[openrtm-users 02533] Is there any specific documentation or example ablout Java API of openRTM?

shanshan1370 shanshan1370 @ sina.com
2012年 5月 21日 (月) 22:24:33 JST

Dear Sir:

I'm trying to control my RT-components with my Java programs in the place of RTSystem-Editor.
I'm doing this using OpenRTM-aist-1.0.0.jar which was provided by OpenRTM-for-java install package. I found this Java interface is perfict for my task but it is hard to master the usage.
Since there is a simple example "SimpleIO" in the package, I can already make basic operations such as active\deactive\connect RT-Components.
Besides that example, there is an API that is in html format, which is too brief for me to understand.
What can I do if I want to learn to use some advanced fuctions such as finding zombie components, listing all the components and so on?

Thanks in advance!


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