[openrtm-users 02712] Potential bug at Eclipse all-in-one package for linux 64 bits

Luis Filipe Rossi luisf.rossi @ gmail.com
2012年 11月 13日 (火) 02:10:05 JST


I am using OpenRTM-aist at Ubuntu 12.04LTS 64bits and there is a problem
with the Eclipse all-in-one package for the RTM tool 1.1.0.

When using the RT System Editor and creating a block i can not chose the
variable type when creating in an out ports. The listbox is greyed and

I downloaded the eclipse from the OpenHRP3 website, but i belive it is the
same package i can find at OpenRTM website.


Luís Filipe Rossi
Electrical Engineer
Biomechatronics Lab. / Grupo de Sensores Integráveis e Sistemas
Escola Politécnica
Universidade de São Paulo
Cel. +55 (11) 7662-9234
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