Install to Windows

Install OpenRTM-aist

The procedure for installing OpenRTM-aist using the MSI installer is described on the following page.
  • Installing OpenRTM-aist1.2 (Windows, using MSI installer) Download the .msi file. The file name terminated by "x86_64.msi" for the 64-bit version, and "x86.msi" for the 32-bit version. After downloading, double-click the .msi file to start the installation program. If you select [Standard] during installation, all configurations supported by this .msi file will be installed. If you want to install only a part of the configuration, select [Custom]. (Because for the other configurations than [Standard], our validation was not enough, it is recommended to install with [Standard].)

Install JDK8

OpenRTM-aist-Java-1.2.x requires a JDK8-equivalent JDK (OpenRTM-aist will not work properly with JDK11). It should be installed in advance. See below for information on obtaining and installing JDK8.

JDK installation confirmation

Open a command prompt,type-in:

 C:\> java -version
Installation is Ok if the installed Java version is displayed. For example, it is displayed as follows.
 openjdk version "1.8.0_232"
 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_232-b09)
 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.232-b09, mixed mode)

What the installer does

The installer does the following:
  • Copy various files under the installation directory (default is C:\Program Files)
  • Create OpenRTM-aist folder under start menu and set various shortcuts
  • Set environment variables
    • In 64-bit MSI file case
       RTM_BASE=C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\ RTM_IDL_DIR=C:\Program Files\OpenrRTM-aist\1.2.1\rtm\idl\ RTM_JAVA_ROOT=C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\ RTM_ROOT=C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\ RTM_VC_VERSION=vc14
       OMNI_ROOT=C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\omniORB\4.2.1_% RTM_VC_VERSION%\ OpenCV_DIR=C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\OpenCV3.4\ OpenRTM_DIR=C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\cmake\
    • In 32-bit MSI case
       RTM_BASE=C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenRTM-aist\ RTM_IDL_DIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenrRTM-aist\1.2.1\rtm\idl\ RTM_JAVA_ROOT=C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\ RTM_ROOT=C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\ RTM_VC_VERSION=vc14
       OMNI_ROOT=C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\omniORB\4.2.3_% RTM_VC_VERSION%\ OpenCV_DIR=C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\OpenCV3.4\ OpenRTM_DIR=C:\Program FilessOpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\cmake\-- Added paths in 64-bit MSI file case
       C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\bin\% RTM_VC_VERSION%\ C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\omniORB\4.2.3_% RTM_VC_VERSION%\bin\x86_win32\ C:\Program Files\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\OpenCV3.4\x64\% RTM_VC_VERSION%\bin\
    • Added paths in 32-bit MSI file case
       C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\bin\% RTM_VC_VERSION%\ C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\omniORB\4.2.3_% RTM_VC_VERSION%\bin\x86_win32\ C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenRTM-aist\1.2.1\OpenCV3.4\x86\% RTM_VC_VERSION%\bin\

      Files to be installed

The files are installed in the following structure.

   + OpenRTM-aist
      + 1.x.x: old version runtime
      + 1.2.1
         + bin: dll, lib various commands
         + cmake: OpenRTMConfig.cmake
         + coil: coil header file
         + Components
            + C ++
               + Examples: C ++ sample components
               + OpenCV: OpenCV C ++ sample component
            + Java: Java sample component
            + Python: Python sample component
         + etc: rtc.conf sample
         + jar: jar file
         + jre: OpenJDK JRE
         + omniORB
         + OpenCV3.4
         + rtm: OpenRTM-aist header file
            + ext: extension module file
            + idl: OpenRTM-aistIDL file
         + util
            + ExcelControlpy: Python based RTC for Microsoft Office
            + OpenRTP: RTCBuilder and RTSystemEditor tools
            + PowerPointControlpy: RTC for Microsoft Office PowerPoint
            + python_dist: Common library for python-based tools
            + RTCDT: A tool to support the development of Python-based RTC
            + rtc-template: An old tool that provides similar functions to RTCBuilder
            + RTSystemEditor: RTSystem Editor only file
            + VCVerChanger: Tool to specify the version of Visual Studio used
            + WordContrlpy: Python based RTC for Microsoft Office Word


最新バージョン : 2.0.1-RELESE













