// -*- C++ -*- /** * Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler v2.4.4 * TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by: * Center for Distributed Object Computing * Washington University * St. Louis, MO * USA * http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/doc-center.html * and * Distributed Object Computing Laboratory * University of California at Irvine * Irvine, CA * USA * and * Institute for Software Integrated Systems * Vanderbilt University * Nashville, TN * USA * http://www.isis.vanderbilt.edu/ * * Information about TAO is available at: * http://www.dre.vanderbilt.edu/~schmidt/TAO.html **/ // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_codegen.cpp:149 #ifndef _TAO_IDL_MYSERVICEC_LSSOS1_H_ #define _TAO_IDL_MYSERVICEC_LSSOS1_H_ #include /**/ "ace/config-all.h" #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */ #include "tao/AnyTypeCode/AnyTypeCode_methods.h" #include "tao/AnyTypeCode/Any.h" #include "tao/ORB.h" #include "tao/SystemException.h" #include "tao/Basic_Types.h" #include "tao/ORB_Constants.h" #include "tao/Object.h" #include "tao/Sequence_T.h" #include "tao/Objref_VarOut_T.h" #include "tao/Seq_Var_T.h" #include "tao/Seq_Out_T.h" #include "tao/Arg_Traits_T.h" #include "tao/Basic_Arguments.h" #include "tao/Special_Basic_Arguments.h" #include "tao/Any_Insert_Policy_T.h" #include "tao/Fixed_Size_Argument_T.h" #include "tao/Var_Size_Argument_T.h" #include "tao/Object_Argument_T.h" #include "tao/UB_String_Arguments.h" #include /**/ "tao/Version.h" #include /**/ "tao/Versioned_Namespace.h" #if TAO_MAJOR_VERSION != 2 || TAO_MINOR_VERSION != 4 || TAO_MICRO_VERSION != 4 #error This file should be regenerated with TAO_IDL #endif // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_root\root_ch.cpp:157 TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL namespace TAO { template class Narrow_Utils; } TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_module\module_ch.cpp:35 namespace SimpleService { // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_sequence\sequence_ch.cpp:99 #if !defined (_SIMPLESERVICE_ECHOLIST_CH_) #define _SIMPLESERVICE_ECHOLIST_CH_ class EchoList; typedef ::TAO_VarSeq_Var_T EchoList_var; typedef ::TAO_Seq_Out_T EchoList_out; class EchoList : public ::TAO::unbounded_basic_string_sequence { public: EchoList (void); EchoList ( ::CORBA::ULong max); EchoList ( ::CORBA::ULong max, ::CORBA::ULong length, ::CORBA::Char ** buffer, ::CORBA::Boolean release = false); EchoList (const EchoList &); virtual ~EchoList (void); // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_type.cpp:304 typedef EchoList_var _var_type; typedef EchoList_out _out_type; static void _tao_any_destructor (void *); }; #endif /* end #if !defined */ // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_typecode\typecode_decl.cpp:34 extern ::CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const _tc_EchoList; // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_sequence\sequence_ch.cpp:99 #if !defined (_SIMPLESERVICE_VALUELIST_CH_) #define _SIMPLESERVICE_VALUELIST_CH_ class ValueList; typedef ::TAO_FixedSeq_Var_T ValueList_var; typedef ::TAO_Seq_Out_T ValueList_out; class ValueList : public ::TAO::unbounded_value_sequence< ::CORBA::Float> { public: ValueList (void); ValueList ( ::CORBA::ULong max); ValueList ( ::CORBA::ULong max, ::CORBA::ULong length, ::CORBA::Float* buffer, ::CORBA::Boolean release = false); ValueList (const ValueList &); virtual ~ValueList (void); // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_type.cpp:304 typedef ValueList_var _var_type; typedef ValueList_out _out_type; static void _tao_any_destructor (void *); }; #endif /* end #if !defined */ // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_typecode\typecode_decl.cpp:34 extern ::CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const _tc_ValueList; // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_interface.cpp:748 #if !defined (_SIMPLESERVICE_MYSERVICE__VAR_OUT_CH_) #define _SIMPLESERVICE_MYSERVICE__VAR_OUT_CH_ class MyService; typedef MyService *MyService_ptr; typedef TAO_Objref_Var_T MyService_var; typedef TAO_Objref_Out_T MyService_out; #endif /* end #if !defined */ // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_interface\interface_ch.cpp:40 class MyService : public virtual ::CORBA::Object { public: friend class TAO::Narrow_Utils; // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_type.cpp:304 typedef MyService_ptr _ptr_type; typedef MyService_var _var_type; typedef MyService_out _out_type; static void _tao_any_destructor (void *); // The static operations. static MyService_ptr _duplicate (MyService_ptr obj); static void _tao_release (MyService_ptr obj); static MyService_ptr _narrow (::CORBA::Object_ptr obj); static MyService_ptr _unchecked_narrow (::CORBA::Object_ptr obj); static MyService_ptr _nil (void); virtual char * echo ( const char * msg); virtual ::SimpleService::EchoList * get_echo_history ( void); virtual void set_value ( ::CORBA::Float value); virtual ::CORBA::Float get_value ( void); virtual ::SimpleService::ValueList * get_value_history ( void); // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_interface\interface_ch.cpp:137 virtual ::CORBA::Boolean _is_a (const char *type_id); virtual const char* _interface_repository_id (void) const; virtual ::CORBA::Boolean marshal (TAO_OutputCDR &cdr); protected: // Concrete interface only. MyService (void); // Concrete non-local interface only. MyService ( ::IOP::IOR *ior, TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core); // Non-local interface only. MyService ( TAO_Stub *objref, ::CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated = false, TAO_Abstract_ServantBase *servant = 0, TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core = 0); virtual ~MyService (void); private: // Private and unimplemented for concrete interfaces. MyService (const MyService &); void operator= (const MyService &); }; // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_typecode\typecode_decl.cpp:34 extern ::CORBA::TypeCode_ptr const _tc_MyService; // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_module\module_ch.cpp:64 } // module SimpleService // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_arg_traits.cpp:66 TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL // Arg traits specializations. namespace TAO { // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_arg_traits.cpp:683 template<> class Arg_Traits< ::SimpleService::EchoList> : public Var_Size_Arg_Traits_T< ::SimpleService::EchoList, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_Stream > { }; // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_arg_traits.cpp:683 template<> class Arg_Traits< ::SimpleService::ValueList> : public Var_Size_Arg_Traits_T< ::SimpleService::ValueList, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_Stream > { }; // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_arg_traits.cpp:145 #if !defined (_SIMPLESERVICE_MYSERVICE__ARG_TRAITS_) #define _SIMPLESERVICE_MYSERVICE__ARG_TRAITS_ template<> class Arg_Traits< ::SimpleService::MyService> : public Object_Arg_Traits_T< ::SimpleService::MyService_ptr, ::SimpleService::MyService_var, ::SimpleService::MyService_out, TAO::Objref_Traits, TAO::Any_Insert_Policy_Stream > { }; #endif /* end #if !defined */ } TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_traits.cpp:60 TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL // Traits specializations. namespace TAO { #if !defined (_SIMPLESERVICE_MYSERVICE__TRAITS_) #define _SIMPLESERVICE_MYSERVICE__TRAITS_ template<> struct Objref_Traits< ::SimpleService::MyService> { static ::SimpleService::MyService_ptr duplicate ( ::SimpleService::MyService_ptr p); static void release ( ::SimpleService::MyService_ptr p); static ::SimpleService::MyService_ptr nil (void); static ::CORBA::Boolean marshal ( const ::SimpleService::MyService_ptr p, TAO_OutputCDR & cdr); }; #endif /* end #if !defined */ } TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_sequence\any_op_ch.cpp:47 #if defined (ACE_ANY_OPS_USE_NAMESPACE) namespace SimpleService { void operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, const ::SimpleService::EchoList &); // copying version void operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, ::SimpleService::EchoList*); // noncopying version ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, const ::SimpleService::EchoList *&); } #else TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL void operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, const SimpleService::EchoList &); // copying version void operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, SimpleService::EchoList*); // noncopying version ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, const SimpleService::EchoList *&); TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_sequence\any_op_ch.cpp:47 #if defined (ACE_ANY_OPS_USE_NAMESPACE) namespace SimpleService { void operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, const ::SimpleService::ValueList &); // copying version void operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, ::SimpleService::ValueList*); // noncopying version ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, const ::SimpleService::ValueList *&); } #else TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL void operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, const SimpleService::ValueList &); // copying version void operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, SimpleService::ValueList*); // noncopying version ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, const SimpleService::ValueList *&); TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_interface\any_op_ch.cpp:41 #if defined (ACE_ANY_OPS_USE_NAMESPACE) namespace SimpleService { void operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, MyService_ptr); // copying void operator<<= ( ::CORBA::Any &, MyService_ptr *); // non-copying ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, MyService_ptr &); } #else TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL void operator<<= (::CORBA::Any &, SimpleService::MyService_ptr); // copying void operator<<= (::CORBA::Any &, SimpleService::MyService_ptr *); // non-copying ::CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const ::CORBA::Any &, SimpleService::MyService_ptr &); TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_sequence\cdr_op_ch.cpp:65 #if !defined _TAO_CDR_OP_SimpleService_EchoList_H_ #define _TAO_CDR_OP_SimpleService_EchoList_H_ TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ::CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const SimpleService::EchoList &_tao_sequence); ::CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, SimpleService::EchoList &_tao_sequence); TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif /* _TAO_CDR_OP_SimpleService_EchoList_H_ */ // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_sequence\cdr_op_ch.cpp:65 #if !defined _TAO_CDR_OP_SimpleService_ValueList_H_ #define _TAO_CDR_OP_SimpleService_ValueList_H_ TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ::CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const SimpleService::ValueList &_tao_sequence); ::CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, SimpleService::ValueList &_tao_sequence); TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif /* _TAO_CDR_OP_SimpleService_ValueList_H_ */ // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_visitor_interface\cdr_op_ch.cpp:41 TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ::CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &, const SimpleService::MyService_ptr ); ::CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, SimpleService::MyService_ptr &); TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL // TAO_IDL - Generated from // be\be_codegen.cpp:1686 #if defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "MyServiceC.inl" #endif /* defined INLINE */ #endif /* ifndef */