[openrtm-users 02410] Re: Deactivate RT-component from within a program

Hajime SAITO h.saito @ generalrobotix.com
2012年 1月 31日 (火) 17:51:40 JST


Are you asking whether the component deactivates itself? Or do you
want to trigger this from outside the component?

You have a choice of using a service port for the trigger, or you can
use a property value that you check from within the onExecute



2012年1月31日17:38  <owh @ ieee.org>:
> Hi, How can I deactivate RT-component from within the program? For example,
> from onExecute, or from other method. An illustrative case is that a user
> input toggled a bool variable, which is being checked in onExecute to decide
> if to deactivate (NOT exit) the component. Hope to get some help. Thanks.
> Hong
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