[openrtm-users 02411] Re: Deactivate RT-component from within a program

Ando Noriaki n-ando @ aist.go.jp
2012年 1月 31日 (火) 18:02:27 JST


This is an example code in C++.

 ReturnCode_t RTObject_impl::onExecute(RTC::UniqueId ec_id)
     : // you code
  if (gotoInactiveState)
      RTC::ExecutionContext_var ec = get_context(ec_id);
      if (CORBA::is_nil(ec))
     : // your code
   return RTC::RTC_OK;

 In the next execution tick, onDeactivated() will be called and
RTC will be in the INACTIVE state.

>From OpenRTM-aist-1.1.0, getExecutionContext(), deactivate(),
activate() and reset() functions are introduced in DataflowComponentBase.

Best regards,
Noriaki ANDO

2012年1月31日17:38  <owh @ ieee.org>:
> Hi, How can I deactivate RT-component from within the program? For example,
> from onExecute, or from other method. An illustrative case is that a user
> input toggled a bool variable, which is being checked in onExecute to decide
> if to deactivate (NOT exit) the component. Hope to get some help. Thanks.
> Hong
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