Installing RTCBuilder


RTCBuilder is a template generator tool for RT Components. It generates custom templates based on user-configured parameters. RTCBuilder operates on top of Eclipse and interacts seamlessly and intuitively with other Eclipse plugins. Although RTCBuilder can be used even if RTSystemEditor is not installed, if it is, RTCBuilder's menus will be integrated with those of RTSystemEditor. This document is written assuming RTSystemEditor is installed.

Functional Overview

Function Overview
RTC Profile Editor Edit the RTC specification based profile, data port definitions, service port definitions, configuration parameter definitions, and other profile extensions.
Build view Graphically display the RT Component being edited, including its data ports, service ports, service interfaces.
Repository view Display information on a selected RT Repository.

Operating Environment

The following must be installed for RTCBuilder to function.

Software Remarks
Java Development Kit 6 Note: Java1.5 (5.0) is not suitable.
Eclipse version 3.4.2 or above
Eclipse itself
Eclipse EMF version 2.2 or above (SDO, XSD included) Eclipse plugin required by RTC Builder
Note: be sure to use versions that match your Eclipse version.
Eclipse GEF version 3.2 or above (Draw2D included) Eclipse plugin required by RTC Builder
Note: be sure to use versions that match your Eclipse version.

If you will be generating components for C++ or Python, you will need the following as well:

Software Remarks
Eclipse CDT C++ development environment
Pydev for Eclipse Python development environment

Install RTCBuilder

Because RTCBuilder is an Eclipse plugin, it requires Eclipse to be installed. Eclipse is written in Java, so it in turn requires a Java environment to be set up before it can be installed (such as the JDK).

Installing and Starting RTCBuilder

Download the RTCBuilder plugin and copy the jar files into the Eclipse plugin directory. This is a directory called plugin below the'eclipse directory in the location you extracted the Eclipse archive to. Start Eclipse and select [Open Perspective] > [Other] from the Window menu. The perspective selection dialog will be displayed.


Select RTC Builder from the list to open its perspective.


Click the [Open New RTC Builder Editor] button in the toolbar, or select [Open New Builder Editor] from the File menu to begin editing a new component.

referenceļ¼š''FAQ:'' How to start Eclipse