
Actuator Array

Low-level control of an array of actuators, allowing each individual actuator's position to be controlled.


Port name Purpose Data
ActuatorPos Individual actuator position control. ActArrayActuatorPos structure
ActuatorSpeed Individual actuator speed control. ActArrayActuatorSpeed structure
ActuatorCurrent Individual actuator current control. ActArrayActuatorCurrent structure
Positions Whole-array position control. TimedDoubleSeq
Speeds Whole-array speed control. TimedDoubleSeq
Currents Whole-array current control. TimedDoubleSeq


Member Type Description
time Time Time stamp.
index unsigned short Index of the actuator to modify.
position double New position for the actuator in metres or radians.


Member Type Description
time Time Time stamp.
index unsigned short Index of the actuator to modify.
speed double New speed for the actuator in metres per second or radians per second.


Member Type Description
time Time Time stamp.
index unsigned short Index of the actuator to modify.
current double New current for the actuator in amps.


Port name Purpose Data
State Status of the actuators in the array. ActArrayState structure


Member Type Description
time Time Time stamp.
actuators sequence<Actuator> Sequence of states for the actuators in the array.


Member Type Description
position double Position of the actuator, in metres (for linear actuators) or radians (for rotary actuators).
speed double Current speed of the actuator, in metres per second or radians per second.
accel double Acceleration of the actuator, in metres per second squared or radians per second squared.
current double Current draw of the actuator in amps.
state ActArrayActuatorStatus State of the actuator.


Value Description
ACTUATOR_STATUS_IDLE Actuator is idle.
ACTUATOR_STATUS_MOVING Actuator is moving.
ACTUATOR_STATUS_BRAKED Actuator's brakes are engaged.
ACTUATOR_STATUS_STALLED Actuator has stalled while trying to move.


Port name Purpose Parameters Return data
GetGeometry Device position and size information. None ActArrayGeometry structure
GoHome Send one or all actuators to a predefined home position. (unsigned short) Index or -1 for all actuators None
Power Enable or disable power to the array. (boolean) True to enable power, false to disable None
Brakes Engage or disengage brakes on all actuators. (boolean) True to enable brakes, false to disable None
ConfigSpeed Set the movement speed of an actuator. (unsigned short) Actuator index; (double) New speed None
ConfigAccel Set the acceleration of an actuator. (unsigned short) Actuator index; (double) New acceleration None


Member Type Description
baseGeometry Geometry3D Geometry of the overall array.
actuators ActArrayActuatorGeometry[] Geometry of each individual actuator in the array.


Member Type Description
type ActArrayActuatorType Type of the actuator: linear or rotary.
length double The length of this actuator's link to the next actuator. For linear actuators, this should be its length when at 0 position.
orientation Orientation3D The orientation of this actuator when it is in its rest position. When combined with the length of the actuator's link, this will give the position in space of the next actuator in the array in the coordinate space of this actuator (i.e., it is the direction to the next actuator).
axis Vector3D The axis of rotation for this actuator if it is rotary, or axis along which it moves if it is linear. In both cases, it is a vector.
minRange double Minimum range of motion of the actuator, in metres or radians.
centre double Centre point of the actuator's range of motion, in metres or radians.
maxRange double Maximum range of motion of the actuator, in metres or radians.
home double Home point of the actuator, in metres or radians.
hasBrakes boolean True if this actuator has brakes.


Value Description
ACTARRAY_ACTUATORTYPE_LINEAR A linear actuator, such as a hydraulic piston.
ACTARRAY_ACTUATORTYPE_ROTARY A rotary actuator, such as a motorised elbow joint.


latest Releases : 2.0.0-RELESE

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