file (RTC.xml) based on the entered component information can be viewed and edited in this tab. Information that can't be entered using one of the other tabs can be directly entered here.

RTC Profile XML Editor tab

Anything entered in this tab will be saved only if the component is saved while this tab is visible. If, after editing the XML in this tab, another tab is opened and the component is saved, the values from that tab will take precedence. All changes made to the XML in this tab must follow the RTC.xml scheema. The contents will be validated when saved. If validation follows, an error similar to that shown below will appear. Fix the error and try saving again.

XML validation error dialog

Documentation settings tab

General documentation about the RT Component can be entered in this tab.

Document settings tab

The information entered in this tab is included in the generated code as doxygen comments.

Document settings items

Item Default value Explanation
Component outline
Outline None Description of the component.
Inputs and outputs None Description of the component's inputs and outputs.
Algorithms, etc None Description of algorithms used, etc.
Activity (on_initialize,on_finalize,on_startup,on_shutdown,on_activated,on_deactivated,on_execute,on_aborting,on_error,on_reset,on_state_update,on_rate_changed)
Execution outline None Description of the behaviour of each activity state.
Preconditions None Pre-conditions for each activity state.
Postconditions None Post-conditions for each activity state.
Author/Contact address None Name of the component author and a contact address.
License None License for the component and usage conditions.
References None Cited works.