Error message

  • Warning: file_put_contents(temporary://filef7uWxC): failed to open stream: "DrupalTemporaryStreamWrapper::stream_open" call failed in file_unmanaged_save_data() (line 2024 of /var/www/html/openrtm/includes/
  • The file could not be created.
  • Warning: file_put_contents(temporary://filegKzFZA): failed to open stream: "DrupalTemporaryStreamWrapper::stream_open" call failed in file_unmanaged_save_data() (line 2024 of /var/www/html/openrtm/includes/
  • The file could not be created.

Build from the source code (On Windows)

If you want to install from source package on Windows, you need to build OpenRTM-aist-Python yourself.

Build environment

The following tools are required:
  • Python
  • omniORBpy
  • Doxgen

Install it as described in the following.


Requires Python 2.7 (or 3.6, 3.7). Please get the latest one from the following site and install it.

In the following explanation, the following settings are required when installing Python. (Others are the default settings of the installer.)

  • Set the installation destination to C: \ PythonX.Y.
    • X.Y is 2.7, 3.6 or 3.7, eg C:\Python2.7
  • In Python3.7, select [Customize Installation] during installation.
  • The above directory must be included in the command search path (The path for python directory is added to the environment variable PATH).
    • In 3.7, if you check [Add Python to environmental variable] during installation, the installer will set PATH.
    • In the other cases, you need to set it manually.


OpenRTM-aist-Python build requires an omniORBpy library. omniORBpy can obtain the necessary files from the links below.

You can also get the source from the official website.

We recommend that you use the latest version of the site file (currently 4.2.3) unless you have a specific reason to do so. There are multiple files, but the meanings of the file names are as follows. Select the file to be used according to the description.

The format of the file name is as follows.

omniORB-X.Y.Z-{win32|x64}-{vc100|vc110|vc120|vc140}-{py27|py36|py37}. zip

omniORB version, e.g. 4.2.3
if 32-bit Python is used.
if 64-bit Python is used.
If C ++ environment is used and the tool is Visual Studio 2010
If C ++ environment is used and the tool is Visual Studio 2012
If C ++ environment is used and the tool is Visual Studio 2013
If C ++ environment is used and the tool is Visual Studio 2015/2017/2019
If Python 2.7 is used.
If Python 3.6 is used.
If Python 3.7 is used.

If you use omniORB 4.2.3 in 64bit Python 3.7 environment, download

How to install omniORB files

When the downloaded ZIP file is expanded, the following directory tree is expanded. Copy the files under each directory to the Python directory according to the instructions below.

In the following, I used x.y. for the version of the using omniORBpy and X.Y for the version of the using Python.

 + omniORBpy-x.y
  + bin
     + x86_win32-> Both exe and dll directly under C:\PythonX.Y
  + doc-> may be deleted
  + examples-> may be deleted
  + idl-> may be deleted, but may be deleted under C:\PythonX.Y\Lib\site-packages\omniORB\idl
  + lib
    + python-> The following directories and files as a whole C:\PythonX.Y\Lib\site-packages
    + x86_win32-> .pyd directly under C:\PythonX.Y\Lib\site-packages


Download and execute the Windows version binary executable file from the web page.

Get source package

First, download the source code file from the link below and extract it to an appropriate directory.


Start the command prompt, move to the directory where the source code was extracted earlier, and build with the following command.

 > python build


If everything is Ok for the builds, complete the installation with the following command:

 > python install

This completes the installation of OpenRTM-aist.


latest Releases : 2.0.0-RELESE

2.0.0-RELESE Download page

Number of Projects


Motion editor/Dynamics simulator


Dynamics simulator


Integrated Development Platform

AIST RTC collection

RT-Components collection by AIST


Tokyo Opensource Robotics Association


Middleware for DAQ (Data Aquisition) by KEK