[openrtm-users 02527] omniidl for python can not be found if C++ is installed.

Yuki Suga ysuga @ ysuga.net
2012年 4月 27日 (金) 19:11:20 JST

Hi, everyone,

I am using OpenRTM-aist Python 1.1, C++ 1.1, and Java 1.1 at the same
time in Windows 7 64bit.
After I used binary installers, I found that I could not build
ServicePort project with OpenRTM-aist Python 1.1.

After investigating the error, I think that the "idlcompile.bat" which
is automatically generated by RTCB can not find proper omniidl.
I guess currently, the idlcompile.bat is like ...

## idlcompile.bat
omniidl.exe -bpython SimpleService.idl

However, the omniidl.exe that is called in the batch file is the one
installed with C++ version, so -bpython option does not work.

I am sure that we must use omniidl.exe installed in C:\Python26 if we
use -bpython option.
So, I modified the "idlcompile.bat" like...

## idlcompile.bat
C:\Python26\omniidl.exe -bpython SimpleService.idl

Are there any elegant ways to avoid this error?

Best regards,

// Yuki Suga, Ph.D.
// URL: http://www.ysuga.net/?lang=en
// E-mail: ysuga @ ysuga.net

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