[openrtm-commit:01058] r559 - trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Python

openrtm @ openrtm.org openrtm @ openrtm.org
2013年 4月 27日 (土) 00:15:33 JST

Author: n-ando
Date: 2013-04-27 00:15:33 +0900 (Sat, 27 Apr 2013)
New Revision: 559

[compat,func] setup.py has been updated to handle subpackages including examples.

Modified: trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Python/setup.py
--- trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Python/setup.py	2013-04-26 14:52:58 UTC (rev 558)
+++ trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Python/setup.py	2013-04-26 15:15:33 UTC (rev 559)
@@ -1,644 +1,978 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os,os.path
-import sys
-import string
-import commands
-import glob
-from distutils import core
-from distutils import cmd
-from distutils import log
-from distutils import util
-from distutils import dir_util
-from distutils import errors
-from distutils import version
-from distutils.command.build import build
-from distutils.command.sdist import sdist
-from distutils.command.install import install
-from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
-core.DEBUG = False
-g_os = None
-g_qkc_option = "-u"
-is_examples = False
-if os.sep == '/':
-  g_os = "unix"
-  if sys.version_info[0:3] >= (2, 6, 0):
-    example_sitedir = os.path.join("share", "OpenRTM-aist", "examples", "python")
-  elif sys.version_info[0:3] >= (2, 2, 0):
-    example_sitedir = os.path.join("share", "OpenRTM-aist", "examples", "python")
-elif os.sep == ':':
-  example_sitedir = os.path.join("lib", "site-packages")
-elif os.sep == '\\':
-  print "os: win32"
-  g_os = "win32"
-  example_sitedir = os.path.join("lib", "site-packages")
-  if sys.version_info[0:3] >= (2, 2, 0):
-    example_sitedir = os.path.join("lib", "site-packages")
-  else:
-    example_sitedir = os.path.join("lib", "site-packages")
-def compile_idl(cmd, pars, files):
-  """
-  Put together command line for python stubs generation.
-  """
-  global g_os
-  cmdline = cmd +' '+ string.join(pars) +' '+string.join(files)
-  if g_os == "win32":
-    os.system(cmdline)
-    return
-  log.info(cmdline)
-  status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmdline)
-  log.info(output)
-  if status != 0:
-    raise errors.DistutilsExecError("Return status of %s is %d" %
-            (cmd, status))
-def gen_idl_name(dir, name):
-  """
-  Generate name of idl file from directory prefix and IDL module name.
-  """
-  full_name = '"'+os.path.join(dir, name + ".idl")+'"'
-  return full_name
-class Build_idl (cmd.Command):
-  """
-  This class realizes a subcommand of build command and is used for building
-  IDL stubs.
-  """
-  description = "Generate python stubs from IDL files"
-  user_options = [("omniidl=", "i", "omniidl program used to build stubs"),
-                  ("idldir=",  "d", "directory where IDL files reside")]
-  def initialize_options(self):
-    self.idldir  = None
-    self.omniidl = None
-    self.omniidl_params = ["-bpython"]
-  def finalize_options(self):
-    if not self.omniidl:
-      self.omniidl = "omniidl"
-    if not self.idldir:
-      self.idldir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"OpenRTM_aist","RTM_IDL")
-  def run(self):
-    #self.omniidl_params.append("-Wbpackage=OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL")
-    self.omniidl_params.append("-COpenRTM_aist/RTM_IDL")
-    self.omniidl_params.append("-IOpenRTM_aist/RTM_IDL")
-    modules = ["BasicDataType", "DataPort", "ExtendedDataTypes",
-               "InterfaceDataTypes", "Manager", "OpenRTM", "RTC",
-               "SDOPackage"]
-    util.execute(compile_idl,
-                 (self.omniidl, self.omniidl_params,
-                  [ gen_idl_name(self.idldir, module) for module in modules ]),
-                 "Generating python stubs from IDL files")
-    # for SimpleService
-    self.idldir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"OpenRTM_aist","examples","SimpleService")
-    self.omniidl_params[-2]=("-COpenRTM_aist/examples/SimpleService")
-    self.omniidl_params[-1]=("-IOpenRTM_aist/examples/SimpleService")
-    modules = ["MyService"]
-    util.execute(compile_idl,
-                 (self.omniidl, self.omniidl_params,
-                  [ gen_idl_name(self.idldir, module) for module in modules ]),
-                 "Generating python sample stubs from IDL files")
-    # for AutoTest
-    self.idldir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"OpenRTM_aist","examples","AutoTest")
-    self.omniidl_params[-2]=("-COpenRTM_aist/examples/AutoTest")
-    self.omniidl_params[-1]=("-IOpenRTM_aist/examples/AutoTest")
-    modules = ["AutoTestService"]
-    util.execute(compile_idl,
-                 (self.omniidl, self.omniidl_params,
-                  [ gen_idl_name(self.idldir, module) for module in modules ]),
-                 "Generating python sample stubs from IDL files")
-class Build_examples_idl (cmd.Command):
-  """
-  This class realizes a subcommand of build command and is used for building
-  IDL stubs.
-  """
-  description = "Generate python stubs from IDL files in examples"
-  user_options = [("omniidl=", "i", "omniidl program used to build stubs"),
-                  ("idldir=",  "d", "directory where IDL files reside")]
-  def initialize_options(self):
-    self.idldir  = None
-    self.omniidl = None
-    self.omniidl_params = ["-bpython"]
-  def finalize_options(self):
-    if not self.omniidl:
-      self.omniidl = "omniidl"
-    if not self.idldir:
-      self.idldir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"OpenRTM_aist","examples","SimpleService")
-  def run(self):
-    #self.omniidl_params.append("-Wbpackage=OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL")
-    self.omniidl_params.append("-COpenRTM_aist/examples/SimpleService")
-    self.omniidl_params.append("-IOpenRTM_aist/examples/SimpleService")
-    modules = ["MyService"]
-    util.execute(compile_idl,
-                 (self.omniidl, self.omniidl_params,
-                  [ gen_idl_name(self.idldir, module) for module in modules ]),
-                 "Generating python sample stubs from IDL files")
-class Build_doc(cmd.Command):
-  """
-  This class realizes a subcommand of build command and is used for building
-  document by doxygen.
-  """
-  description = "Generate document by doxygen"
-  def initialize_options(self):
-    pass
-  def finalize_options(self):
-    pass
-  def run(self):
-    global g_os
-    global is_examples
-    if g_os == "unix" and not is_examples:
-      curr_dir = os.getcwd()
-      docs_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'OpenRTM_aist', 'docs')
-      os.chdir(docs_dir)
-      os.system("make")
-      os.chdir(curr_dir)
-class Build_examples (build):
-  """
-  This is here just to override default sub_commands list of build class.
-  We added 'build_examples_idl' item.
-  """
-  def has_pure_modules (self):
-    return self.distribution.has_pure_modules()
-  def has_c_libraries (self):
-    return self.distribution.has_c_libraries()
-  def has_ext_modules (self):
-    return self.distribution.has_ext_modules()
-  def has_scripts (self):
-    return self.distribution.has_scripts()
-  def has_idl_files (self):
-    return True
-  sub_commands = [('build_examples_idl', has_idl_files),
-                  ('build_py',           has_pure_modules),
-                  ('build_clib',         has_c_libraries),
-                  ('build_ext',          has_ext_modules),
-                  ('build_scripts',      has_scripts)]
-class Build (build):
-  """
-  This is here just to override default sub_commands list of build class.
-  We added 'build_idl' item.
-  """
-  def has_pure_modules (self):
-    return self.distribution.has_pure_modules()
-  def has_c_libraries (self):
-    return self.distribution.has_c_libraries()
-  def has_ext_modules (self):
-    return self.distribution.has_ext_modules()
-  def has_scripts (self):
-    return self.distribution.has_scripts()
-  def has_idl_files (self):
-    return True
-  def has_doc_files (self):
-    return True
-  sub_commands = [('build_doc',     has_doc_files),
-                  ('build_idl',     has_idl_files),
-                  ('build_py',      has_pure_modules),
-                  ('build_clib',    has_c_libraries),
-                  ('build_ext',     has_ext_modules),
-                  ('build_scripts', has_scripts)]
-class OtherSetupForSdist(sdist):
-  def initialize_options(self):
-    global is_examples
-    sdist.initialize_options(self)
-    if is_examples:
-      self.template = "MANIFEST_examples.in"
-      self.use_defaults = 0
-      self.force_manifest = 1
-      stub_dirs = ["SimpleService","SimpleService__POA"]
-      for dir_ in stub_dirs:
-        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"OpenRTM_aist","examples","SimpleService",dir_)):
-          os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"OpenRTM_aist","examples","SimpleService",dir_))
-    else:
-      self.use_defaults = 0
-      self.force_manifest = 1
-      stub_dirs = ["OpenRTM","OpenRTM__POA",
-                   "RTC","RTC__POA",
-                   "RTM","RTM__POA",
-                   "SDOPackage","SDOPackage__POA"]
-      for dir_ in stub_dirs:
-        if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"OpenRTM_aist","RTM_IDL",dir_)):
-          os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),"OpenRTM_aist","RTM_IDL",dir_))
-  def make_distribution (self):
-    """Create the source distribution(s).  First, we create the release
-    tree with 'make_release_tree()'; then, we create all required
-    archive files (according to 'self.formats') from the release tree.
-    Finally, we clean up by blowing away the release tree (unless
-    'self.keep_temp' is true).  The list of archive files created is
-    stored so it can be retrieved later by 'get_archive_files()'.
-    """
-    global g_os
-    global g_qkc_option
-    # Don't warn about missing meta-data here -- should be (and is!)
-    # done elsewhere.
-    base_dir = self.distribution.get_fullname()
-    base_name = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, base_dir)
-    self.make_release_tree(base_dir, self.filelist.files)
-    archive_files = []              # remember names of files we create
-    if g_os == "unix":
-      curr_dir = os.getcwd()
-      cmd_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), pkg_name+'-'+pkg_version)
-      os.chdir(cmd_dir)
-      cmd_ = "find . -name \"*\" | xargs qkc %s" % g_qkc_option
-      os.system(cmd_)
-      os.chdir(curr_dir)
-    for fmt in self.formats:
-      file = self.make_archive(base_name, fmt, base_dir=base_dir)
-      archive_files.append(file)
-      self.distribution.dist_files.append(('sdist', '', file))
-    self.archive_files = archive_files
-    if not self.keep_temp:
-      dir_util.remove_tree(base_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run)
-install_data_dir = None
-class Install(install):
-  def run(self):
-    global install_data_dir
-    install_data_dir = self.install_purelib
-    install.run(self)
-class InstallData(install_data):
-  def run(self):
-    global install_data_dir
-    for i in range(len(self.data_files)):
-      dir = os.path.join(install_data_dir,self.data_files[i][0])
-      self.data_files[i] = (dir,self.data_files[i][1])
-    install_data.run(self)
-############################### data for setup() ###########################################
-unix_packages = ["OpenRTM_aist",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.OpenRTM",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.OpenRTM__POA",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTC",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTC__POA",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTM",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTM__POA",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.SDOPackage",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.SDOPackage__POA",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.device_interfaces",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.ext",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.ext.sdo",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.ext.sdo.observer",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.utils",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtcd",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtcprof",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtc-template",
-                 "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtm-naming"]
-example_dir = ["AutoControl",
-               "Composite",
-               "ConfigSample",
-               "ExtTrigger",
-               "MobileRobotCanvas",
-               "NXTRTC",
-               "SeqIO",
-               "SimpleIO",
-               {"SimpleService":["SimpleService","SimpleService__POA"]},
-               "Slider_and_Motor",
-               "TkLRFViewer",
-               "TkJoyStick"]
-example_data_files = []
-simpleservice_path = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples", "SimpleService"))[0]
-simpleservice_path += "/SimpleService/__init__.py"
-example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, "SimpleService", "SimpleService"),
-                           [simpleservice_path]))
-simpleservice__poa_path = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples", "SimpleService"))[0]
-simpleservice__poa_path += "/SimpleService__POA/__init__.py"
-example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, "SimpleService", "SimpleService__POA"),
-                           [simpleservice__poa_path]))
-simpleservice_idl_path = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples", "SimpleService"))[0]
-simpleservice_idl_path += "/MyService_idl.py"
-example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, "SimpleService"),
-                           [simpleservice_idl_path]))
-for ex in example_dir:
-  if isinstance(ex, str):
-    py_path_   = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples", ex, "*.py"))
-    conf_path_ = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples", ex, "*.conf")) 
-    idl_path_  = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples", ex, "*.idl")) 
-    if py_path_:
-      for pp_ in py_path_:
-        example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, ex), [pp_]))
-    if conf_path_:
-      for cp_ in conf_path_:
-        example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, ex), [cp_]))
-    if idl_path_:
-      for ip_ in idl_path_:
-        example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, ex), [ip_]))
-  elif isinstance(ex, dict):
-    vals_ = ex.values()
-    key_  = ex.keys()[0]
-    if isinstance(vals_, list):
-      if isinstance(vals_[0], list):
-        for val_ in vals_[0]:
-          stub_path_   = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples",
-                                                key_, val_, "*.py"))
-          if stub_path_:
-            for sp_ in stub_path_:
-              example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, key_, val_), [sp_]))
-      elif isinstance(vals_[0], str):
-        stub_path_   = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples",
-                                              key_, vals_[0], "*.py"))
-        if stub_path_:
-            for sp_ in stub_path_:
-              example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, key_, vals_[0]), [sp_]))
-    py_path_   = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples", key_, "*.py"))
-    conf_path_ = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples", key_, "*.conf")) 
-    idl_path_  = glob.glob(os.path.join("OpenRTM_aist", "examples", key_, "*.idl")) 
-    if py_path_:
-      for pp_ in py_path_:
-        example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, key_), [pp_]))
-    if conf_path_:
-      for cp_ in conf_path_:
-        example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, key_), [cp_]))
-    if idl_path_:
-      for ip_ in idl_path_:
-        example_data_files.append((os.path.join(example_sitedir, key_), [ip_]))
-win32_packages = ["OpenRTM_aist",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.OpenRTM",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.OpenRTM__POA",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTC",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTC__POA",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTM",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTM__POA",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.SDOPackage",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.SDOPackage__POA",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.device_interfaces",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.AutoControl",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.Composite",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.ConfigSample",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.ExtTrigger",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.MobileRobotCanvas",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.NXTRTC",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.SeqIO",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.SimpleIO",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.SimpleService",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.Slider_and_Motor",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.Templates",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.TkJoyStick",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.examples.TkLRFViewer",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.ext",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.ext.sdo",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.ext.sdo.observer",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.utils",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtcd",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtcprof",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtc-template",
-                  "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtm-naming"]
-unix_data_files = [("",['OpenRTM-aist.pth'])]
-idl_files= glob.glob(os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist',
-                                  'RTM_IDL',
-                                  '*.idl'))
-device_if_idl_files= glob.glob(os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist',
-                                            'RTM_IDL',
-                                            'device_interfaces',
-                                            '*.idl'))
-unix_data_files.append((os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist', 'utils', 'rtcd'),
-                        ['OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtcd.conf']))
-unix_data_files.append((os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist', 'utils', 'rtcd'),
-                        ['OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtc.conf']))
-unix_data_files.append((os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist', 'ext', 'sdo', 'observer'),
-                        ['OpenRTM_aist/ext/sdo/observer/rtc.conf']))
-for idl in idl_files:
-  unix_data_files.append((os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist', 'RTM_IDL'),
-                          [idl]))
-for device_idl in device_if_idl_files:
-  unix_data_files.append((os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist', 'RTM_IDL',
-                                       'device_interfaces'), [device_idl]))
-import copy
-win32_data_files = copy.deepcopy(unix_data_files)
-win32_data_files.append((os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist', 'examples'),
-                         ['OpenRTM_aist/examples/rtc.conf.sample']))
-win32_data_files.append((os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist', 'examples'),
-                         ['OpenRTM_aist/examples/component.conf']))
-win32_data_files.append((os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist', 'ext', 'sdo', 'observer'),
-                         ['OpenRTM_aist/ext/sdo/observer/setup.bat']))
-unix_data_files.append((os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist', 'ext', 'sdo', 'observer'),
-                        ['OpenRTM_aist/ext/sdo/observer/setup.sh']))
-templates_xml = glob.glob(os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist',
-                                       'examples',
-                                       'Templates',
-                                       '*.xml'))
-for tmp_xml in templates_xml:
-  win32_data_files.append((os.path.join('OpenRTM_aist', 'examples', 'Templates'),
-                           [tmp_xml]))
-pkg_name      = "OpenRTM-aist-Python"
-pkg_version   = "1.1.0"
-pkg_desc      = "Python modules for OpenRTM-aist-1.1"
-pkg_author    = "Shinji Kurihara and Noriaki Ando"
-pkg_email     = "n-ando at aist.go.jp"
-pkg_url       = "http://www.openrtm.org/"
-pkg_long_desc = """\
-OpenRTM-aist is a reference implementation of RT-Middleware,
-which is now under standardization process in OMG (Object Management Group).
-OpenRTM-aist is being developed and distributed by
-Intelligent Systems Research Institute,
-National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan.
-Please see http://www.openrtm.org/ for more detail.
-pkg_license   = "LGPL"
-examples_install = False
-cwd_ = os.getcwd()
-if cwd_.find("OpenRTM-aist-Python-example-1.1.0") != -1 or \
-      cwd_.find("openrtm-aist-python-example-1.1.0") != -1:
-  examples_install = True
-  if g_os == "unix":
-    g_qkc_option = "-u"
-    # for RTM (sdist, build, install)
-    if not examples_install:
-      core.setup(name             = pkg_name,
-                 version          = pkg_version,
-                 description      = pkg_desc,
-                 author           = pkg_author,
-                 author_email     = pkg_email,
-                 url              = pkg_url,
-                 long_description = pkg_long_desc,
-                 license          = pkg_license,
-                 cmdclass         = { "build":Build, "build_idl":Build_idl, "build_doc":Build_doc,
-                                      "sdist":OtherSetupForSdist, "install":Install, "install_data":InstallData },
-                 packages         = unix_packages,
-                 scripts= ['OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcprof/rtcprof_python',
-                           'OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtcd_python',
-                           'OpenRTM_aist/ext/sdo/observer/setup.sh'],
-                 data_files       = unix_data_files)
-    # for RTM zip (sdist)
-    if sys.argv[1] == "sdist":
-      g_qkc_option = "-m"
-      is_examples   = False
-      core.setup(name             = pkg_name,
-                 version          = pkg_version,
-                 description      = pkg_desc,
-                 author           = pkg_author,
-                 author_email     = pkg_email,
-                 url              = pkg_url,
-                 long_description = pkg_long_desc,
-                 license          = pkg_license,
-                 cmdclass         = { "build":Build, "build_idl":Build_idl, "build_doc":Build_doc, "sdist":OtherSetupForSdist},
-                 packages         = win32_packages,
-                 scripts= ['OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcprof/rtcprof_python.bat',
-                           'OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtcd_python.bat',
-                           'OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtcd_python.exe',
-                           'OpenRTM_aist/ext/sdo/observer/setup.bat'],
-                 data_files       = win32_data_files,
-                 script_args      = ["sdist", "--format=zip"])
-      # for examples (sdist)
-      g_qkc_option = "-u"
-      pkg_name      = "OpenRTM-aist-Python-example"
-      pkg_desc      = "Python example components for OpenRTM-aist-1.1"
-      is_examples   = True
-      core.setup(name             = pkg_name,
-                 version          = pkg_version,
-                 description      = pkg_desc,
-                 author           = pkg_author,
-                 author_email     = pkg_email,
-                 url              = pkg_url,
-                 long_description = pkg_long_desc,
-                 license          = pkg_license,
-                 cmdclass         = { "build":Build_examples, "build_examples_idl":Build_examples_idl, "sdist":OtherSetupForSdist },
-                 data_files       = example_data_files,
-                 script_args      = ["sdist", "--no-defaults"])
-      is_examples   = False
-    else:
-      if examples_install:
-        # for examples (build, install)
-        g_qkc_option = "-u"
-        pkg_name      = "OpenRTM-aist-Python-example"
-        pkg_desc      = "Python example components for OpenRTM-aist-1.1"
-        core.setup(name             = pkg_name,
-                   version          = pkg_version,
-                   description      = pkg_desc,
-                   author           = pkg_author,
-                   author_email     = pkg_email,
-                   url              = pkg_url,
-                   long_description = pkg_long_desc,
-                   license          = pkg_license,
-                   cmdclass         = { "build":Build_examples, "build_examples_idl":Build_examples_idl, "sdist":OtherSetupForSdist },
-                   data_files       = example_data_files)
-  elif g_os == "win32":
-    g_qkc_option = "-m"
-    # for RTM
-    core.setup(name             = pkg_name,
-               version          = pkg_version,
-               description      = pkg_desc,
-               author           = pkg_author,
-               author_email     = pkg_email,
-               url              = pkg_url,
-               long_description = pkg_long_desc,
-               license          = pkg_license,
-               cmdclass         = { "build":Build, "build_idl":Build_idl, "build_doc":Build_doc,
-                                    "install":Install, "install_data":InstallData },
-               packages         = win32_packages,
-               scripts= ['OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcprof/rtcprof_python.bat',
-                         'OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtcd_python.bat',
-                         'OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtcd_python.exe',
-                         'OpenRTM_aist/ext/sdo/observer/setup.bat'],
-               data_files       = win32_data_files)
-#               script_args      = ["sdist", "--format=zip"])
-except Exception, e:
-  log.error("Error: %s", e)
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# @file setup.py
+# @author Noriaki Ando <n-ando at aist.go.jp>
+# Copyright (C) 2013
+#     Noriaki Ando
+#     Intelligent Systems Research Institute, National Institute of
+#     Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan All
+#     rights reserved.
+# How to update this script:
+# 1. Change version number for "pkg_*_version"
+# 2. Change version number in package description "pkg_desc"
+# 3. If new author should be added, add he/she in the "pkg_author"
+# 4. And modify other pkg_* variables if necessary.
+# How to use this setup.py script
+# Usage:
+#   setup.py option (build_*|clean_*|install_*|sdist_*) command option
+# * Build
+#   Build command will perform IDL compilation and document generation
+#   by doxygen.
+#   build: perform IDL compilation and document generation
+#   build_core: IDL compilation of core modules
+#   build_example: IDL compilation of examples
+#   build_doc: Document generation by doxygen
+# * Clean
+#   Clean command delete all the generated files, including CORBA
+#   stubs and documentation files.
+#   clean: Cleanup all files generated by build_* commands
+#   clean_core: Cleanup generated stubs in core
+#   clean_example: Cleanup documentation files
+#   clean_doc: Cleanup generated stubs in examples
+# * Installation
+#   This script installs python module files and others according to the
+#   following rules
+#   install: installing all files. 
+#   install_core: installing core libraries.
+#     core modules: -> <prefix>/lib/pythonX.Y/dist-pacakges/OpenRTM_aist/
+#       OpenRTM-aist.pth
+#       OpenRTM_aist/*.py
+#       OpenRTM_aist/RTM_IDL/*_idl.py
+#       OpenRTM_aist/RTM_IDL/(OpenRTM|RTC|RTM|SDOPackage)/*.py
+#       OpenRTM_aist/RTM_IDL/(OpenRTM|RTC|RTM|SDOPackage)__POA/*.py
+#     data files: -> <prefix>/lib/pythonX.Y/dist-pacakges/OpenRTM_aist/
+#       OpenRTM_aist/RTM_IDL/*.idl
+#       OpenRTM_aist/RTM_IDL/device_interfaces/*.idl
+#     ext modules: -> <prefix>/lib/openrtm-x.y/python
+#       OpenRTM_aist/ext/sdo/observer/*.(py|idl|conf|sh) unix
+#       OpenRTM_aist/ext/sdo/observer/*.(py|idl|conf|bat) win32
+#   install_doc
+#     document files: -> <prefix>/share/openrtm-x.y/doc/python/
+#       OpenRTM_aist/docs/ClassReference-jp
+#       OpenRTM_aist/docs/ClassReference-en
+#   install_example
+#     example files: -> <prefix>/share/openrtm-x.y/example/python/
+#       OpenRTM_aist/examples/*
+# * Source distribution
+#   This command creates source distribution packages.
+#   sdist: create all source distribution packages
+#   sdist_tgz: create tgz type  source distribution packages
+#   sdist_zip: create zip type  source distribution packages
+# Package version definition
+pkg_major_version = "1"
+pkg_minor_version = "1"
+pkg_revision_num  = "0"
+pkg_name      = "OpenRTM-aist-Python"
+pkg_shortver  = pkg_major_version + "." + pkg_minor_version
+pkg_version   = pkg_shortver + "." + pkg_revision_num
+pkg_desc      = "Python modules for OpenRTM-aist-" + pkg_shortver
+pkg_author    = "Shinji Kurihara and Noriaki Ando"
+pkg_email     = "n-ando at aist.go.jp"
+pkg_url       = "http://openrtm.org/"
+pkg_license   = "LGPL"
+pkg_long_desc = """\
+OpenRTM-aist is a reference implementation of RT-Middleware and
+RT-Component framework. RT-Component (RTC) is a component model
+standardized in OMG (Object Management Group) as Robotic Technology
+Component Specification 1.0 (formal/08-04-04,
+http://www.omg.org/spec/RTC/1.0).  OpenRTM-aist is being developed and
+distributed by Intelligent Systems Research Institute, National
+Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan.
+Please see http://openrtm.org/ for more details."""
+pkg_usage     = """\
+Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more)
+  setup.py build            will compile IDL files and documentation
+  setup.py build_core       will compile core IDL files
+  setup.py build_example    will compile examples' IDL files
+  setup.py build_doc        will compile documentation
+  setup.py clean            will cleanup all generated files
+  setup.py clean_core       will cleanup stubs in core libraries
+  setup.py clean_example    will cleanup stubs in examples
+  setup.py clean_doc        will cleanup generated documentation files
+  setup.py install          will perform build and install the package
+  setup.py install_core     will perform build core and install the package
+  setup.py install_example  will perform build examples and install them
+  setup.py install_doc      will process documentation and install them
+  setup.py sdist            will create source package in tgz and zip
+  setup.py sdist_tgz        will create tgz source package
+  setup.py sdist_zip        will create zip source package
+# importing modules
+import os,os.path
+import sys
+import string
+import commands
+import glob
+import shutil
+from distutils import core
+from distutils.core import Command
+from distutils import cmd
+from distutils import log
+from distutils import util
+from distutils import dir_util
+from distutils import errors
+from distutils import version
+from distutils.command.build import build
+from distutils.command.clean import clean
+from distutils.command.sdist import sdist
+from distutils.command.install import install
+from distutils.command.install_lib import install_lib
+from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
+# Getting OS type
+def os_is():
+  if os.sep == '/':
+    return "unix"
+  elif os.sep == ':':
+    return None
+  elif os.sep == '\\':
+    return "win32"
+  else:
+    return None
+# Directory settings for file list
+current_dir  = os.getcwd()
+# core settings
+module_dir = "OpenRTM_aist"
+openrtm_core_packages = [
+  "OpenRTM_aist",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.OpenRTM",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.OpenRTM__POA",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTC",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTC__POA",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTM",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.RTM__POA",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.SDOPackage",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.SDOPackage__POA",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.RTM_IDL.device_interfaces",
+  ]
+openrtm_ext_packages = [
+  "OpenRTM_aist.ext",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.ext.sdo",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.ext.sdo.observer",
+  ]
+openrtm_utils_packages = [
+  "OpenRTM_aist.utils",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtcd",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtcprof",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtc-template",
+  "OpenRTM_aist.utils.rtm-naming",
+  ]
+# IDL settings
+baseidl_dir   = "OpenRTM_aist/RTM_IDL"
+baseidl_files = [
+  "BasicDataType.idl",
+  "DataPort.idl",
+  "ExtendedDataTypes.idl",
+  "InterfaceDataTypes.idl",
+  "Manager.idl",
+  "OpenRTM.idl",
+  "RTC.idl",
+  "SDOPackage.idl"
+  ]
+baseidl_mods  = ["RTM", "RTC", "SDOPackage", "OpenRTM"]
+baseidl_path  = os.path.normpath(current_dir + "/" + baseidl_dir)
+# scripts settings
+pkg_scripts_unix  = ['OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtcd_python',
+                     'OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcprof/rtcprof_python',
+                     'OpenRTM_aist/ext/sdo/observer/setup.bat']
+pkg_scripts_win32 = ['OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtcd.py',
+                     'OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtcd_python.exe',
+                     'OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcd/rtcd_python.bat',
+                     'OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcprof/rtcprof_python.py',
+                     'OpenRTM_aist/utils/rtcprof/rtcprof_python.bat',
+                     'OpenRTM_aist/ext/sdo/observer/setup.bat']
+# ext modules
+ext_dir               = "OpenRTM_aist/ext"
+target_ext_dir        = "lib/openrtm-" + pkg_shortver + "/python"
+ext_match_regex_unix  = ".*\.(py|conf|sh|xml|idl)$"
+ext_match_regex_win32 = ".*\.(py|conf|bat|xml|idl)$"
+# examples
+example_dir           = "OpenRTM_aist/examples"
+target_example_dir    = "share/openrtm-" + pkg_shortver + "/examples/python"
+example_match_regex   = ".*\.(py|conf|sh|xml|idl)$"
+example_path          = os.path.normpath(current_dir + "/" + example_dir)
+# documents
+document_dir          = "OpenRTM_aist/docs"
+target_doc_dir        = "share/openrtm-" + pkg_shortver + "/docs/python"
+document_match_regex  = ".*\.(html|png|gif||css|hhc|hhp|hhk)$"
+document_path         = os.path.normpath(current_dir + "/" + document_dir)
+# utility functions
+# Creating file list to be passed to distutils.core.setup
+# This function creates the following file list.
+# [(<install dir name0>, [<path to file0 from current dir>, <file1>, ...]),
+#  (<install dir name1>, [file2, file3, ....]), ...]
+# usage:
+#   create_filelist(start_path, subs_path, target_path, regex_match)
+# @param start_path A path to start walking through recursively.
+# @param subs_path  A partial path to be removed from the file pathes obtained.
+# @param target_path Target directory shere you want to install the files.
+# @param regex_match A regular expression to match the files to be installed.
+# example:
+# Now we assume that the following arguments are set to create_filelist()
+# start_path  = OpenRTM_aist/examples/
+# subs_path   = OpenRTM_aist/examples/
+# target_path = share/openrtm-1.1/examples/python/
+# regex_match = .*\.py$
+# A file matched: OpenRTM_aist/examples/SimpleIO/ConsoleIn.py
+# "OpenRTM_aist/examples" (subs_path) is removed from the
+# path. obtained file path: SimpleIO/ConsoleIn.py is merged
+# target_path, and then we get final target path
+# <prefix>/share/openrtm-1.1/examples/python/SimpleIO/ConsoleIn.py
+def create_filelist(start_path, subs_path, target_path, regex_match):
+  filelist = []
+  temp_hash = {}
+  if start_path[-1] != "/": start_path += "/"
+  if subs_path[-1] != "/": subs_path += "/"
+  import re
+  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(start_path):
+    for filename in files:
+      if re.match(regex_match, filename):
+        subdir = re.sub(subs_path, "", root)
+        dir_name = os.path.join(target_path, subdir)
+        file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
+        if not temp_hash.has_key(dir_name):
+          temp_hash[dir_name] = []
+        temp_hash[dir_name].append(file_path)
+  for k in temp_hash.keys():
+    filelist.append((k, temp_hash[k]))
+  return filelist
+# convert_file_code()
+# converting file encoding and CR-LF code
+# Usage:
+#  convert_file_code(file_name, to_code, to_crlf_code)
+# Example:
+#    -- converting to DOS/Windows code (SJIS/CRLF) --
+#    convert_file_code("hoge.txt", "shift_jis", "\r\n")
+#    -- converting to UNIX/Mac OS X code (EUC/LF) --
+#    convert_file_code("hoge.txt", "euc_jp", "\n")
+def convert_file_code(file_name, char_code, crlf_code, hint=None):
+  import codecs
+  import os
+  def conv_encoding(data, to_enc="utf_8"):
+    default_lookup = ('utf_8',
+                      'euc_jp', 'euc_jis_2004', 'euc_jisx0213',
+                      'shift_jis', 'shift_jis_2004','shift_jisx0213',
+                      'iso2022jp', 'iso2022_jp_1', 'iso2022_jp_2',
+                      'iso2022_jp_3', 'iso2022_jp_ext',
+                      'latin_1', 'ascii')
+    if hint:
+      lookup = (hint, 'ascii', 'shift_jis', 'euc_jp')
+    else:
+      lookup = default_lookup
+    for encoding in lookup:
+      try:
+        data = data.decode(encoding)
+        break
+      except:
+        pass
+    if isinstance(data, unicode):
+      return data.encode(to_enc)
+    else:
+      return data
+    # end of conv_encoding()
+  temp_fname = file_name + ".tmp"
+  outfd = open(temp_fname, "w")
+  for line in open(file_name, "r"):
+    try:
+      outdata = conv_encoding(line.rstrip('\r\n'), char_code)
+    except Exception as e:
+      print "Exception cought in " + file_name + ": " + line
+      print e
+      outfd.close()
+      os.remove(temp_fname)
+      sys.exit(1)
+    outfd.write(outdata + crlf_code)
+  os.remove(file_name)
+  os.rename(temp_fname, file_name)
+  outfd.close()
+# compiling IDL files
+def compile_idl(idl_compiler, include_dirs, current_dir, files):
+  """
+  compile_idl
+    - idl_compiler: [string] path to omniidl executable
+    - include_dirs: [list] path list for include directories
+    - current_dir : [string] directory where stubs are generated
+    - files       : [list] IDL file list
+  """
+  # create command and option list
+  cmd = [idl_compiler, "-bpython"]
+  if include_dirs: cmd += ["-I" + inc for inc in include_dirs]
+  if current_dir : cmd += ["-C" + current_dir]
+  cmd += files
+  # function to be given dist.util.execute
+  def exec_idl_compile(cmd_str):
+    cmdline = string.join(cmd_str)
+    if os_is() == "win32":
+      os.system(cmdline)
+      return
+    log.info(cmdline)
+    status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmdline)
+    log.info(output)
+    if status != 0:
+      raise errors.DistutilsExecError("Return status of %s is %d" %
+                                      (cmd, status))
+    return
+  # compile IDL by using dist.util.execute
+  util.execute(exec_idl_compile, [cmd],
+               "Generating python stubs from IDL files")
+# compiling doxygen
+def create_doc(doxygen_conf, target_dir):
+  """
+  create_doc
+    - doxygen_conf: [string] path to Doxygen's conf file
+    - target_dir  : [string] directory to where doxygen generates documentation
+  """
+  def exec_doxygen(cmd):
+    # remove target dir
+    if os.path.exists(target_dir):
+      shutil.rmtree(target_dir)
+    cmdline = string.join(cmd)
+    if os_is() == "win32":
+      os.system(cmdline)
+      return
+    log.info(cmdline)
+    status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmdline)
+    log.info(output)
+    if status != 0:
+      raise errors.DistutilsExecError("Return status of %s is %d" %
+                                      (cmd, status))
+    return
+  # compile IDL by using dist.util.execute
+  docdir = os.path.dirname(doxygen_conf)
+  tmp = os.getcwd()
+  os.chdir(docdir)
+  cmd = ["doxygen", doxygen_conf]
+  util.execute(exec_doxygen, [cmd],
+               "Generating documentation")
+  os.chdir(tmp)
+# command classes
+# build
+#   build_core
+#   build_example
+#   build_doc
+# clean
+#   clean_core
+#   clean_example
+#   clean_doc
+# sdist
+#   sdist_tgz
+#   sdist_zip
+# install
+#   install_core
+#   install_example
+#   install_doc
+# build command family
+# "build" command
+class build_all(build):
+  """
+  This class is a parent command of build to compile IDL into CORBA
+  stubs and to make documentation.
+  """
+  description = "Generate python CORBA stubs from IDL files and documentation"
+  user_options = build.user_options + [
+    ("omniidl=", "i",
+     "omniidl program used to build stubs"),
+    ("idldir=",  "i",
+     "directory where IDL files reside"),
+    ("doxygen=",  "d",
+     "path to doxygen executable")
+    ]
+  def initialize_options(self):
+    self.omniidl = None
+    self.idldir  = None
+    self.doxygen = None
+    build.initialize_options(self)
+    return
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    build.finalize_options(self)
+    if not self.omniidl:
+      self.omniidl = "omniidl"
+    if not self.idldir:
+      self.idldir = baseidl_path
+    if not self.doxygen:
+      self.doxygen = "doxygen"
+    # Transferring options to sub-commands
+    self.distribution.omniidl = self.omniidl
+    self.distribution.idldir  = self.idldir
+    self.distribution.doxygen = self.doxygen
+  def run(self):
+    return build.run(self)
+  # sub_command member attribute
+  sub_commands = [
+    ('build_core', None),
+    ('build_doc',  None),
+    ('build_example', None)
+    ]
+# "build_sub" base class
+class build_sub(build):
+  """
+  This class is a subcommand base class for compiling IDL and
+  generating stubs.
+  """
+  description = "Generate python CORBA stubs for core from IDL files"
+  user_options = build.user_options + [
+    ("omniidl=", "i",
+     "omniidl program used to build stubs"),
+    ("idldir=",  "d",
+     "directory where IDL files reside")
+    ]
+  def initialize_options(self):
+    self.idldir  = None
+    self.omniidl = None
+    build.initialize_options(self)
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    build.finalize_options(self)
+    if not self.omniidl:
+      if hasattr(self.distribution, "omniidl"):
+        self.omniidl = self.distribution.omniidl
+      else:
+        self.omniidl = "omniidl"
+    if not self.idldir:
+      if hasattr(self.distribution, "idldir"):
+        self.idldir = self.distribution.idldir
+      else:
+        self.idldir = None
+    return
+# "build_core" sub command
+class build_core(build_sub):
+  """
+  This class is a subcommand of build command. The command compiles
+  IDL files and generates CORBA stubs for core packages.
+  """
+  description = "Generate python CORBA stubs for core packages."
+  def run(self):
+    idldir = baseidl_path
+    include_dirs = [baseidl_path]
+    current_dir = baseidl_path
+    idl_files   = [os.path.join(baseidl_path, f) for f in baseidl_files]
+    compile_idl(self.omniidl, include_dirs, current_dir, idl_files)
+# "build_example" sub command
+class build_example(build_sub):
+  """
+  This class is a subcommand of build command. The command compiles
+  IDL files and generates CORBA stubs for example packages.
+  """
+  description = "Generate python CORBA stubs for example packages."
+  def run(self):
+    # SimpleService
+    current_dir  = os.path.join(example_dir, "SimpleService")
+    include_dirs = [baseidl_path, current_dir]
+    idl_files    = [os.path.join(current_dir, "MyService.idl")]
+    compile_idl(self.omniidl, include_dirs, current_dir, idl_files)
+    # AutoTest
+    current_dir  = os.path.join(example_dir, "AutoTest")
+    include_dirs = [baseidl_path, current_dir]
+    idl_files    = [os.path.join(current_dir, "AutoTestService.idl")]
+    compile_idl(self.omniidl, include_dirs, current_dir, idl_files)
+# "build_doc" sub command
+class build_doc(build):
+  """
+  This class is a subcommand of build command. The command generates
+  documentation from source code.
+  """
+  description = "Generate documentation from source code."
+  user_options =  build.user_options + [
+    ("doxygen=", "d",
+     "path to doxygen executable")
+    ]
+  def initialize_options(self):
+    self.doxygen = None
+    build.initialize_options(self)
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    build.finalize_options(self)
+    if not self.doxygen:
+      if hasattr(self.distribution, "doxygen"):
+        self.doxygen = self.distribution.doxygen
+      else:
+        self.doxygen = "doxygen"
+  def run(self):
+    conf_file = os.path.normpath(document_path + "/Doxyfile_en")
+    target_dir = os.path.normpath(document_path + "/ClassReference-en")
+    create_doc(conf_file, target_dir)
+    conf_file = os.path.normpath(document_path + "/Doxyfile_jp")
+    target_dir = os.path.normpath(document_path + "/ClassReference-jp")
+    create_doc(conf_file, target_dir)
+# clean command classes
+def remove_stubs(target_dir, idl_files, module_names):
+  files = [f.replace(".idl", "_idl.py") for f in idl_files]
+  for f in files:
+    file_path = os.path.normpath(target_dir + "/" + f)
+    if os.path.exists(file_path):
+      os.remove(file_path)
+  # removing <modname> dirs and <modname__POA dirs
+  for d in module_names:
+    mod_dir = os.path.normpath(target_dir + "/" + d)
+    if os.path.exists(mod_dir):
+      shutil.rmtree(mod_dir)
+    poa_dir = os.path.normpath(target_dir + "/" + d + "__POA")
+    if os.path.exists(poa_dir):
+      shutil.rmtree(poa_dir)
+def remove_dirs(base_dir, dir_names):
+  for d in dir_names:
+    target_dir = os.path.normpath(base_dir + "/" + d)
+    if os.path.exists(target_dir):
+      shutil.rmtree(target_dir)
+# "clean" command
+class clean_all(Command):
+  """
+  This class is a parent command of clean to compile IDL into CORBA
+  stubs and to make documentation.
+  """
+  description = "Generate python CORBA stubs from IDL files and documentation"
+  user_options = []
+  boolean_options = []
+  def initialize_options(self):
+    return
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    return
+  def run(self):
+    for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands():
+      self.run_command(cmd_name)
+    return
+  # sub_command member attribute
+  sub_commands = [
+    ('clean_core', None),
+    ('clean_doc',  None),
+    ('clean_example', None)
+    ]
+# "clean_core" sub command
+class clean_core(Command):
+  """
+  This class is a parent command of clean to compile IDL into CORBA
+  stubs and to make documentation.
+  """
+  description = "Removing generated CORBA stubs in core"
+  user_options = []
+  boolean_options = []
+  def initialize_options(self):
+    return
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    return
+  def run(self):
+    remove_stubs(baseidl_path, baseidl_files, baseidl_mods)
+# "clean_example" sub command
+class clean_example(Command):
+  """
+  This class is a parent command of clean to compile IDL into CORBA
+  stubs and to make documentation.
+  """
+  description = "Removing generated CORBA stubs in examples"
+  user_options = []
+  boolean_options = []
+  def initialize_options(self):
+    return
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    return
+  def run(self):
+    target_dir = os.path.normpath(example_dir + "/SimpleService")
+    remove_stubs(target_dir, ["MyService.idl"], ["SimpleService"])
+    target_dir = os.path.normpath(example_dir + "/AutoTest")
+    remove_stubs(target_dir, ["AutoTestService.idl"], ["AutoTest"])
+# "clean_doc" sub command
+class clean_doc(Command):
+  """
+  This class is a parent command of clean to compile IDL into CORBA
+  stubs and to make documentation.
+  """
+  description = "Delete generated documentation files"
+  user_options = []
+  boolean_options = []
+  def initialize_options(self):
+    return
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    return
+  def run(self):
+    remove_dirs(document_path, ["ClassReference-en", "ClassReference-jp"])
+# sdist command classes
+from distutils.filelist import FileList
+class sdist_all(sdist):
+  def run(self):
+    for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands():
+      self.run_command(cmd_name)
+    return
+  # sub_commands
+  sub_commands = [
+    ('sdist_tgz', None),
+    ('sdist_zip',  None),
+    ]
+class sdist_tgz(sdist):
+  def run(self):
+    self.formats = ["gztar"]
+    self.filelist = FileList()
+    self.check_metadata()
+    self.get_file_list()
+    if self.manifest_only:
+      return
+    self.make_distribution()
+class sdist_zip(sdist):
+  def run(self):
+    self.formats = ["zip"]
+    self.filelist = FileList()
+    self.check_metadata()
+    self.get_file_list()
+    if self.manifest_only:
+      return
+    # converting character code into Shift-JIS
+    import re
+    for f in self.filelist.files:
+      if not re.match('OpenRTM_aist.*\.py$', f): continue
+      convert_file_code(f, "shift_jis", "\r\n", "euc_jp")
+    self.make_distribution()
+    # reverting character code
+    for f in self.filelist.files:
+      if not re.match('OpenRTM_aist.*\.py$', f): continue
+      convert_file_code(f, "euc_jp", "\n", "shift_jis")
+# install command classes
+# "install" command
+# install_all: top level install command
+#  +(install_lib)
+#  +(install_scripts)
+#  +(install_egg_info)
+#  + install_core
+#    + install_core_lib = install_lib
+#    + install_core_scripts = install_scripts
+#    + install_core_egg_info = install_egg_info
+#  + install_example
+#  + install_doc
+class install_all(install):
+  """
+  This class is a parent command of install to compile IDL into CORBA
+  stubs and to make documentation.
+  """
+  description = "Generate python CORBA stubs from IDL files and documentation"
+  def run(self):
+    for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands():
+      self.run_command(cmd_name) 
+    return
+  sub_commands = [('install_lib',     install.has_lib),
+                  ('install_scripts', install.has_scripts),
+                  ('install_data', install.has_data),
+                  ('install_egg_info', lambda self:True),
+                  ('install_example', lambda self:True),
+                  ('install_doc', lambda self:True),
+                  ]
+class install_core(install):
+  description = "Installing core modules and data files"
+  sub_commands = [('install_core_lib',     install.has_lib),
+                  ('install_core_scripts', install.has_scripts),
+                  ('install_data', install.has_data),
+                  ('install_core_egg_info', lambda self:True)
+                  ]
+from distutils.command.install_lib import install_lib as _install_lib
+# sub-command "install_core_lib" which is called from install_core
+class install_core_lib(_install_lib):
+  def finalize_options (self):
+    self.set_undefined_options('install_core',
+                               ('build_lib', 'build_dir'),
+                               ('install_lib', 'install_dir'),
+                               ('force', 'force'),
+                               ('compile', 'compile'),
+                               ('optimize', 'optimize'),
+                               ('skip_build', 'skip_build'),
+                               )
+from distutils.command.install_scripts import install_scripts as _install_scripts
+# sub-command "install_core_script" which is called from install_core
+class install_core_scripts(_install_scripts):
+  def finalize_options (self):
+    self.set_undefined_options('build', ('build_scripts', 'build_dir'))
+    self.set_undefined_options('install_core',
+                               ('install_scripts', 'install_dir'),
+                               ('force', 'force'),
+                               ('skip_build', 'skip_build'),
+                               )
+from distutils.command.install_egg_info import install_egg_info as _install_egg_info
+# sub-command "install_core_egg_info" which is called from install_core
+class install_core_egg_info(_install_egg_info):
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    self.set_undefined_options('install_core_lib',
+                               ('install_dir','install_dir'))
+    self.set_undefined_options('install_core',
+                               ('install_layout','install_layout'))
+    self.set_undefined_options('install_core',
+                               ('prefix_option','prefix_option'))
+    _install_egg_info.finalize_options(self)
+class install_example(install_data):
+  description = "Installing example scripts"
+  def initialize_options(self):
+    self.example_files = None
+    install_data.initialize_options(self)
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    install_data.finalize_options(self)
+    self.example_files = self.distribution.example_files
+    self.data_files = self.example_files
+class install_doc(install_data):
+  description = "Installing document files"
+  def initialize_options(self):
+    self.document_files = None
+    install_data.initialize_options(self)
+  def finalize_options(self):
+    install_data.finalize_options(self)
+    self.document_files = self.distribution.document_files
+    self.data_files = self.document_files
+from distutils.dist import Distribution
+class MyDistribution(Distribution):
+    def __init__(self, attrs=None):
+        self.coredata_files= None
+        self.example_files= None
+        self.document_files= None
+        Distribution.__init__(self, attrs)
+# file list
+# core package list
+pkg_packages   = openrtm_core_packages \
+               + openrtm_ext_packages  \
+               + openrtm_utils_packages
+# IDL file list
+pkg_package_data_files = {
+  'OpenRTM_aist': ['RTM_IDL/*.idl'],
+  'OpenRTM_aist': ['RTM_IDL/device_interfaces/*.idl']
+  }
+# scripts
+if os_is() == "win32":
+  pkg_scripts = pkg_scripts_win32
+  pkg_scripts = pkg_scripts_unix
+# ext modules
+if os_is() == "win32":
+  ext_match_regex = ext_match_regex_win32
+  ext_match_regex = ext_match_regex_unix
+  pkg_ext_files = create_filelist(ext_dir,
+                                  "OpenRTM_aist/",
+                                  target_ext_dir,
+                                  ext_match_regex)
+# example file list -> MyDistribution.example_files
+pkg_example_files   = create_filelist(example_dir,
+                                      example_dir,
+                                      target_example_dir,
+                                      example_match_regex)
+# document file list -> MyDistribution.document_files
+pkg_document_files_en = create_filelist(document_dir + "/ClassReference-en",
+                                        document_dir,
+                                        target_doc_dir,
+                                        document_match_regex)
+pkg_document_files_jp = create_filelist(document_dir + "/ClassReference-jp",
+                                        document_dir,
+                                        target_doc_dir,
+                                        document_match_regex)
+pkg_document_files = pkg_document_files_en + pkg_document_files_jp
+# main
+core.setup(name             = pkg_name,
+           version          = pkg_version,
+           description      = pkg_desc,
+           author           = pkg_author,
+           author_email     = pkg_email,
+           url              = pkg_url,
+           long_description = pkg_long_desc,
+           license          = pkg_license,
+           distclass        = MyDistribution,
+           cmdclass         = { "build": build_all,
+                                "build_core": build_core,
+                                "build_example": build_example,
+                                "build_doc": build_doc,
+                                "clean": clean_all,
+                                "clean_core": clean_core,
+                                "clean_example": clean_example,
+                                "clean_doc": clean_doc,
+                                "install": install_all,
+                                "install_core_lib": install_core_lib,
+                                "install_core_scripts": install_core_scripts,
+                                "install_core_egg_info": install_core_egg_info,
+                                "install_core": install_core,
+                                "install_example": install_example,
+                                "install_doc": install_doc,
+                                "sdist": sdist_all,
+                                "sdist_tgz": sdist_tgz,
+                                "sdist_zip": sdist_zip,
+                                },
+           packages         = pkg_packages,
+           package_dir      = {module_dir: module_dir},
+           package_data     = pkg_package_data_files,
+           scripts          = pkg_scripts,
+           example_files    = pkg_example_files,
+           document_files   = pkg_document_files,
+           )

Property changes on: trunk/OpenRTM-aist-Python/setup.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *

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