Setting up VxWorks simulator

This page explains the settings of the VxWorks simulator running on Wind River Workbench.

(G)Add simulator

Workbench The default simulator is the linux_diab simulator. Since OpenRTM-aist uses the gnu compiler, you need to use the linux_gnu simulator.

Please press the [Define a connection to remote system] button and add the simulator.


Select Wind River VxWorks 6.x Simulator Connection on the Select Remote System Type in the New Connection window and proceed to the next.


In VxWorks Boot parameters, specify linux_gnu simulator in Custom simulator.

  • Example:/home/openrtm/WindRiver/vxworks-6.9/target/proj/linux_gnu/default/vxWorks


After going to Network Options, set the network to Full Network and set the IP address. Click the [Finish] button to create a simulator.


(G)Starting network interface

Launch the network interface for the simulator. Execute the following command.

 sudo ${WIND_BASE}/host/${WIND_HOST_TYPE}/bin/vxsimnetd

A network interface called tap0 will be added.

To use the name server started on Ubuntu side, restart the name server with the following command.

 sudo rtm-naming