[openrtm-users 02561] SIMPAR2012 投稿募集 (6/14〆切) のご案内

Ando Noriaki n-ando @ aist.go.jp
2012年 6月 1日 (金) 17:36:13 JST

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に関する国際会議 SIMPAR2012 についてご案内させて頂きます。


          ***** Deadline Is Extended to 14th of June *****

                          Call for Paper

                   The Third International Conference on
   Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots

                        November 5-8, 2012
                          AIST, Tsukuba, Japan


Novel robotics applications driven by research, industry and society
call for the development of systems of ever increasing complexity:
systems with sliding autonomy; humanoid robots; distributed robots;
mobile sensor networks, and so on. But unfortunately, steady
improvements in robot hardware have not been matched by corresponding
advancements in robot software. Besides fundamental open problems
still waiting for sound answers, the development of new robotics
applications still suffers from the lack of widely used tools,
libraries, and algorithms ready to be incorporated into new
projects. Simulation environments are playing a main role in reducing
development time and cost of large scale systems. But their use is
still regarded by many with skepticism. Seamless migration of code
from general purpose simulators to real world systems is still a rare
circumstance, due to the complexity of robot, world, sensors, and
actuators modeling.

These challenges drive the quest for next generation of methodologies
and tools for robot development. The objective of the International
Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous
Robots (SIMPAR) is to offer a unique forum for these topics and to
bring together researchers from academia and industry to identify and
solve the key issues necessary to ease the development of increasingly
complex robot software, and to boost a smooth shifting of results from
simulated to real applications.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  * Robot simulation and mathematical modeling of robots
  * Reliability, scalability and validation of robot simulation
  * Simulated sensors and actuators
  * Offline simulation of robot design
  * Online simulation with realtime constraints
  * Simulation with software/hardware in the loop
  * Modeling framework for robots and environments
  * Robotic service by ubiquitous sensor network
  * Interaction between sensor networks and robots
  * Communication infrastructures in distributed robotics and sensors
  * Human robot interaction and collaboration
  * Multirobot systems
  * Software platform and middleware for robotics
  * Testing and validation of robot software
  * Standardization for robotic services

[[Invited Speakers]]

  * Professor Yoshiyuki Sankai, Ph.D,
    Department of System & Information Engineering,
    Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan.

  * Dr. Jean-Paul Laumond,
    Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systemes
    CNRS, France.

  * Professor Michael Beetz,
    Department of Computer Science,
    Technische Universitaet Muenhen, Germany

[[Important Dates]]

      June 14, 2012    : *** New deadline for submission of papers ***
      July 15, 2012   : Notification
      August 15, 2012 : Submission of final camera-ready-papers
      November 5-8, 2012: Conference and Workshops


 * General Chair:
      Itsuki Noda (AIST, Japan)

 * Steering Committees:
      Tamio Arai (University of Tokyo, Japan)
      Herman Bruyninckx (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
      Xiaoping Chen (University of Science and Technology of China)
      Maria Gini (University of Minnesota, USA)
      Enrico Pagello, Founding Chair (University of Padua, Italy)
      Lynne Parker (University of Tennessee, USA)
      Oskar von Stryk (University of Darmstadt, Germany)

 * Program co-Chairs:
      Noriaki Ando (AIST, Japan)
      Davide Brugali (University of Bergamo, Italy)
      James Kuffner (CMU, USA)

 * PC Members:
      Tamim Asfour (HISL, Germany),
      Torsten Bertram (TU Dortmund, Germany),
      Mirko Bordignon (Digipack Ind. Autom., Italy),
      Herman Bruyninckx (KU Leuven, Belgium),
      Andreu Corominas Murtra (Beta Rpbotics, Spain),
      Jonathan Courbon (Univ. Blaise Pascal, France),
      Alexander Ferrein (FH Aachen, Germany),
      Alberto Jardon (Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, Spain),
      Matthias Kropff (TU Darmstadt, Germany),
      Konrad Kulakowski (AGH Univ. Sci. and Tech., Poland),
      Jacques Malenfant (LIP6, France),
      Luis Manso (Univ. de Extremadura, Spain),
      Emanuele Menegatti (Univ. degli Studi di Padova, Italy),
      Stefano Pagnottelli (Univ. of Perugia, Italy),
      Pavel Petrovic (Comenius Univ, Slovakia),
      Olena Rogovchenko (LIP6, France),
      Alberto Sanfeliu (Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain),
      Christian Schlegel (Hochschule Ulm, Germany),
      Ruben Smits (KU Leven, Belgium),
      Domenico Sorrenti (Univ. degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy),
      Piotr Trojanek (Warsaw Univ. of Tech., Poland),
      Arndt von Twickel (Univ. of Osnabrueck),
      Pietro Zanuttigh (Univ. of Padova, Italy),
      Sang Chul Ahn (KIST,Korea)
      Joschka Boedecker (Osaka Univ.,Japan)
      Kosei Demura (Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.,Japan)
      Toshio Hori (AIST,Japan)
      Seung-Woog Jung (ETRI,Korea)
      Takayuki Kanda (ATR,Japan)
      Hyun Kim (ETRI,Korea)
      Joo-Ho Lee (Ritsumei Univ.,Japan)
      Bruce MacDonald (Auckland Univ, ,New Zealand)
      Takashi Minato (ATR,Japan)
      Kazuyuki Morioka (Meiji Univ.,,Japan)
      Mihoko NIITSUMA (Chuo Univ.,Japan)
      Kei Okada (Univ. of Tokyo,Japan)
      Hiroyuki Okada (Tamagawa Univ.,Japan)
      Jun Ota (Univ. of Tokyo,Japan)
      HongSeong Park (Kangwon National Univ.,Korea)
      Masayuki Shimizu (Shizuoka Univ.,Japan)
      Kai-Tai Song (National Chiao Tung Univ.,Taiwan)
      Yuki Suga (Waseda Univ.,Japan)
      Masaki Takahashi (Keio Univ.,Japan)
      Sasaki Takeshi (Shibaura Institute of Technology,Japan)
      Kazuyoshi Wada (Tokyo Metro. Univ.,Japan)
      Hongxing Wei (Beyhang Univ.,China)
      Mary-Anne Williams (Univ. of Tech. Sydney,Australia)
      Hiroaki Yaguchi (Univ. of Tokyo,Japan)

安藤慶昭@独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所 知能システム研究部門
    統合知能研究グループ 主任研究員, 博士(工学)
    〒305-8568 つくば市梅園1-1-1 中央第2
    e-mail: n-ando @ aist.go.jp, web: http://staff.aist.go.jp/n-ando
    OpenRTM-aist: http://www.openrtm.org

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