Operation Check

Run the sample component

After successful installation, you can check the operation with the attached sample component. The installation destination of the sample component is as follows.


Start OpenRTP, a tool for operating the RTC and building the RT system.

  • OpenRTM-aist 2.0 series is started by the openrtp2 command.

 $ openrtp2

In OpenRTM-aist 1.2 series, it is started by the openrtp command. Although the command name is different, the startup procedure and usage are the same as 1.2 series, so please see the following page for details.

※OpenRTP can coexist with 1.2 series and 2.0 series. Therefore, it is possible to run both openrtp and openrtp2.

The attached sample components are listed on the following pages for the Windows version. There is no difference between the Windows version and the Linux version in terms of component operation. If you want to know a little more about the procedure for executing the sample component in the Linux environment, see the 1.2 series explanation page below. If you read the component path, the execution procedure is the same for 2.0 series.

Installation of OpenCV sample components

OpenCV's C ++ sample components do not provide a deb package for installation. We provide a script to generate a deb package from the source, so please build and install it.

Installation example of OpenCV4.5.4

This is an example of building and installing the OpenCV main unit of version 4.5.4 and the extension module group (opencv_contrib) together.

  • First, comment in the following deb-src line in /etc/apt/sources.list.

 $ sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
 deb-src http://jp.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ *** universe
 deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ *** universe

  • The installation of OpenCV is completed by executing the following command.

 sudo apt build-dep opencv
 wget https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/refs/tags/4.5.4.tar.gz -O opencv-4.5.4.tar.gz
 tar xvzf opencv-4.5.4.tar.gz
 wget https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/archive/refs/tags/4.5.4.tar.gz -O opencv_contrib-4.5.4.tar.gz
 tar xvzf opencv_contrib-4.5.4.tar.gz
 cd opencv-4.5.4
 mkdir build
 cd build
 cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=../../opencv_contrib-4.5.4/modules -DBUILD_opencv_java=OFF ..
 make -j$(nproc)
 sudo make install
 sudo ldconfig

OpenCV sample component build procedure

Get the source ImageProcessing, build it, and generate a deb package.

 git clone https://github.com/OpenRTM/ImageProcessing
 cd ImageProcessing/opencv
 mkdir build
 cd build
 cmake ..

This will generate imageprocessing_2.0.0_amd64.deb and install it.

 sudo dpkg -i imageprocessing_2.0.0_amd64.deb
 ls /usr/share/openrtm-2.0/components/c++/opencv-rtcs/
 Affine                       CameraViewer     Edge         Histogram         ImageSubtraction  Perspective        Scale                 Template
 BackGroundSubtractionSimple  Chromakey        Findcontour  Hough             ObjectTracking    RockPaperScissors  Sepia                 Translate
 Binarization                 DilationErosion  Flip         ImageCalibration  OpenCVCamera      Rotate             SubtractCaptureImage  rtc.conf

An executable file (*** Comp) is installed under each sample directory, so please try it.

Precautions when CMake in an environment where 1.2 series and 2.0 series coexist

The C ++ sample components have been regenerated so that they can be built mostly with CMake.
Let's take ConsoleIn as an example.

In the coexistence environment of 1.2 series and 2.0 series, OpenRTMConfig.cmake is installed in the following two places. For this reason, the OpenRTMConfig.cmake found earlier is used.


In this environment, try running ConsoleIn cmake.

 git clone https://github.com/OpenRTM/OpenRTM-aist
 cd OpenRTM-aist/examples/ConsoleIn/
 mkdir build
 cd build
 cmake ..
 -- OpenRTMConfig.cmake 2.0.0 found.

In 2.0 series OpenRTMConfig.cmake, the version number is output. The version number is not output in 1.2 series.
If you want to build with 1.2 series, specify OpenRTM_DIR as follows in the cmake option.

 cmake -DOpenRTM_DIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openrtm-1.2/cmake ..
 -- OpenRTMConfig.cmake found.